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UFOs AND NUKES - The Movie

U.S. Nuclear
Weapons Have Been
Compromised by
Unidentified Aerial

Ex-military men say

unknown intruders
have monitored and
even tampered with
American nuclear
missiles Robert Hastings

Intervention by unidentified aerial objects at nuclear weapons sites

Intervention by unidentified aerial objects at
nuclear weapons sites
Disclosure Conference, National Press Club, 27 September 2010
Six former U.S. Air Force officers and one former enlisted man will
break their silence about these events

Dwynne Arneson
(USAF Lt. Col. Ret.,
Intervention by unidentified aerial objects at
nuclear weapons sites
Disclosure Conference, National Press Club, 27 September 2010
Six former U.S. Air Force officers and one former enlisted man will
break their silence about these events

Charles I. Halt
SAF Col. Ret Jerome Nelson Bruce Fenstermacher
Witness testimony from more than 120 former or retired military personnel
points to an ongoing and alarming intervention by unidentified aerial
objects at nuclear weapons sites
UFOs and Nukes - The Movie:

U.S. Nuclear Weapons

Have Been Compromised
by Unidentified Aerial
Ex-military men say
unknown intruders have
monitored and even
tampered with American
nuclear missiles
Robert Hastings
U.S. Nuclear Weapons Have Been Compromised
by Unidentified Aerial Objects
I believe, these gentlemen believe, that this planet is
being visited by beings from another world who, for
whatever reason, have taken an interest in the nuclear
arms race which began at the end of World War II.
Regarding the missile shutdown incidents: my opinion,
their opinion, is that whoever are aboard these craft are
sending a signal to both Washington and Moscow, among
others, that we are playing with fire, that the possession
and threatened use of nuclear weapons potentially
Robert Hastings threatens the human race and the integrity of the
planetary environment.
Ex-military men say unknown intruders have monitored and even tampered with
American nuclear missiles - Group to call on U.S. Government to reveal the facts
Transcript: [UFO] Disclosure Conference at the National Press Club, Washington, streamed
live on CNN - 10 am Pacific Time, Monday 27 Sept.

A declassified photo taken in August of 1952, it’s a photograph of multiple UFOs taken by
the Coast Guard photographer at the time above a US military installation, a common
place for UFO sightings.
The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure
From April 29 to May 3, 2013 -- Washington, DC
The Citizen Hearing on
Disclosure was an
unprecedented event.
Researchers, activists, and
military witnesses representing
ten countries gave testimony in
Washington, DC to six former
members of the United States
Congress about events and
evidence indicating an
extraterrestrial presence
engaging the human race. With
over thirty hours of testimony
from forty witnesses over five
days, the event was the most
concentrated body of evidence
regarding the extraterrestrial
subject ever presented to the
press and the general public at
one time.
The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure
From April 29 to May 3, 2013 -- Washington, DC
More than 40 researchers and military/agency/political witnesses testify in the National
Press Club in Washington for 30 hours over 5 days before 6 former members of the U. S.
Congress regarding events and evidence for extraterrestrial related phenomena since
The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure
From April 29 to May 3, 2013 -- Washington, DC
The committee includes:

Congressmen Congressmen Congresswomen

Senator Mike Roscoe Bartlett (10 Merrill Cook Darlene Hooley
Gravel (2 terms) terms) ( 2 terms) (6 terms)

Congresswomen Congresswomen Joseph G.

Carolyn Kilpatrick (7 Lynn Woolsey Daniel Sheehan Buchman, PhD -
terms) (10 terms) Constitutional Law Moderator
The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure
From April 29 to May 3, 2013 -- Washington, DC

More than 40 researchers and military/agency/political witnesses testify in the National

Press Club in Washington for 30 hours over 5 days before 6 former members of the U.
S. Congress regarding events and evidence for extraterrestrial related phenomena since
A Dying, Former Cia Agent Tells All Citizen Hearing on Ufo Disclosure

You fly out, you land, what happens? Can you describe this whole
process? What you saw?
They took us 13 or 15 miles south to
S4 and like different garage door
openings. And in these garage door
openings, they had like different
saucer crafts. The very first one had
the Roswell craft in it. It was kind of
crashed up, but apparently every
alien that was in it died, except for a

So you see the Roswell craft, and what are some

of the others that you see?

Well, the Roswell craft was really strange, because it looked like really
heavy aluminum foil. We could walk next to it and you could rock it. The
whole thing probably weighed 150-300 pounds.
Paul Hellyer, Canada's former Minister of Defense:
“…at least four species of aliens have been visiting Earth for thousands of years”

He is described in by Russia
Today host Sophie Shevardnadze
as the “first cabinet-level politician
from a G8 country to publicly state
there is extraterrestrial life present
on Earth.”

“UFOs are as real as the airplanes

flying overhead.”
One alien species, known as the
“Tall Whites” is working with the
U.S. air force in Nevada and has
been known to pass for humans in

Paul Hellyer stirred up global controversy when he testified before a half-dozen former US
representatives that aliens exist.
  MotherboardTV - Published on Aug 7, 2013 -
Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell (1930 – 2016):
Aliens Are Real And Are Watching Us
Speaking by Skype on April 29, 2013, at the National Press Club - Washington DC

“We have a history that I am

aware of, particularly
starting with the Roswell
incident, but even long
before that, that we have
been visited by visitors from
different star systems and
different planets”

“…my colleague Gordon Cooper also had an incident when he was at

Edwards Air Force Base as a duty officer. He had a UFO land when he
was on duty. There are a number of us that have had these types of
experiences to say, “Yes, we are not alone. We have been visited and let
us go forward in understanding this phenomenon.”
Astronaut Gordon Cooper on UFO
“I believe that these extra-terrestrial vehicles and
their crews are visiting this planet from other
planets, which obviously are a little more technically
advanced than we are here on earth…
Those few astronauts who have continued to have
a participation in the UFO field have had to do so
very cautiously. There are several of us who do
believe in UFO's and who have had occasion to
see a UFO on the ground, or from an airplane.

An Astronaut's UFO Experience - Gordon Cooper
Gordon Cooper Astronaut Gordon Cooper Talks About UFOs
BEN RICH: “We now have technology to take ET home…”
“There are two types of UFOs — the ones we build and the ones ‘they’ build.”

Ben Rich: 2nd Director of “We already have the

Lockheed's Skunkworks
means to travel among
the stars, but these
technologies are locked
up in black projects, and it
would take an act of God
to ever get them out to
benefit humanity.

“We now have technology to take ET home. No it won’t take someone’s

lifetime to do it. There is an error in the equations. We know what it is.
We now have the capability to travel to the stars.”
When Rich was asked how UFO propulsion worked, he said, “Let me ask you. How does ESP
work?” The questioner responded with, “All points in time and space are connected?” Rich then
said, “That’s how it works!”
BEN RICH: “We now have technology to take ET home…”

Nave anti-gravedad TR-3B diseñado por (CMITF) el Complejo militar e industrial de los
EE.UU. y fabricado por el programa Aurora junto con el SDI Iniciativa Estratégico de
On December 7, 2012, current Russian Prime Minister and former President Dmitry
Medvedev said in off-air comments:
Along with the briefcase with nuclear codes, the
president of the country is given a special ‘top
secret’ folder. This folder in its entirety contains
information about aliens who visited our
planet… Along with this, you are given a report
of the absolutely secret special service that
exercises control over aliens on the territory of
our country… More detailed information on this
topic you can get from a well-known movie
called Men In Black… I will not tell you how
many of them are among us because it may
cause panic.
See interview - Link:

CLARIFICATION - Medvedev was referring to a Russian “documentary film” titled Men in Black, not the Hollywood
blockbuster by the same name. Here is the link:
FATHER BALDUCCI assertions about Extraterrestrials

Monsignor Corrado Balducci

Vatican Theologian Says Aliens are Real and Are More

Spiritual and Intellectual Than Humans
(Paper by Monsignor Corrado Balducci - Pescara, June 8th. 2001)
FATHER BALDUCCI assertions about Extraterrestrials

Monsignor Corrado Balducci, a theologian member of

the Vatican Curia (governing body), and an insider
close to the Pope, has gone on Italian national
television five times, to proclaim that extraterrestrial
contact is a real phenomenon.
“It is probable that there are other beings. That is not
very strange, because there is too much discrepancy
between human and angelic nature, of which we have
the theological certainty. And since in man, the spirit is
subordinate to matter, and since the Angels are alone
spirit, it is probable that beings exist with very much
less body and matter than we have. They could be
those that we call UFO, these persons that would
appear with these wagons, and that also have not
only one science, but a natural ability to be our
guardians” - 24/11/1986 - Canal 5 - Broadcast "Mysterious Italy"
Pope John XXIII Talked to an Extra-Terrestrial
In the gardens of the summer residence of
Castel Gandolfo in 1961…
According to his personal secretary
Cardinal Loris Francesco Capovilla
Pope John XXIII Talked to an Extra-Terrestrial
John XXIII spoke with an alien in the gardens of the summer residence of Castel
Gandolfo in 1961, according to his personal secretary Loris Francesco Capovilla, who
wrote it 20 years after the death of the Pope. The news appeared in the British
newspapers and in "The Sun" the 23 of July of 1985

Cardinal Loris “… The Holy Father stood up and walked

Francesco Capovilla
toward the being. The two talked for about
20 minutes. They did not call to me so I
stayed where I was, and I could not hear
anything that they said. Finally the being
turned around, walked toward the ship and
His Holiness came back and told me that
the children of God are everywhere, and
sometimes we have difficulty recognizing
our own brothers...”

In an interview called "The Extraterrestrial is my Brother", in the Vatican newspaper

L'Osservatore Romano, Jesuit Father Gabriel Funes, director of the Vatican Observatory,

"In my opinion there is the possibility

that (life on other planets) exists";
"Intelligent beings created by God could
exist in outer space" and "some
extraterrestrials could be free from
original sin" since "there could be some
who remained in complete friendship
with the creator."
Jose Gabriel Funes
Source: Interview with Father Funes in Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano
The great stigmatized Capucchin Padre Pio, who was beatified by Pope John Paul II on May 2, 1999
and canonized on June 16, 2002. From St. Fr. Pio, the following dialogue is documented and officially
published by the Cappuchin Order:
Question: Padre, some claim that there are creatures of
God on other planets, too.
Answer: "What else? Do you think they don’t exist and
that God's omnipotence is limited to this small planet
Earth? What else? Do you think there are no other
beings who love the Lord?"
Question: Padre, I think the Earth is nothing compared to
other planets and stars.

Answer: "Exactly! Yes, and we Earthlings are

nothing, too. The Lord certainly did not limit His
glory to this small Earth. On other planets other
beings exist who did not sin and fall as we did.“
(Don Nello Castello: Cosi parlo P. Pio, Vicenza 1974)
Eisenhower’s Meetings With Extraterrestrials
Four rumored meeting encounters of President Eisenhower with aliens

This information has being discussed by researches for

decades, and is available in lectures and papers (and
now in the internet) originating from several sources (see
the notes accompanying each slide)
“Paul Blake Smith dug up enough new
evidence in his 2016 book MO41: The
Bombshell Before Roswell to convince me that
the U. S. government’s first UFO crash
retrieval was in April 1941 — NOT July 1947
Roswell. Now in his new book, President
Eisenhower’s Close Encounters, Paul explores
a stack of hard and circumstantial evidence
that points to President Dwight Eisenhower
meeting a non-human intelligence in February
1954. A secret treaty was negotiated by
Classified Executive Order, which gave aliens
the right to abduct some humans and mutilate
animals for genetic harvesting and sustenance
in exchange for U. S. reduction in nuclear
weapons testing. This book is a must read for
everyone who wants more truth about UFOs
and E.T.s.”
- Linda Moulton Howe Reporter and Editor,
and Investigative Reporter, Ancient Aliens on The History
Paul Blake Smith ha realizado una investigación en
profundidad sobre los archivos históricos,
testimonios de los denunciantes y documentales
que el presidente Dwight D. Eisenhower ha tenido
varios encuentros cercanos con extraterrestres.
Estas reuniones pueden haber comenzado en
1948/1949 cuando trabajó con la administración
Truman, según el análisis de Smith de un
documento de la Agencia de Inteligencia de
Defensa publicado en 1989.
En su libro, Meetings Close-up del Presidente
Eisenhower (2020), Smith presenta un
impresionante conjunto de pruebas de que,
durante su presidencia, Eisenhowers se reunió con
delegaciones extranjeras al menos tres
representaciones en la Base Aérea Edwards
(febrero de 1954); Kirtland AFB (julio de 1954) y
Holloman AFB (febrero de 1955), lo que llevó a
acuerdos secretos. En esta entrevista con
Exopolitics Today, Smith y el Dr. Michael Salla
comentan estos eventos clave y su significado.
Había en total cinco objetos, tres en forma de disco y dos
en forma de cigarro. Eisenhower llegó en avión a la base,
él y todo el personal de la base presenciaron el descenso
de un pequeño grupo de ocupantes que se acercaban a
ellos. Tenían una apariencia humanoide, su altura era
aproximadamente la de los seres humanos, eran rubios y
hablaban inglés. Ofrecen su ayuda para el desarrollo
espiritual de la humanidad con la condición, dicen, de que
aceptemos destruir nuestras armas atómicas. No estaban
preparados para poner su tecnología a nuestra
disposición ya que no pudimos usar la nuestra como
humanos responsables. Pensaban que cualquier nueva
tecnología era solo para que nos matáramos unos a
otros. Esta carrera explicó que estábamos en un camino
de autodestrucción, que tuvimos que dejar de destruirnos,
contaminar la Tierra, explotando las riquezas minerales.
Fuimos hechos para vivir en armonía con la creación. Era
capital para nosotros aprender a considerarnos
ciudadanos de una familia global y teníamos el deber de
comportarnos como tales.
Eisenhower’s Meetings With Extraterrestrials
Four rumored meeting encounters of President Eisenhower with aliens

1. 1953 - The new Duff MJ-12 claim.

2. 1954- The story of Eisenhower meeting with aliens in
1954 at Edwards AFB while on holiday in Palm Springs.
(There are two versions one with good aliens and one
with bad alien wanting to make a deal for abductions.
3. 1955 - The story of Eisenhower at Holloman AFB.

4. 1957 - Alien Valient Thor meets with Eisenhower and

Nixon in the White House in 1957.

This information has being discussed by researches for decades, and is available in
lectures and papers (and now in the internet) originating from several sources (see
the notes accompanying each slide)
Eisenhower meeting with aliens in 1954 at Edwards AFB
The meeting occurred on Feb. 20th in California at Muroc Airfield (which later became
Edwards Air Force Base). Included in the delegation of President, Dwight D.
Eisenhower, that attended the meeting was the Bishop of Los Angeles, James Francis
At the end of the meeting, each member of the Earth
delegation swore never to reveal to anyone what he had
seen and what he had heard about the aliens. … some days
later, McIntyre, probably disappointed to have sworn himself
to secrecy, departed in a hurry to meet with Pope Pius XII to
inform him of the incredible event.

With such information Pope Pius XII decided to found Vatican

Intelligence Agency named "S.I.V.", code from "Servizio
Informazioni del Vaticano" with the aim to gather all possible
information about Aliens and how they interact with the
American Government.

Cardinal James Francis Source: The Omega Secret - "Secretum Omega" by Cristoforo Barbato
(Copyright 2006, Cristoforo Barbato)
Vatican and UFO's - Vatican Intelligence Agency "S.I.V.”
Upon returning to the United States, McIntyre and
Archbishop Edward Mooney of Detroit were later the
principle coordinators of the operation passing the
information to the Vatican. But these event took an
unexpected turn because McIntyre and other S.I.V.
members began to have direct contact, in essence
without the knowledge of the military, with an alien
race of the Nordic Type, apparently benevolent,
coming from the Pleiades. These aliens advised to be
careful with the other creatures encountered by the
Americans in the California desert. These meetings
with the members of S.I.V. happened many times in
the United States and twice also inside the Vatican
Gardens near the Pontifical Academy of Science, in
the presence of Pope Pius XII. 

Source: The Omega Secret - "Secretum Omega" by Cristoforo Barbato
" President Eisenhower’s extraterrestrial guest"
" President Eisenhower’s extraterrestrial guest"

"The landing of Valiant Thor was perhaps the first documented landing of a
human-type alien by military officials. He met with President Eisenhower and
Vice President Richard Nixon for an hour, then the alien was put on VIP
status and shuttled back to the Pentagon."
--Harley Byrd, Project Blue Book, United States Air Force
" President Eisenhower’s extraterrestrial guest"

"The landing of Valiant Thor was perhaps the first documented landing of a
human-type alien by military officials. He met with President Eisenhower and
Vice President Richard Nixon for an hour, then the alien was put on VIP
status and shuttled back to the Pentagon."
--Harley Byrd, Project Blue Book, United States Air Force
" President Eisenhower’s extraterrestrial guest"
"Stranger at the Pentagon"

Valiant Thor, a Created Being and Universal

Envoy, met with President Dwight D.
Eisenhower on March 16, 1957. This human
Angelic came with a divine design for mankind
on how to eliminate sickness, disease and
poverty. Eisenhower put the enlightened
extraterrestrial on VIP status for three years.
Valiant Thor He lived in a Pentagon apartment three stories

Thor lands on Earth in Victor One on Saturday, March 16, 1957 at 8:00 AM. President
Eisenhower, Vice President Richard Nixon, the Joint Chiefs of Staff--all rush to the
Oval Office to meet with the extraterrestrial
"Stranger at the Pentagon"

"Stranger at the Pentagon" by Dr. Frank E. Stranges, Ph.D.

1967, Inner Light Publications, New Brunswick, NJ ISBN 0-938294-66-0
FBI document: We’ve been visited by ‘beings from ANOTHER dimension’

1. Part of the disks carry crews, others are under remote

2. Their mission is peaceful. The visitors contemplate settling
on this plane.
3. These visitors are human-like but much larger in size.
4. They are not excarnate Earth people but come from their
own world.
5. They do NOT come from a planet as we use the word, but
from an etheric planet which interpenetrates with our own
and is not perceptible to us.
6. The bodies of the visitors, and the craft, automatically
materialize on entering the vibratory rate of our dense
7. The disks possess a type of radiant energy or a ray, which
will easily disintegrate any attacking ship. They reenter the
etheric at will, and so simply disappear from our vision,
without a trace.
8. The region from which they come is not the “astral plane”,
but corresponds to the Lokas or Talas. Students of
esoteric matters will understand these terms.
9. They probably cannot be reached by radio, but probably
can be by radar. if a signal system can be devised for that
FBI document: We’ve been visited by ‘beings from ANOTHER dimension’
Multidimensional visitation hypothesis
Jacques Vallée - Explored the
commonalities between UFOs, cults, religious
movements, demons, angels, ghosts, cryptid
sightings, and psychic phenomena.
Speculation about these potential links were
first detailed in Vallée's third UFO book,
Passport to Magonia: From Folklore to Flying
As an alternative to the extraterrestrial
visitation hypothesis, Vallée has suggested a
Multidimensional visitation hypothesis.
This hypothesis represents an extension of the ETH where the alleged
extraterrestrials could be potentially from anywhere. The entities could
be multidimensional beyond space-time, and thus could coexist with
humans, yet remain undetected.
Multidimensional visitation hypothesis

“I believe that UFOs are physically real. They represent a

fantastic technology controlled by an unknown form of consciousness.”
Jacques Vallee (Messengers of Deception) — on Robert Morningstar.
¿Quiénes son? ¿Son seres de otra dimensión?

“Los OVNIS son objetos físicos reales. Pero no

son naves extraterrestres necesariamente.
Hablando en plata, la teoría extraterrestre no es
lo suficientemente extraño para explicar los
hechos. Estaría desilusionado si resulta que los
OVNIS no son más que visitantes de otro
Jacques Valleé planeta”.
“Para mi, el fenómeno OVNI representa
evidencia de otras dimensiones más allá del
tiempo/espacio, los OVINS bien podrían
proceder de un multiverso que nos rodea, un
sistema a nuestro alrededor que transciende el
tiempo y el espacio. Otros investigadores han
llegado a la misma conclusión”.
Dimensiones, un libro sobre casos de contacto
Rey Hernandez develop the
hypothesis that a variety of "contact
modalities", usually considered
distinct phenomena, are all related.
These include shamanic journeys,
out of body experiences, ghosts
and spirits, UFO, remote viewing,
channeling, and mystical states of

These visionary experiences led him to contact astronaut Edgar Mitchell

and subsequently create the new organization, FREE.
provide additional assistance
and guidance for our current
and future interdisciplinary
research studies. These
academics will investigate:

Rick Strassman, MD: Human research with hallucinating substances

Dean Radin, Ph.D .: PSI / Telepathy and Awareness Experiments
Mario Beauregard, Ph.D .: Medical Science of Consciousness and the Brain
Gary E. Schwartz, Ph.D .: Science of Consciousness after Life
Diane Powell, MD: The Science of Consciousness, Autism and Contact
David Lucas, Ph.D .: Consciousness and hallucinogenic plants
Bernard Haish, Ph.D .: Physics, Consciousness and zero point energy
Bruce Greyson, MD: The Middle Science of ECM and Reincarnation
Carlos S. Alvarado, Ph.D .: PSI / Telepathy and Awareness Experiments
Julie Beischel, Ph.D .: Channeling
Fariba Bogzaran, Ph.D .: Lucid Dreams
Russel Targ, Ph.D .: The Science of Remote Viewing

These visionary experiences led him to contact astronaut Edgar Mitchell and subsequently create the
new organization, FREE.
¿Son realidad los platillos

“Tienen aspecto real, pero

no son reales. Se trata de
una manifestación espiritual.
Los seres que los ocupan
son entes espirituales, no
(SMM - marzo - 1965)
Rey Hernandez, JD, is a cofounder of
the Edgar Mitchell Foundation for
Research on Extraterrestrial and
Extraordinary Experience (FREE).
The Experiencer of contact with non-human intelligence is the ‘key’ that will open the door
to understanding what is consciousness and what is the relationship between
consciousness and contact with non-human intelligence.
Disclosure is taking place not from the top down but from the bottom up. This in turn will
provide a better understanding of the vast complexities of our multi-dimensional reality.
The scientific community believes that they have a firm grasp of scientific principles but in
fact we know almost nothing. We know the equivalent of one grain of sand in an entire
beach. (In loving Memory 1930-2016)
On his way back to Earth after his pioneering moonwalk, Apollo 14 astronaut and IONS founder Dr.
Edgar Mitchell had the profound experience of feeling interconnected to everything he was
observing from the window of his space capsule: the stars, the moon, our blue planet, and the
vastness of the cosmos. He realized quickly that in order to explain such an extraordinary
experience (and others like it), there would need to be a rapprochement between the scientific and
spiritual interpretations of reality.

Founder of the Institute of

Noetic (*) Sciences

(*) From the Greek noēsis/ noētikos, meaning inner wisdom, direct knowing, intuition, or implicit understanding
After 4 years of conducting the
world’s first comprehensive multi-
language and international
academic research study on UFO
related Contact with Non Human
Intelligence (NHI), The FREE
Foundation will finally be
publishing its historic new book in
April of 2018.
The Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation For Research
Into Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Encounters

The Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation For Research Into Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Encounters (FREE)
Enlightening Statistics From The FREE Experiencer Study
The Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation For Research Into Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Encounters (FREE)
Enlightening Statistics From The FREE Experiencer Study
The Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation For Research Into Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Encounters (FREE)
Multidimensional visitation hypothesis
Lyn Buchanan, one of the STARGATE army remote viewers
“After the military I was asked by a branch of the
government to do a paper, a study paper to compare
and contrast ET psychic ability to human psychic
ability. The study that I did was because I was given
access to many of the things that never made it into
project grudge or the blue book or anything like that
because they couldn’t be denied. So anyway, in
studying these, I found out that we can take the ET’s
of all different kinds and species and all that and put
them into four main categories. We’ve got those who
are more psychic than us and those that are less
psychic than us. In each of those two categories we’ve
got friendly to us and unfriendly to us, the unfriendly
non-psychic ones tend to not come here. They don’t
like us, they don’t want to be around us. The non-
psychic friendly ones come here for trade. The psychic
friendly ones actually want to help us develop our
abilities and become stronger at it. And the unfriendly
Lyn Buchanan psychic ones want us wiped off the planet, they want
us dead, period, no questions asked.”
Captain F. Holmes “Skip” Atwater US Army’s remote viewer
According to Captain Frederick H. Atwater, a retired
US Army officer also involved at the time in highly
classified ‘remote viewing’ experiments for the CIA
and the Defense Intelligence Agency, as well as for
the Army’s Intelligence and Security Command, Price
had remotely viewed four alien bases on Earth, one of
which was located under Mount Ziel, Northern
Territory. Mount Ziel lies some 80 miles west-
northwest of Pine Gap. Price believed the base
contained a mixture of ‘personnel’ from the other
bases, one purpose being to ‘transport new recruits,
with an overall monitoring function’. The other bases
were said to be under Mount Perdido in the Pyrenees,
Mount Inyangani in Zimbabwe, and, coincidentally, in
Alaska under Mount Hayes. Price described the
Captain F. Holmes “Skip” Atwater
occupants as ‘looking like homo sapiens, except for
was the founder of the US Army’s
the lungs, heart, blood and eyes.’
remote viewing unit.

Quote from Timothy Good in his book, Unearthly Disclosure

Canadian Wilbert B. Smith’s, TOP SECRET Memo
Wilbert B. Smith states, “I made discreet
enquiries through the Canadian Embassy
staff in Washington DC who were able to
obtain for me the following information:

1. The matter is the most highly classified

subject in the United States Government,
rating higher even than the H-bomb.
2. Flying saucers exist.
3. Their modus operandi is unknown but
concentrated effort is being made by a
small group headed by Doctor Vannevar

Wilbert B. Smith, TOP SECRET Memo; Department of Transport, Intra-departmental

Correspondence, OTTAWA, Ontario, Nov 21, 1950 (downgraded to CONFIDENTIAL 15/9/69)
Canadian ufo researcher Wilbert Smith in a
speech given in Ottowa on 31 march 1958,
as follows: The people from elsewhere
displayed great patience and understanding
in helping me to overcome many of the
prejudices and stores of misinformation
which i had spend many years accumulating.
I began for the first time to realizes the basic
"ONENESS "of the universe and all that is in
it. One of the most important things I had to
realize is that we are not alone. The human
race in the form of MAN extends throughout
the universe, and is incredibly ancient... He
goes on to say: The question might be asked
- if these people really are our brother's and
are interested in our welfare, why do they
remain so aloof? We have been given the
answer. There is a basic law of the universe
which grants each and every individual
independence and freedom of choice, so that
he may experience and learn from his
‘Project Blue Book’ Is Based on a True U.F.O. Story. Here It Is.

The real Hynek, the Blue Book’s scientific

consultant, at one of his observatories in the Project Blue Book was the code
1960s. Once a U.F.O. skeptic, he became a name for an Air Force program
believer. Credit Northwestern University set up in 1952, after numerous
U.F.O. sightings during the Cold
War era, to explain away or
debunk as many reports as
possible in order to mitigate
possible panic and shield the
public from a genuine national
security problem: an apparently
technological phenomenon that
was beyond human control and
was not Russian, yet
represented an unfathomable
potential threat.
‘Project Blue Book’ Is Based on a True U.F.O. Story. Here It Is.

Aidan Gillen as the astronomer J. Allen Hynek in

“Project Blue Book” on History. The series
dramatizes, with some flagrant embellishment, an
actual Air Force program designed to investigate
and debunk U.F.O.s. Credit Eduardo
New Majestic Document Reveals US Diplomatic Relations with Extraterrestrials

A new leaked Majestic-

12 document was
released on June 14
which describes a
variety of
extraterrestrial related
encounters with
JUNE 16, 2017.
UFOs Confront Soldiers During War,
Says Ex-Air Force Intelligence Officer

One close encounter, in 1968,

involved the crew of an American
patrol boat that reported two glowing
circular craft following them in the
demilitarized zone that separated
North and South Vietnam (see

Air Force intelligence officer, Capt. George Filer

Paul Hellyer : The Cabal and the shadow government
“…the Cabal comprises members of the three sisters,
the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergs,
and the Trilateral Commission, the international
banking cartel, the oil cartel, members of various
intelligence organizations, and select members of the
military junta, who together have become a shadow
government, of not only the United States but much
of the Western World.”

“Just as children survive the idea of the tooth fairy

and Santa Claus when they become adults, I believe
that taxpaying citizens are quite capable of accepting
the new and broader reality. That we live in a Cosmos
teeming with life of various sorts. The fact that some
other civilizations are more advanced than ours may
be humbling, but it exists, and is being kept secret by
the same vested interests who control our destiny.”

(Transcription of a May 2013 address at the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure, by Paul Hellyer – the former
Canadian Minister of National Defense)
Paul Hellyer : The Cabal and the shadow government

“Young people everywhere need to be

challenged by a noble cause. They need
to be involved in arresting global
warming. They need to create a banking
system that is just and sustainable. And
they need to lead the way in the
transformation to the new reality that we
have to live in harmony with our celestial
neighbors as well as seeking peace on
Earth. In a word, we have to become
spiritual beings and practice the one
tenet that the world’s religions have in
common, that is, The Golden Rule.”

(Transcription of a May 2013 address at the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure, by Paul Hellyer – the former
Canadian Minister of National Defense)
Acknowledgement and Cover Up
In July 1952, numerous ‘UFOs’ were
reported flying over Washington,
D.C., many of which were filmed.
The sightings were confirmed by
civilians, military, radar operators
and pilots. Military jets were
dispatched to take a closer look at
these objects, but whenever they
got close the UFOs instantaneously
accelerated at speeds still
unattainable by any known aircraft
today. The incident was known as
“the Big Flap” and is well known
among ufologists.

Air Force Colonel Ross Dedrickson gave a first person account: “I counted nine (UFOs) … they
were round, the typical disk type aircraft, spacecraft. But they were there, they were illuminated,
they were quite visible, their configuration was quite conspicuous.” (see 24-second video clip - )
An Authentic Video of The “Flying Saucers” That Flew Over Washington In 1952
August 7, 2020 - By Arjun Walia
Acknowledgement and Cover Up
Acknowledgement and Cover Up
Acknowledgement and Cover Up
Dr. Eric Davis: “off-world vehicles not made on this earth”
On July 23, 2020, the New York Times released an article
describing classified UFO briefings delivered to the US
Congress and the Pentagon by Dr. Eric Davis, a prominent
astrophysicist, researching “out of the box” scientific
phenomena since 1996. The authors of the New York Times
story, Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal, provided few
details of the briefings other than Davis’ sensational claim
Dr. Eric Davis
that UFOs (aka UAPs) involved “off-world vehicles not
made on this earth”.
What is missing in the New York Times article and
subsequent news stories are the precise details of what
Davis briefed members of Congress and Pentagon officials.
It can be assumed that the briefings involved information
derived from a 15-page leaked transcript/summary of an
October 16, 2002 conversation between Dr. Davis and Vice
Admiral Thomas Wilson, who retired as the Director of the
Vice Admiral Thomas Defense Intelligence Agency, only a few months before the
Wilson meeting.
Dr. Eric Davis: “off-world vehicles not made on this earth”



- The Davis notes, on page 13, contain the statement,

attributed to a program manager, " was technology that
'was not of this Earth- not made by man - not by human
Dr. Eric Davis hands.”

Thomas Ray Wilson, a man with a long and distinguished

career in the U.S. Navy. Wilson was Director of the Defense
Intelligence Agency from 1999 until 2002, and prior to that
served as Director of Intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff
and Deputy Director of Intelligence for the Joint Chiefs. This
position is known as J-2, and Wilson held that from 1997 to

Vice Admiral Thomas

The age of believing is over.
We’are in the age of knowing.
60 Minutes: CEO Billionaire
Robert Bigelow
"The Aliens are Already Here"

Robert Bigelow is sure that aliens are already on Earth - MAY 31, 2017
60 Minutes: CEO Billionaire Robert Bigelow
"The Aliens are Already Here"

“I’m absolutely sure that aliens do exist and,

moreover, they have been here on Earth for a
long time, I’m not afraid to talk about it
publicly, it’s true, I do not care if I’m called
crazy in the media, even if they’re called
simply I know what I’m talking about, and I do
not care about media attacks, it will not
change what I really know about this. Do you
want to find extraterrestrial life? So do not fly
for Mars or somewhere else, the aliens are
already here, next to You, I will say even
more, I met with their representatives, and all
of you just You need to open your eyes to
what’s happening around…”

Robert Bigelow is sure that aliens are already on Earth - MAY 31, 2017
The Nimitz Encounters

Unidentified - Inside Americas UFO Investigation s01e01
The Nimitz Encounters

November 2004, 90 miles of the coast of Mexico near San Diego, California, the Nimitz
Carrier Strike Group was conducting routine training and aerial defense exercises when
the unexplained events occurred.
The Nimitz Encounters
“Its Extraterrestrial or Extra-Dimensional”
- Fox News - UFO Coverage 19/12/19

Tucker Carlson speaks with Tom Rogan (Washington Examiner) on the emerging
reality and truth behind the UFO phenomena
“Its Extraterrestrial or Extra-Dimensional”
- Fox News - UFO Coverage 19/12/19

Tom Rogan, columnist for the Washington Examiner, who recently penned the piece, 
“The real reasons the US government is so secretive about UFOs” In his piece, he in part wrote, “…
UFOs appear to be quite friendly, except when rather ill-advised Russian aircrews attempt to
engage them.” Within that sentence was a link to the UK’s government archive page which
contained a few pages of the MoD’s (Ministry of Defence) investigation and report re UAP/UFO
phenomenon. Rogan's description was rather tame compared to what the actual document states,
as those who followed the link would discover. Not only did the report disclose that Russia and
China have worked together, investigating the UFO/UAP phenomenon, it also stated, "Several
aircraft have been destroyed and at least four pilots have been killed 'chasing UFOs.'"
“Extraterrestrials exist but we may simply not see them” Astronaut
Helen Sharman - January 6, 2020

“Aliens definitely exist and

they could be living among
us on Earth”
says Britain's first astronaut
Dr Helen Sharman, 56, made history when she
travelled to the Soviet space station Mir in May
Prof. Haim Eshed Former Head of Israel’s Space Program: The Aliens
Asked Not To Be Revealed, Humanity Not Yet Ready
The UFOs have asked not to publish that they are here,
humanity is not ready yet. Trump was on the verge of
revealing, but the aliens in the Galactic Federation are
saying: Wait, let people calm down first. They don’t want to
start mass hysteria. They want to first make us sane and
They have been waiting for humanity to evolve and reach a
stage where we will generally understand what space and
spaceships are. There’s an agreement between the US
government and the aliens. They signed a contract with us to
do experiments here. They, too, are researching and trying to
understand the whole fabric of the universe, and they want us
as helpers. There’s an underground base in the depths of
Mars, where their representatives are, and also our American
If I had come up with what I’m saying today five years ago, I
would have been hospitalized. Wherever I’ve gone with this in
academia, they’ve said: the man has lost his mind. Today
they’re already talking differently. I have nothing to lose. I’ve
received my degrees and awards, I am respected in
Prof. Haim Eshed universities abroad, where the trend is also changing.
"The saga of Star Visitors'
contacts with humankind is the
greatest unpublished headline of
the Millenium, and the most
important missing fact in our
history books."
-- Dr. Richard Boylan

The author, Jesus Gonzalez Losada

gives the permission of reproduction
specifically, always under the premises
in good faith, good end, gratuitousness
and quoting the sources.

More information:
Anexo A
El caso de las momias de Nazca


El caso de las momias de Nazca
Los innumerables exámenes efectuados
en Cusco sobre las entidades por una
pléyade de especialistas venidos de las
cuatro rincones del mundo, las
radiografías, los escáneres, los análisis
ADN y Carbono 14 muestran que se trata
bien de entidades que vivieron.
A pesar de las críticas de los escépticos,
ningún indicio de fraude todavía pudo
estar establecido de manera evidente.
El caso de las momias de Nazca

¡EL 75% del ADN de este

humanoide, no es compatible hasta
ahora con 1,000,000 de especies
terrestres comparadas!
El caso de las momias de Nazca
El caso de las momias de Nazca
Expert reveals ‘Shocking’ DNA Results of Elongated Skulls of Peru

Researchers Brien Foerster and L.A. Marzulli,

initially thought the discovery would not fit into
the “known evolutionary tree”. The Paracas
skulls were discovered on the desert
peninsula of Paracas, on the southern coast
of Peru, by native archaeologist Julio Tello in

In 2015, discussing earlier DNA tests on the

remains, he said: “The mitochondrial DNA
(from the mother) presented mutations
unknown to any man, primate or any other
animal and the mutations suggested we are
dealing with a completely new human-like
being, very distant from Homo sapiens,
Neanderthals or Denisovans.”
Expert reveals ‘Shocking’ DNA Results of Elongated Skulls of Peru

“The mitochondrial DNA (from the mother) presented mutations unknown to any man, primate or any
other animal and the mutations suggested we are dealing with a completely new human-like being, very
distant from Homo sapiens, Neanderthals or Denisovans.”
Expert reveals ‘Shocking’ DNA Results of Elongated Skulls of Peru

“The mitochondrial DNA (from the mother) presented mutations unknown to any man, primate or any
other animal and the mutations suggested we are dealing with a completely new human-like being, very
distant from Homo sapiens, Neanderthals or Denisovans.”
Anexo B
Messages from the ‘OTHER SIDE’

Anabela Cardoso is a retired senior

career diplomat and a successful ITC
Author of: Electronic Voices, Contact
with Another Dimension? and the
Editor/Director of the ITC Journal.
Supervisors: Stanley Krippner
Phone: 0034678592024
Address: Lourido, Isamil, 
Meira, Moaña
Anabela Cardoso 36955 Spain
COSMIC INTERNET – communication with the ‘OTHER SIDE’

The Cosmic Internet and

Exoconscious Humans

Our ET Visitors Are Using

Telepathy to Communicate
With Incarnated ET Souls
Working on Disclosure
Apollo 11 was the spaceflight
that first landed humans on the
Moon. Commander Neil
Armstrong and lunar module
pilot Buzz Aldrin were actually
chucked, evicted and ousted
from our Moon by the aliens and
were allegedly warned not to
return back...
Miyuki Hatoyama, wife of former 
Prime Minister of Japan Yukio

“While my body was asleep, I think my

soul rode on a triangular-shaped UFO
and went to Venus” 

Miyuki, described the extraterrestrial

experience in a book entitled

“Very Strange Things I’ve

Anexo C
Anexo D
¿Son mencionados los OVNIs en la Biblia?
¿Son mencionados los OVNIs en la Biblia?

El “caso” Henoc (Gén 5, 18-24)

El “caso” Moisés (Monte Sinaí)
El “caso” Elías (2 Reyes 2, l-13)
El “caso” Ezequiel (Ez 1,1-28)
¿Ordenó Dios los genocidios en el AT?
" Si observan las particularidades de la
personalidad de Dios en la era del Antiguo
Testamento, fue un Dios celoso, que aterró a los
adoradores de otros dioses con ardor, un Dios
cruel que ordenó a los israelitas exterminar las
siete tribus de Canaán sin dejar sobrevivientes y
un Dios sin misericordia, que aniquiló a los
israelitas violadores de los Mandamientos y la Ley.
¿Podría el Dios del amor, quien creó el universo,
tener el carácter para sentir tal celo, exaltar tal
venganza, inclusive tal terror y exhibir la crueldad
para exterminar las siete tribus de Canaán? Esto
sucedió porque la era del Antiguo Testamento fue
una era en que los ángeles, como mediadores,
actuaron en lugar de Dios."
(SMM - CSG I.3.2.1 - 124-202, 1983.2.15)
Did God ordered genocide in the OT?
“… If you look at the attributes of Jehovah God of
the Old Testament Age, He was a jealous God who
terrified worshipers of other gods, a cruel God who
ordered the Israelites to exterminate the seven
tribes of Canaan leaving no survivors, and a
merciless God who slaughtered the Israelites who
had violated the commandments and law.
Could the God of love, who created the universe,
have the character to feel such jealousy, exact
such revenge, instill such terror, and exhibit the
cruelty to exterminate the seven tribes of Canaan?
This happened because the Old Testa­ment Age
was an age when angels, as mediators, served in
the role of God…” (SMM - CSG I.3.2.1 - 124-202, 1983.2.15)
Mauro Biglino: el Antiguo Testamento no habla de un único Dios,
sino de muchos… y Elohim es un término plural

Cuando en español está escrito “Altísimo”

en hebreo tenemos ELYON o EL-ELYON;
Cuando en español está escrito “Dios” en
hebreo tenemos ELOHIM (plural), EL
(singular) o ELOHA (singular), con verbos
tanto en singular como en plural;
Cuando en español está escrito “Señor” o
“Eterno” en hebreo tenemos YAHWEH o

Mauro Biglino ha sido traductor de hebreo masorético para Edizioni San Paolo en Italia
durante casi treinta años, en el curso de los cuales ha traducido y publicado un total de
diecisiete libros del Antiguo Testamento.
Mauro Biglino: Sobre el Pecado Original basado en el árbol de la
ciencia del bien y del mal

Los Elohim les dicen a Adán y Eva:

“Una vez fuera de este territorio vallado y
protegido, en el que les hemos
mantenido y protegido, ustedes
descubrirán que pueden sentirse mal, en
primer lugar, cuando ustedes tengan
hambre, tendrán que buscar comida,
mientras que aquí sólo había que
sentarse a la mesa. Y tú, Eva, que te has
convertido en prolífica, deberás entender
que portar vida en tu vientre, duele. 

No hay distinción, ni ética, ni moral, ni ninguna condenación, hay un

veredicto post-eventum: ¿Querías la bicicleta?, tienes que pedalear” .
Elohim es un término plural

Las altas jerarquías de la iglesia saben que cuando la biblia habla de Elohim, habla
de individuos en carne y hueso y no de Dios, y lamentablemente la biblia sobre estos
individuos nos dice poco, no nos dice por ejemplo de dónde vinieron. (extracto
entrevista ~ M. Biglino)
Elohim es un término plural
LOS ELOHIM, ¿quiénes eran? Si realmente
eran criaturas de carne y hueso, ¿de dónde
llegaron? ¿Y qué querían?
" Lamentablemente, la biblia no nos lo dice,
pero sin duda eran individuos dotados de
tecnología superior, inalcanzable para los
tiempos, tal vez parcialmente inalcanzable
para nosotros. Se repartieron la tierra, como
dice el libro de Deuteronomio, como nos
cuenta Platón en el critias, como nos
transmiten los pueblos de todos los
continentes de la tierra. Se han dividido el
planeta y lo han gobernado actuando como
colonos normales. Yahwè era uno de ellos.
Por cierto, Yahwèh está definido por la biblia
“ hombre de guerra ", así que luchaba ".
Tutto Mauro Biglino
(Dipinto di Aert De Gelder –
“The baptism of Christ" -1710)
Elohim es un término plural
En el génesis se habla de tselem,
que tradicionalmente se traduce
con 'imagen' (la de Dios a
semejanza de la cual se creó el
hombre), pero en realidad es una
palabra mucho más concreta que
se remite a algo que se ha
cortado, extraído: Como el
Tutto Mauro Biglino

"dividen la tierra entera y vinieron a darnos los reinos"

Elohim es un término plural

En el génesis se habla de
tselem, que
tradicionalmente se traduce
con 'imagen' (la de Dios a
semejanza de la cual se
creó el hombre), pero en
realidad es una palabra
mucho más concreta que se
remite a algo que se ha
cortado, extraído: Como el
Tutto Mauro Biglino

¿Tenían Adán y Eva padres terrenales y físicos?

No. La fuente de la creación es energía. No necesitamos padres físicos para ser
creados. Adán fue una creación especial.
(SMM – El maestro habla de la creación - marzo y abril de 1965)
Elohim es un término plural
La traducción tradicional: Estamos
hechos en la imagen y semejanza.
Los diccionarios editados por los
rabinos dicen más, afirman que se
deriva de la *Tselem tsalam* verbo
que significa *cortar de* (ADN) En
realidad la Biblia dice que los
primeros humanos se hicieron con
una cierta cantidad de material, que
contiene la imagen de los Elohim, y
que han sido cortadas.

… Elohim actuó en la *AFAR*, por tanto, en el polvo, el barro que había en la Tierra. …
hemos sido hechos con Tselem Elohim que se ha insertado en la AFAR, que es lo que
contiene la información y ya estaba presente en la Tierra, por lo tanto es el ADN
Tutto Mauro Biglino - La engañosa traducción de la Biblia
“… la era del Antiguo Testamento fue una era en que los ángeles, como
mediadores, actuaron en lugar de Dios” (SMM - CSG I.3.2.1 - 124-202, 1983.2.15)
¿Ángeles o extraterrestres?

“Me llevaron a un lugar donde los que están son como fuego abrasador, y cuando
quieren, se aparecen como hombres”. Libro 1 de Enoch. 17,1
¿Son los Extraterrestres ángeles y demonios?
¿Ángeles o extraterrestres?
¿Ángeles, demonios o extraterrestres?
La conexión con el mundo espiritual
¿Quiénes son los ángeles?
 Preceden la creación del ser humano.
 Seres espirituales que no se encarnan.
¿Qué hacen los ángeles?
 Ángeles guías: Inspiran verdad y sabiduría.
 Ángeles protectores:
nos guardan y protegen contra el mal y peligros.
 Ángeles de paz:
visitan áreas de conflictos para poner fin a las guerras.
 Ángeles de misericordia:
ayudan a los que sufren dolor o pobreza.
 Ángeles de gloria:
adoran a Dios y llevan pensamientos buenos al cielo.
 Ángeles preservadores:
Inspiran conservar y proteger la naturaleza.
 Ángeles de amor: nos inspiran a amar desinteresadamente.
 Ángeles sanadores: velan por nuestra salud física y espiritual.


La conexión con el mundo espiritual
Comunicaciones positivas recibidas de las Inteligencias no humanas
 Debemos unirnos en amor y trabajar en conjunto, las
esferas elevadas nos asisten.
 Debemos elevar nuestro nivel de conciencia y lograr más
 Están aquí para guiarnos en el desarrollo de nuestra
especie y del mundo.
 Nosotros, la raza humana debemos hacernos responsables
de nuestras acciones y amarnos unos a otros.
 Los humanos serán extinguidos si no cambian sus andares
destructivos y no dejan de polucionar.
 El tiempo y la muerte no existen. Todos y todo está
conectado. Por eso los Ets están aquí. Somos hijos del
Creador con Su pistola en nuestras manos y necesitamos
ser guiados.


La conexión con el mundo espiritual
Famous Brazilian medium Chico Xavier claimed that
he was told that if humanity could avoid nuclear war
for 50 years (the deadline being in July 2019), we
would be allowed to have contact with beings from
other civilizations. This contact would bring
unimaginable advances in science, health, and
 Deadline According to Chico Xavier
La conexión con el mundo espiritual
El famoso medio brasileño Chico Xavier afirmó que le
dijeron que si la humanidad podía evitar una guerra
nuclear durante 50 años (la fecha límite es julio de
2019), se nos permitiría tener contacto con seres de
otras civilizaciones. Este contacto traería avances
inimaginables en ciencia, salud y bienestar.
“Data Límite” Chico Xavier
“If there are physical [extraterrestrial]
lifeforms … I posit they are subject to the
same nonphysical interaction and
subsequent wobbles in technological
complexity [as us],” wrote White.
“Granted, it gets a little blurry when you
allow for the fact that a universe-
spanning spirit world must contain the
Dead of numerous alien races and hence
interaction with it implies a roundabout
transfer of technology from one species
to another… only separated in time."

Gordon White, “Earth is Outside Our

Delivery Zone,”
(London - 1758)
"No importa cuán oscura sea la noche,
espero el alba, y aquéllos que viven en el
día esperan la noche. Por tanto, regocíjate,
y mantente íntegro, si puedes, y devuelve
amor por amor.
El amor divino no oprime ni mantiene a su
sirviente cautivo y esclavizado a las
profundidades más bajas, sino que lo eleva,
apoya y magnifica sobre toda libertad.
No sé cuando, pero sé que muchos en este
siglo han desarrollado las artes y las
ciencias, y han sembrado las semillas de
una nueva cultura que florecerá, de manera
inesperada, de repente, justo cuando el
poder crea erróneamente que ha ganado“.
Do you believe the government is aware of the existence of
aliens and is hiding them from us? Why?

A: “Yes, for numerous complex reasons.

Initially because they fear the public would
panic. But more now because although we
are far more accepting (a recent poll
in Texas showed 99% of people there
believed in UFOs and we are being visited).
The primary reason now is economic and
military access to technologies they (covert
agencies) don’t want the public or other
countries to know they have such as free
energy devices which would change the
power structure on the planet forever and that
means who has the control right now I.E.
Mary Rodwell corporations and banks.
Such technologies would free people up from
such control.”

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