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Phenomena and exploration

associated with the solar

Ama Hettigama
Rotation of a planet
• Spinning of a planet on its own axis is rotation.
• The speed depends from planet to planet.
• One rotation is termed as a day.
• Planets rotate as a result of the initial rotation of clouds which
formed the planets.
Revaluation of a planet
• Movement of a planet around the sun is revolution of a planet . It
takes 365.25 days for earth for a single revolution.
• The speed of revolution differ from planet to planet.
• One revolution is termed as a year.
• Planets revolve in a fixed path due to the uniform speed of its
• Revolution occur due to the gravitational force of the sun acting on
each planet.
Phenomena that occur due to rotation and
revolution of planets
• Occurrence of seasons
• The earth is not a uniform spherical .
• It has a slightly higher vertical axis than its horizontal axis.
• During rotation the earth’s vertical axis is placed at a 23.5 degree
angular position to its orbit.

• When the sun rays fall perpendicular to the surface more heat is
received (summer).
• Occurrence of phases of the moon

• We can observe the moon at night because of the reflected sunlight

coming from the sun.
• Each day a different potion of the moon is illuminated and we observe
the moon in different shapes throughout the month.
• On full moon days 50% of the surface of the moon is visible to us and
on new moon days we cannot see any part of the moon.
Solar eclipse

• The moon takes 27.3 days to revolve around the earth.

• The sun and the moon appear to us as equal size objects due to the
large distance from the earth to the sun.
• During a solar eclipse ,the sun moon and the earth lie along a single
line with the moon placed between the sun and the earth.
• During a solar eclipse the shadow of the moon falls on the earth .
• For a small region of the earth (umbra) the sun is entirely covered by
the moon and appear as a dark period during day.
• This prevails for some time ( max 7 .5 min) and again the day appear.
• For regions closer to the umbra the sun is partially covered and it is
called partial eclipse.
• Annular solar eclipse -

• The moon’s orbit is an ellipse , when the moon is placed at the far
most point (apogee) it appear smaller than the image of the sun .
• Therefore the moon cannot cover the entire sun .
• The outer margin of the sun appear as a ring of fire.
Lunar eclipse

• A lunar eclipse occur when the sun earth and the moon are placed on
a straight line , with the earth between the sun and the moon.
• The shadow of the earth falls on the moon ,the moon disappear for
sometime for different regions of the earth.
• In a total lunar (umbra) eclipse the moon appear reddish brown.
• In a partial lunar eclipse a part of the moon appears reddish brown.
• In a penumbra lunar eclipse the brightness of the moon is reduced.
Exploring the universe
Man has tired to explore the universe from ancient time.
As a result of his eagerness he has developed different types of
telescopes ,cameras , space rockets ,artificial starlight's (weather
satellites ,communication satellites ,military satellites),balloons etc.

Geo stationary satellites

These satellites are placed at a certain height at the same speed of the
rotation of the earth.
Therefore people on earth observe them as stationary satellites.
• People who lived in early days identified various patterns among stars
and tried to connect them to different shapes.
• These shapes were mostly the images of characters of stories related
to gods.
• The star patterns helped the travelers to find the directions.
• There are 88 star patterns in the night sky.
• To measure the distances between stars the unit light year is used
• Light travels 300000km in one second , the distance travelled by light
in an year is 300000 X60X60x24X365 km.
Identifying the directions
• To identify the directions ,do the following activity,
• Stand straight facing the direction where the sun rises in the
• Stretch both hands to either side of the body.
• You are facing the east
• Your back is towards the west
• Your right hand is towards the south
• Your left hand is towards the north.
• This star appears to be moving from east to west.
• But in reality the star is stationary , the earth rotates from west to
• Polaris is positioned in line with the axis of the earth.

• Orion (hunter)
• Head of the hunter is directed towards the north.
• This constellation helps to find the north.
Canis Major
• Found closer to orion.
• The brightest star in the night sky (Sirius) is in this constellation.

• Gemini
• Situated towards north east to Orion.
• The brightest star in this constellation is Pollux.
• Taurus
• Situated towards the north west direction.
• It resembles a shape of a bull.
• The red star Aldebaran is in this constellation.

A constellation situated near to Turus.
Can be seen In the mid night during February and March.

**Orion Canis major Gemini Taurus are visible at about 8 p.m. during
May and June.
• Can be seen just above the earth (zenith)
• The brightest star in this constellation is Regulus.

• Ursa major (seven sages /plough)

• Can be seen about 45 degrees above the horizon.
• Can be used to find the north.
• Ursa minor can be seen just below ursa major
Southern cross
• Can be seen in the southern sky.
• Has a shape of a cross.
• Can be used to identify north and the south directions.

Constellations that can be used to identify directions

Orion Ursa major, Southern cross
Observing the stars and planets
• Stars twinkle but planets do not twinkle.
• Stars are brighter than planets.
• Stars appear to be stationary , planets show movement.

Planets that can be seen with the naked eye

Mercury ,venus,mars,Jupiter,satern
Using a clinometer to observe the stars

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