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What is Justice

o The maintenance or administration of what is just, especially by the impartial adjustment of

conflicting claims or the assignment of merited rewards or punishment.
oConformity to truth and reality in expressing opinions and in conduct;
oFair representation of facts respecting merit or demerit;
oFidelity (faithfulness to loyalty);
o As, the Justice of a description or of a Judgment

Lecturer Law Maria Amraiz UOB Sub Campus,

Judicial System
The system of Law Courts that administer Justice and
constitute the Judicial branch of government.

Lecturer Law Maria Amraiz UOB Sub Campus,

Purpose of Judicial System
The purpose of the legal system is to provide a system
for interpreting and enforcing the laws.
The purpose of a legal system is to provide a
systematic, orderly, and predictable mechanism for
resolving disagreements.

Lecturer Law Maria Amraiz UOB Sub Campus,

Function of Judicial System
In order to do its job, any such system must perform
three closely connected, but nevertheless distinct,
 Adjudication (Arbitration, negotiation),
 Legislation,
 And execution.

Lecturer Law Maria Amraiz UOB Sub Campus,

Judicial Function
The Judicial function is the core of any legal system. In
its judicial function, a legal system adjudicates
disputes, issuing a decision as to how the
disagreement should be settled.

Lecturer Law Maria Amraiz UOB Sub Campus,

Legislative Function
The purpose of the Legislative function is to
determine the rules that will govern the process of
Legislation tells judicial function how to adjudicate.

Lecturer Law Maria Amraiz UOB Sub Campus,


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