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The student able to understand the structure of

mathematical proofs.
The student will be able to determine the direct
proofs of universal and existential statements.
The student will be able to disproving universal and
existential statements by Counterexample.
The student will be able to construct proof by
“Mathematical proofs, like diamonds, are hard and
clear, and will be touched with nothing but strict
reasoning.” -John Locke

Mathematical proofs are, in a sense, the only true

knowledge we have.

They provide us with a guarantee as well as an

explanation (and hopefully some insight)
Why is mathematical proof are necessary?
 You must always (try to) prove that your algorithm
 terminates
 is sound, complete, optimal
 finds optimal solution

 You may also want to show that it is more efficient than

another method
 Proving certain properties of data structures may lead to
new, more efficient or simpler algorithms
 Arguments may entail assumptions. You may want to
prove that the assumptions are valid
Direct Proof and Counterexample I: Introduction

Mathematics, as a science, commenced when first

someone, probably a Greek, proved propositions
about “any” things or about “some” things without
specification of definite particular things. — Alfred
North Whitehead, 1861–1947
Even and Odd Integers

Use the definitions of even and odd to justify your

answers to the following questions.
a. Is 0 even?
b. Is −301 odd?
c. If a and b are integers, is 6a+2b even?
d. If a and b are integers, is 10a + 8b + 1 odd?
e. Is every integer either even or odd?

A positive integer, such as 7, that cannot be written

as a product of two smaller positive integers is called
Prime and Composite Numbers

a. Is 1 prime?
 No. A prime number is required to be greater than 1.

b. Write the first six prime numbers.

 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13

c. Write the first six composite numbers.

 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12
Constructive Proofs of Existence

a. Prove the following: ∃ an even integer n that can be

written in two ways as a sum of two prime
b. Suppose that r and s are integers. Prove the
following: ∃ an integer k such that 22r + 18s = 2k.

a. Let n = 10. Then 10 = 5 + 5 = 3 + 7 and 3, 5, and 7

are all prime numbers.
b. Let k = 11r + 9s. Then k is an integer because it is a
sum of products of integers; and by substitution, 2k
= 2(11r + 9s), which equals 22r + 18s by the
distributive law of algebra.
Disproving Universal Statements by Counterexample
Disproof by Counterexample

Disprove the following statement by finding a


∀ real numbers a and b, if a2 = b2 then a = b.


To disprove this statement, you need to find real

numbers a and b such that the hypothesis a2 = b2 is
true and the conclusion a = b is false. The fact that
both positive and negative integers have positive
squares helps in the search.

Statement: real numbers a and b, if , then

Counterexample: Let and . Then and , and so . But since .

Direct Proof: Universal Statements
Example: Universal Statements

Prove that the sum of any two even integers is even.

Starting Point: Suppose m and n are particular

but arbitrarily chosen integers that are even.
Or, in abbreviated form:
Suppose m and n are any even integers
To Show: m + n is even.
Direct Proof : Universal Statement

 Over the years, the following rules of style have become

fairly standard for writing the final versions of proofs:

a. Copy the statement of the theorem to be proved on your paper.

b. Clearly mark the beginning of your proof with the word Proof.
c. Make your proof self-contained.
d. Write your proof in complete, gramatically correct sentences.
e. Keep your reader informed about the status of each statement in
your proof.
f. Give a reason for each assertion in your proof.
g. Include the “little words and phrases” that make the logic of your
arguments clear.
h. Display equations and inequalities.
Showing That an Existential Statement Is False

Disproving an Existential Statement

Show that the following statement is false:

There is a positive integer n such that is prime.


Proving that the given statement is false is

equivalent to proving its negation is true. The
negation is
For all positive integers n, n2 + 3n + 2 is not prime.
Because the negation is universal, it is proved by
generalizing from the generic particular.
Claim: The statement “There is a positive integer n
such that n2 + 3n + 2 is prime” is false.

Suppose n is any [particular but arbitrarily chosen]

positive integer. [We will show that n2 + 3n + 2 is
not prime.]
We can factor n2 + 3n + 2 to obtain
n2 + 3n + 2 = (n + 1)(n + 2).
We also note that n + 1 and n + 2 are integers
(because they are sums of integers) and that both
n + 1 > 1, and n + 2 > 1 (because n ≥ 1).
Thus n2 + 3n + 2 is a product of two integers each
greater than 1, and so n2 + 3n + 2 is not prime.
Direct Proof and Counterexample 2: Rational Numbers

Sums, differences, and products of integers are

integers. But most quotients of integers are not
integers. Quotients of integers are, however,
important; they are known as rational numbers.

The word rational contains the word ratio, which is another word for quotient.
A rational number can be written as a ratio of integers.
Determining Whether Numbers Are Rational or Irrational


Zero Product Property

If neither of two real numbers is zero,
then their product is also not zero

Every integer is a rational number
Proving Properties of Rational Numbers

A Sum of Rationals Is Rational

Prove that the sum of any two rational numbers is

Begin by mentally or explicitly rewriting the

statement to be proved in the form“∀__________ ,
if__________ then___________ .”
Starting Point: Suppose r and s are particular but
arbitrarily chosen real numbers such that r and s are
rational; or, more simply,
Suppose r and s are rational numbers.
Then ask yourself, “What must I show to complete the
To Show: r + s is rational.


Therefore, r + s is rational by definition of a rational number.

Direct Proof and Counterexample 3:
Example: Divisibility

a. Is 21 divisible by 3? yes. ( 21=3 x 7)

b. Does 5 divide 40? Yes (40=5 x 8)
c. Does 7 | 42? Yes (42= 7 x 6)
d. Is 32 a multiple of −16? Yes (32= -16 x (-2))
e. Is 6 a factor of 54? Yes (54= 6 x 9)
f. Is 7 a factor of −7? Yes (- 7 = 7 x (-1))
Two useful properties of divisibility are:
Theorem 1: A Positive Divisor of a Positive Integer
Theorem: Divisors of 1`
Divisibility of Algebraic Expressions

a. If a and b are integers, is 3a + 3b divisible by 3?

b. If k and m are integers, is 10km divisible by 5?


a. Yes. By the distributive law of algebra, 3a + 3b = 3(a + b)

and a + b is an integer because it is a sum of two integers.

b. Yes. By the associative law of algebra, 10km = 5· (2km)

and 2km is an integer because it is a product of three
Divisors of Zero

If k is any nonzero integer, does k divide 0?

Solution: Yes, because 0 = k · 0.


When the definition of divides is rewritten formally

using the existential quantifier, the results is

Since the negation of an existential statement is

universal, it follows that d does not divide n (denoted
) if, and only if, integers k, , or in other words, the
quotient is not integer.
Does 4|15?

No. which is not integer.

Prime Numbers and Divisibility

An alternative way to define a prime number is to

say that an integer n > 1 is prime if, and only if, its
only positive integer divisors are 1 and itself.
5 is greater than 1
Try divisor 2,3,4,5
Its divisors are 1 and 5
Transitivity of Divisibility

Prove that for all integers a, b, and c, if a | b and b |

c, then a | c.
Indirect Argument: Contradiction
Indirect Argument: Contradiction

In a direct proof you start with the hypothesis of a

statement and make one deduction after another until you
reach the conclusion.

Indirect proofs are more roundabout. One kind of indirect

proof, argument by contradiction, is based on the fact that
either a statement is true or it is false but not both.

So if you can show that the assumption that a given

statement is not true leads logically to a contradiction,
impossibility, or absurdity, then that assumption must be
false: and, hence, the given statement must be true.
Indirect Argument: Contradiction

This method of proof is also known as reductio ad

impossible or reductio ad absurdum because it relies
on reducing a given assumption to an impossibility or
Indirect Argument: Contradiction

The point of departure for a proof by contradiction is the

supposition that the statement to be proved is false. The
goal is to reason to a contradiction. Thus proof by
contradiction has the following outline:
Example – There Is No Greatest Integer

Use proof by contradiction to show that there is no greatest


Most small children believe there is a greatest integer—they
often call it a “zillion.”
But with age and experience, they change their belief. At
some point they realize that if there were a greatest integer,
they could add 1 to it to obtain an integer that was greater
Since that is a contradiction, no greatest integer can exist.
This line of reasoning is the heart of the formal proof.
Example – Solution

For the proof, the “certain property” is the property of

being the greatest integer. To prove that there is no object
with this property, begin by supposing the negation: that
there is an object with the property.

Starting Point: Suppose not. Suppose there is a greatest

integer; call it N. This means that N ≥ n for all
integers n.

To Show: This supposition leads logically to a

Example – Solution

[We take the negation of the theorem and suppose it
to be true.] Suppose not. That is, suppose there is a
greatest integer N. [We must deduce a contradiction.]
Example 1 – Solution

Then N ≥ n for every integer n. Let M = N + 1. Now

M is an integer since it is a sum of integers. Also M > N
since M = N + 1. Thus M is an integer that is greater
than N.

So M is the greatest integer and N is not the greatest

integer, which is a contradiction. [This contradiction
shows that the supposition is false and, hence, that the
theorem is true.]
Indirect Argument: Contradiction

The fact that no integer can be both even and odd

follows from the uniqueness part of the quotient-
remainder theorem.
Indirect Argument: Contradiction

As an example, here is a proof by contradiction of

Proposition 4.6.4, namely that for any integer n, if n2 is even
then n is even.

Proof (by contradiction):

[We take the negation of the theorem and suppose it to be
true.] Suppose not. That is, suppose there is an integer n such
that n2 is even and n is not even. [We must deduce a
Indirect Argument: Contradiction

Any integer is even or odd. Hence, since n is not even it is

odd, and thus, by definition of odd, n = 2k + 1 for some
integer k. By substitution and algebra:

But 2k2 + 2k is an integer because products and sums of

integers are integers.

So n2 = 2  (an integer) + 1, and thus, by definition of odd,

n2 is odd. Therefore, n2 is not even(odd).
Indirect Argument: Contradiction

This contradicts Theorem 4.6.2, which states that no

integer can be both even and odd.

[This contradiction shows that the supposition is

false and, hence, that the proposition is true.]
Tutorial is waiting for you!

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