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Lesson Title: Determining the Advantages and

Disadvantages of Internal Recruitment
Lesson Objectives:
 Identify the Types of Internal Recruitment
 Determine the advantages and disadvantages of
Internal Recruitment
Recruitment refers to the process of identifying,
attracting, interviewing, selecting, hiring and
onboarding employees. ... In addition, many
organizations outsource recruiting to outside firms.
Companies almost always recruit candidates for new
positions via advertisements, job boards, social media
sites, and others.
2 types of RECRUITMENT
1. INTERNAL RECRUITMENT - is a recruitment which takes place within the concern or organization. Internal
sources of recruitment are readily available to an organization. Internal sources are primarily three - Transfers,
promotions and Re-employment of ex-employees. Internal recruitment may lead to increase in employee’s
productivity as their motivation level increases. It also saves time, money and efforts.
2. EXTERNAL RECRUITMENT - External sources of recruitment have to be solicited from outside the organization.
External sources are external to a concern. But it involves lot of time and money. The external sources of recruitment
include - Employment at factory gate, advertisements, employment exchanges, employment agencies, educational
institutes, labour contractors, recommendations etc.
Types of Internal Recruitment

Internal job boards - are online job boards or physical locations in a workspace where jobs can be posted.
These function just like job boards at an employment agency or online with the exception that they are
limited to only current employees.

Career ladders - are a popular human resource tool used not only to recruit internal candidates but to
offer motivation to employees in the form of a career path.

Supervisor referrals - a supervisor who knows of a high performer recommends the employee to the
hiring manager.

Internal sources are primarily 3

b.Promotions (through Internal Job Postings) and
c.Re-employment of ex-employees - Re-employment of ex-employees is one of the
internal sources of recruitment in which employees can be invited and appointed to
fill vacancies in the concern. There are situations when ex-employees provide
unsolicited applications also.
The main advantage with internal recruitment is in its efficiency; roles can be advertised internally in a variety of
formats and formalities, from work-based intranets to emails to posters in the staffroom. Furthermore, the
processes of interviewing and trialling candidates can be done to a quicker schedule.



⮚ Decrease employee turnover
⮚ Reduces screening & training costs (SAVES MONEY)
⮚ Reduces time to hire
⮚ Shorten on Boarding Times
While the benefits of this practice shouldn’t be ignored, it’s not a perfect plan. There are some
drawbacks to an internal recruitment strategy that everyone involved with the hiring process, from
Human Resources teams to managers, should know about before they begin.


⮚ Lack of fresh perspectives

⮚ Limits your candidate pool
⮚ Leaves gap in existing workforce
⮚ Results in Inflexible Culture
5 Ways to Mitigate the Disadvantages of
Internal Recruiting
1. Communicate How Hiring Works
-Let your internal candidates know how you came to a hiring decision. If they wish to know more, consider setting up
a meeting to discuss what they could do to strengthen their position next time. Consider building an internal employee
referral program, additionally, to further incentivize employees to stay engaged in internal hiring.
2. Provide Other Ways for Mobility
-Give employees opportunities to learn and grow within your organization, even if they aren’t a good fit for
promotion. Some employees may not be suited for management positions, but they should have plenty of ways to stay
challenged in their job and feel relevant to their work. Good work should be rewarded with bonuses, for example, even for
employees who don’t move up.
3. Only Share Actually Open Positions
-If you have someone in mind for a job opening, don’t communicate the opening, at all. Giving employees false hope
that they could be considered may cause conflict. Only send out a call for internal applicants if you’re truly considering all
internal applicants.
4. Give Managers Tools for Creating Succession Plans
-If you haven’t already trained your leaders on how to look for suitable internal candidates, do so. Get your next
managers in place before they are needed, and make it easy for employees to move up and further their career path. This
way, when an opening happens, you can check in with department heads to see who is already suited to fill the gap.
5. Don’t Rely Solely on Internal (or External) Recruiting
-For best results, mix up your hiring practices to include fresh faces with solid company performers. A solution that
balances internal recruiting with external support systems is doable.
Recruitment Process : 5 STEPS involved in Recruitment Process
The first step involved in the recruitment process is
planning. Here, planning involves to draft a comprehensive
job specification for the vacant position, outlining its
major and minor responsibili­ties; the skills, experience and
qualifications needed; grade and level of pay; starting Planning
date; whether temporary or permanent; and mention of
special conditions, if any, attached to the job to be filled ”

Once it is known how many with what qualifications Strategy

of candidates are required, the next step involved in
this regard is to devise a suitable strategy for
recruiting the candidates in the organisation.
This step involves attracting job seekers to the
organisation. There are broadly two sources Searching
used to attract candidates.

Screening as the starting point of selection, we have

considered it as an integral part of recruitment. The reason
being the selection process starts only after the applications
have been screened and shortlisted. Job specification is Screening
invaluable in screening. Applications are screened against the
qualification, knowledge, skills, abilities, interest and
experience mentioned in the job specification.

Evaluation and control is the last stage in the process of

recruitment. In this process, the effectiveness and the
Evaluation &
validity of the process and methods are assessed.
Recruitment is a costly process, hence it is important that the
performance of the recruitment process is thoroughly
Some step in applying

Online Application Apply online or giving the application to the company.

Initial Recruitment Recruited to have interview. One of the shortlisted applicant

Interview / Interview and examination. It can be initial interview and personal

examination test.

Second Interview Final or second interview by the boss.

Offer Acceptance Job Offer

Your Start Hired.

External Recruitment is the assessment of an available pool of job
candidates, other than existing staff, to see if there are any sufficiently
skilled or qualified to fill and perform existing job vacancies. It is the process
of searching outside of the current employee pool to fill open positions in
the organization.

External recruitment means filling

a job vacancy with an employee
from outside the company, rather
than promoting or transferring an
existing employee from within.
External Sources of Recruitment
common and preferred source of external

Recruitment advertising, also known as

Recruitment communications and
Recruitment agency, includes all
communications used by an
organization to attract talent to work
within it. Recruitment advertisements may
be the first impression of a company for
many job seekers.
External Sources of Recruitment

used when a company needs
applicants with the necessary
skills and experience but does
not have enough resources to
External Sources of Recruitment

run by the government. It is the
most common source that offers
jobs to unskilled, semi-skilled,
and skilled workers.
External Sources of Recruitment
Campus Recruitment and Internships –
used when a company needs
applicants for ENTRY-LEVEL

In-person campus recruiting

means traveling to a college campus
to educate students about an
organization, collect resumes and
meet/screen students who may fulfill
talent needs. This typically takes place
during on-campus career fairs or
company-specific information sessions.
External Sources of Recruitment
JOB FAIRS – used when a
company needs applicants for
various positions from different
age brackets and experiences.

A career fair (also known as a job fair or

career expo) is a recruiting event in
which employers and recruiters meet
with potential employees and where
job seekers find more about job
openings at potential employers.
External Sources of Recruitment
known as e-recruiting. Employers
can search and screen
prospective candidates
electronically. Usually done when
vacancy is managerial or
supervisory position.
Advantages DISAdvantages
1. Provides new ideas & 1. Search takes longer and
fresh perspectives. costs more.
2. Outsider takes time to
2. Internal politics may become familiar with current
be avoided. systems and organization
3. Bigger talent pool culture.
and provides more 3. Can hurt employee morale and
applicant. loyalty.

YOUR MODULE 5 and 7.

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