Cfe HW 1660907936 RSHP Gender Stereotypes and Equality Powerpoint - Ver - 1

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When Babies Are Born

The sex of a baby is determined by whether it has a vulva or a penis.

A baby with a penis is registered a boy at birth and a baby with a vulva is
registered a girl at birth.
Some parents find out the sex of their baby before it is born using scans or
a blood test and some parents find out when the baby is born.
If it is ever not clear if a baby has a penis or a vulva the doctor can use
blood tests to determine the sex of the baby.
Who Am I?
Who is most likely to do these jobs when they grow up? Men or women?

firefighter nurse mechanic

teacher police officer

Do you know what you would like to do when you grow up?
Boys and Girls
Some people believe different things about boys and girls.

Can you think of different things that you have heard based on the likes,
hobbies or appearance of boys and girls?

girls play boys are stronger

with dolls than girls

girls are smarter boys are better only boys like

than boys at sport football

girls like to all boys have

wear pink short hair

These statements are

Are any of these statements true?
called stereotypes.
Stereotyping is when you assume things about a group of people based on
something they have in common. Stereotyping others can be harmful and upsetting.

Stereotypes can be based

on different characteristics,
for example:

• gender
• race or ethnicity
• religion
• disability
• age

We have to challenge
Common Stereotypes
These are common stereotypes that you
might have heard before. They are not
true and we should challenge them! teenagers are lazy

men are stronger Black people are

than women faster at running

older people struggle Can you think of any more

to use technology common stereotypes?
We cannot stereotype and group
people in this way. It can be
all disabilities are upsetting and lead to prejudice and
visible discrimination.
Gender Stereotypes
Deciding if someone is a boy or a girl
based on the colour of their clothes,
length of their hair or hobbies and
interests is called gender stereotyping.
Some people gender stereotype
based on how a person looks or
their interests.

These are examples of gender How a person looks and what their
stereotypes: interests are tells you about who they
are as a person, not about their sex
all girls have long hair or gender. 
Everyone has the right to express
only boys like football themselves in their own unique way.
We must always be kind and
Can you think of any more respectful to the choices others
gender stereotypes? make.
Prejudice is the judgement of Making judgements about
someone or something without someone before getting to know
knowing enough information about them can lead to hostility and
that person or thing. Some people you could be missing out on
make decisions about other people getting to know someone really
based on stereotypes.  amazing!
Stereotyping and Sexism is a form of gender discrimination,
prejudice can lead to where someone is unfairly treated because
discrimination. of their gender. 
Discrimination is the
unfair treatment of a Not giving a man a job as a nursery teacher
person based on how because you think they are not as caring as
they look or judgements women or not employing women as
made about a person firefighters because of the belief that they
without getting to know are not strong enough are both examples of
gender discrimination.

It is illegal to discriminate against someone based on their gender.

Gender Equality
The next time you make a
judgement about someone, stop
and ask yourself, “Is this true, or
am I making assumptions based
on a stereotype?”

Equality is about fairness for all.

Gender equality means making
sure that all genders are treated
fairly and are given equal
opportunities based on skill and

Gender equality is part of the

Global Goals for Sustainable
Development where we need to be
aware of, recognise and challenge
gender stereotypes.
Gender identity describes our sense of who we are
and how we see and describe ourselves. Someone
might identify as a man or a woman, while others may
find neither of these terms feel right for them, and
identify as neither or somewhere in the middle.

Sometimes people do not feel that the sex they were

registered as at birth aligns with their gender identity.
They may identify as transgender (trans), non-binary
or genderqueer.

A transgender woman identifies as a woman, but was

registered a boy at birth. A transgender man identifies
as a man, but was registered a girl at birth.

Someone who identifies as non-binary doesn’t identify

as a man or a woman. A non-binary person might
identify as gender-neutral, or as something else.
Transphobia is a form of gender-based prejudice and can lead to
gender discrimination. 

Transphobia is when a person who

identifies as transgender is unfairly
treated because they are transgender.  
It is always wrong and unacceptable to
be rude, cruel or treat a person unfairly
for being transgender.

Always see the person and show kindness.

Support and Advice
Always remember if you have any concerns about
anything discussed in this presentation you should always
seek support and advice from an adult you trust.

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