Story of Buddha Gautama - Part 5 (Eng. & Chi.)

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乔达摩佛的故事 ~ 第 5 部分

Ven. Ananda

Bamboo Grove, Jetavana Monastery

Rajagaha Shravasti

Of all the disciples of the Buddha, Ananda, His cousin, was the most
devoted to Him. So the Buddha selected him to be His close
attendant. Another of the Buddha’s cousins also became a monk. His
name was Devadatta. But he was envious of the Buddha and
competed with Him, trying to take over the leadership.

在佛陀的所有弟子中,他的堂兄阿难陀对他最忠诚。 所以佛陀选择
他做他的贴身侍者。 佛陀的另一个堂兄弟也出家了。 他的名字叫
提婆达多。 但他嫉妒佛陀并与他竞争,试图接过领导权。


Devadatta was very conceited, and was jealous of the two chief disciples of the
Buddha. So he left the Sangha (the order of monks and nuns) and made friends
with the crown-prince Ajatasattu, son of King Bimbisara. The prince built a private
monastery for Devadatta. Devadatta then persuaded the prince to kill his father, King
Bimbisara, and make himself king. The prince followed Devadatta’s evil scheme and
starved his father Bimbisara to death so he could become king.
提婆达多非常自负,嫉妒这两位首席弟子。佛。 所以他离开了僧伽(僧尼的秩序)并
结交了朋友与宾毗沙拉王之子太子阿阇世。 王子建了一个私人的 Devadatta 的修道
院。 Devadatta 然后说服王子杀死他的父亲 King Bimbisara ,并让自己成为国王。

King Bimbisara,
killed by the son Ajatasattu became King after
Devadatta and
Ajatasattu killing his father, King Bimbisara
Now Devadatta felt very powerful because the new king was his friend and
supporter. So he decided to kill the Buddha. One evening, while the Buddha
was walking past a rocky hill, Devadatta pushed a huge stone down the
intending to kill the Buddha. But the rock suddenly broke into many pieces
and only one sharp piece hit the Buddha, on his foot. The Buddha returned to
the monastery and was treated by the famous physician Jivaka.

现在 Devadatta 感到非常强大,因为新国王是他的朋友而且支持者。 于是他

决定杀佛。 一天晚上,当佛陀正走过一座石山,提婆达多将一块巨石推下山
坡,欲杀佛。 但这块石头突然碎成许多碎片,只剩下一根锋利的碎片击中了
佛陀的脚。 佛陀回到寺院并得到著名医师吉瓦卡( Jivaka )的治疗。

Although his evil plot had failed, Devadatta tried to kill the Buddha again.
When the Buddha was on His daily alms-round at Rajagaha, Devadatta set
loose a wild elephant. But as the wild elephant ran towards the Buddha, it
became calm because of the Buddha’s enormous loving-kindness. After this
incident, Devadatta gave up trying to kill the Buddha, but he still wanted to
break up the Sangha.

虽然他的阴谋失败了,提婆达多还是想再次杀死佛陀。 当佛陀每天在王舍城
托钵时,提婆达多放生了一头野象。 但是当野象奔向佛陀时,因为佛陀的大
慈大悲,它变得平静了。 经此一事,提婆达多放弃了杀佛的念头,但仍要拆

To impress the other monks and nuns and disrupt the Sangha, Devadatta
asked the Buddha to make stricter rules of conduct for the Sangha. He asked
that monks not be allowed to sleep in houses or eat any meat. But the Buddha
refused Devadatta’s proposal. He said: “If some monks prefer to sleep in the
open or not eat meat, they are free to do so. But if they do not wish to live this
way they do not have to.” Finally, the Buddha said: “Devadatta, if you try to
break up the Sangha you will reap the evil fruits.”
则。 他要求僧侣不得在屋内睡觉或吃任何肉。 但是佛陀拒绝了提婆达多的
提议。 他说:“如果有些僧人喜欢露宿或不吃肉,他们可以这样做。 但如
果他们不希望这样生活,他们就不必这样做。” 最后,佛陀说:“提婆达

Devadatta ignored the Buddha’s warning, led away a group of monks and
made himself their leader. One day, when Devadatta was asleep, the Buddha’s
chief disciple Sariputta came and warned the monks about the consequences
of evil actions. The monks realized their mistake and returned to the Buddha.
When Devadatta woke up he was so angry that he became ill. Eventually, he
began to regret his actions, and he asked his servants to take him to see the
Buddha. But he died unexpectedly on the way there.

提婆达多无视佛陀的警告,带走了一群比丘,并自立为首领。 一天,当提婆达多睡
着时,佛陀的大弟子沙利子来警告比丘们恶行的后果。 比丘们意识到他们的错误并
回到了佛陀身边。 提婆达多醒来时他气得病倒了。 最终,他开始后悔自己的行为,
并且他让他的仆人带他去见佛陀。 但他却意外地死在了在那里。

The Buddha taught and converted people for forty-five years. He travelled to
different kingdoms in India, always on foot. During the rainy seasons, he
stayed at monasteries built for him and the Sangha by different lay
supporters. The places the Buddha stayed at most often were Veluvana, near
Rajagaha, and Jetavana, near Savatthi. During all these years, the Buddha
worked hard every day to spread the teachings.
佛陀教化了人们四十五年。 他前往印度的不同王国,总是步行。 在雨季,他住在由
不同居士支持者为他和僧团建造的寺院。 佛陀最常停留的地方是王舍城附近的维卢瓦
那和沙瓦提城附近的只园。 这些年来,佛陀每天都在努力弘法。

Ruins of Jetavana

The Buddha usually got up before sunrise, took a bath, and then contemplated
on whom to teach. When He found someone ready to understand and accept
the teaching, He would go and teach that person the same day. After sunrise,
the Buddha would go to beg for alms from people in the neighborhood.
Sometimes He went alone, and sometimes with His monks. Some people also
invited Him to their homes to accept offerings. After the meal, He would teach
them the Dharma. Then He would return to the monastery.
佛陀通常在日出之前起床,沐浴,然后沉思教谁。 当他发现有人愿意理解并接受教
学,他会在同一天去教那个人。 日出后,佛陀去附近的人那里乞讨。 有时他一个人
去,有时和他的僧侣一起。 也有人邀请他去他们家接受供品。 饭后,他为他们说
法。 然后他回到修道院。

Back at the monastery, the Buddha would rest quietly in the hall, under a tree
or in His room, waiting for the monks to return from their alms round. When
all the monks and nuns had assembled in the hall, Buddha would give a
Dharma talk or just encourage them to practice the Dharma. Some monks
would also ask Him for personal instructions for their Dharma practice. The
Buddha then would reflect on their individual nature and give to each of
them the personal advice that suited them best.

回到寺院后,佛陀静静地在殿堂、树下或房中休息,等待比丘托钵归来。 当所有僧
尼都聚集在大厅里时,他会开示佛法或只是鼓励他们修持佛法。 一些僧人还向他请
示了他们修行的个人指导。 佛陀然后考虑了他们的本性,并给了他们每个人最适合

In the summertime, the people from the neighborhood used to visit
Him in the evenings. Some came to offer Him gifts, others to hear His
teachings. The Buddha taught them the Dharma using skillful
language, so that everyone would benefit.
After the talk everyone would feel happy and satisfied.

夏天的时候,附近的人常去他家看望他。晚上。 有的前来献礼,有的前来
聆听他的教诲。 佛陀用方便的语言给他们说法,让大家受益。谈话结束

After the people left, the Buddha usually took a bath. Then He would meditate
for some time. After that, He would instruct monks who came from other places.
He helped them to understand the difficult parts of the Dharma and so made
them very happy. At sunset, the Buddha usually went for a walk to refresh
Himself. After this, He would again give talks to His monks. Late at night,
distinguished people, such as kings, came for advice and instruction in the

人们离开后,佛陀通常会沐浴。 然后他会打坐一段时间。 之后,他会指导来自

其他地方的僧人。 他帮助他们了解佛法的难点,因此使他们非常高兴。 日落时
分,佛陀通常会出去散步提神。 在此之后,他会再次向他的比丘们开示。 深

After this, the Buddha would go to sleep, usually for four
hours only. He slept on His right side and woke up before
sunrise. Then He would enter into deep meditation to explore
and reflect upon the nature of His audience for that day.

此后,佛陀入睡,通常只有四个小时。 他睡在右侧,在日
出前醒来。 然后他进入深度冥想,探索当天听众的性格。

The Buddha always worked very hard in propagating the Dharma.
When He was not travelling, He spent time not only explaining the
Dharma, but also in helping people to solve their daily problems.
He was always willing to help people from any station in life,
whether it was a housewife, a farmer, or just somebody in need of
佛陀一直非常努力地弘扬佛法。 当他不旅行时,他不仅花时间解释佛
法,还花时间帮助人们解决日常问题。 他总是愿意帮助生活中任何阶段

The Buddha was never reluctant to answer difficult questions or explain
complicated problems. He never felt irritated by the person asking questions,
and always was able to answer correctly. The Buddha always explained the
Dharma in a way that was most suited to the nature of His listeners. He
welcomed all people. Many who doubted Him at first became convinced of
the truth of His teaching. They then became His loyal disciples.

佛陀从不不愿意回答困难的问题或解释复杂的问题。 他从不被问问题的人激怒,而
且总是能够正确回答。 佛陀总是以最适合听众本性的方式解释佛法。 他欢迎所有
人。 许多起初怀疑他的人后来都相信了他教导的真实性。 他们后来成了他的忠实弟


The End 结束

May You Be Well With Metta,

Credit: Text Contents adapted and edited & Peaceful Bro. Oh Teik Bin
from ‘Story of The Buddha’ (BuddhaNet) 16

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