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Niva Tiwary
Rollno. 22
 A Holter monitor is a small, wearable
device that records the heart's rhythm. 
 it is an ambulatory ECG monitoring

technique with a device used to detect

cardiac arrhythmias abnormal
changes in cardiac rate and silent
myocardial ischemia
Why it’s done?
 A health care provider may recommend a
Holter monitor if you have:
 Signs and symptoms of an irregular heart

rhythm (arrhythmia)
 Unexplained fainting

 A heart condition that increases the risk

of arrhythmias
 To detect suspected rhythmic

 disturbances.

 To monitor myocardial functional after

myocardial infraction.
 To evaluate high risk cardiac patients for
silent ischemic and suspected myocardial
Patient Preparation
 Take a shower
 Shave the chest

 Don’t apply a lotion over chest and

 Dress in loose shirt
Asked thee patent to remove any jewelry or
other objects that may interfere with the reading.
Asked to remove your clothing from the waist

up so that electrodes can be attached to your

 The technician will ensure your privacy by

covering you with a sheet or gown and exposing

only the necessary skin
 The areas where the electrodes patches are
placed are cleaned.
 Electrodes will be attached to chest and
 The holter monitor will be connected to the

electrodes with wires. The small monitor box

may be worn over patients shoulder like a
shoulder bag, around the waist, or it may clip to
a belt or pocket.
Nursing Management
 Explain the procedure to the patient.
 Ask the patient to keep a notebook to

record time and sleeping time, etc.

 Explain the deposit needed for Holter

 Move the patient both shave the hair on

his chest and clean the area with spirit

swab where the electrodes will be places.

 Apply the chest electrodes to the correct

locations and correct ECG wires and turn
on monitor.
 Instruct the patient to record any unusual

events on the notebook during the time

when they wear the monitor
 Instruct the patient to wear monitor for

24 hours.
 After 24 hours remove the holter monitor
from the patient.
 Remove the cassette from the holter

monitor and place them inside holter

 Obtain the analyzed record from the

holter analyzer machine.


 Inform the doctor of the result

 Give the report to the patient and family

 Clean the holter machine thoroughly and

return it to the proper place.

 Don’t allow patient to swim
 Stay away from metal detector

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