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8th Grade

drug name Amoxicillin

Presented by
Abanob Gerges: 236175
Bassant Nabil :232487
abdelrahman adnan:
Ahmed ayman: 232803
Ahemd said: 237747
Presented to :
ntroduction 1

Amoxicillin is an antibiotic belonging to the penicillin group and is a

group of drugs.Amoxicillin is used as an antibacterial.Amoxicillin
works by stopping the growth of disease-causing bacteria by stopping
the bioconstruction of the cell wall, resulting in the death of bacteria.
Amoxicillin is used to treat mesenitis, ear, laryngitis, respiratory
inflammation and some diseases as well.Amoxicillin has three forms of
medicine, which are found in capsule, syrup, and injections. Note
Amoxicillin is not used to treat influenza. There are some symptoms of
this antibiotic and these are some of them
2 1 - nausea 2 - headaches 3 - vomiting 4 - anemia 5 -
hypersensitivity reactions 6 - tooth discoloration 7 -
reactions of the central nervous system 8. Effect on the
kidneys 9. For hypersensitivity. The drug can only be used
after asking the doctor if the patient is hypersensitivity to
the components of this medicine or hypersensitivity to any
drug from the penicillin family. But if there is no problem,
there are some precautions to use this medicine, including
if you are sick with liver or kidneys, lactation or asthma, it
should be used with caution under the supervision of a
doctor. The method of using amoxicillin is according to
children or adults.
carboxylic acid
AMX) is chemically known as [(6R)-6-(α-
phydroxyphenyl-D-glycyl-amino)-penicillanic acid]
(Figure 1) is abroad spectrum antibiotic belonging
to the synthetic penicillins which are widely used in
therapy,Amoxicillin is a penicillin in which the
substituent at position 6 of the penam ring is a 2-
amino-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)acetamido group
Venus has a beautiful name and
is the second planet from the
Sun. It’s hot and has a
poisonous atmosphere
Types of bonds in the stracture

Types of bonds in amoxicillin are 1-

hydrogen bond donor count and there 5
are 4 bonded of this bond in amoxicillin.
2-rotatable bond and there are 4 of this
bond in this antibiotic . 3- hydrogen
—Someone Famous bond
acceptor count and there are 7 bonds of
this bond in amoxicillin
Type of hybridization of each

Mesomeric and inductive effects of
7 the functional group

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