The 360 Leader

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The 360° Leader

Developing Your Influence from Anywhere

in the Organization
The 360° Leader
Leadership Myths
Leadership Challenges
Lead-Up Principles
Lead-Across Principles
Lead-Down Principles
Leadership Values
The Position Myth
“I can’t lead if I’m not at the
The Destination Myth
“When I get to the top, then
I’ll learn to lead.”
The Influence Myth
“If I were on top, then people
would follow me.”
The Inexperience Myth
“When I get to the top, I’ll be
in control.”
The Freedom Myth
“When I get to the top, I’ll no
longer be limited.”
The Potential Myth
“I can’t reach my potential if
I’m not the top leader.”
The All-or-Nothing Myth
If I can’t get to the top, then
I won’t try to lead.”
The Tension Challenge
The pressure of being caught
in the middle.
The Key to Navigating the
Tension Challenge…
Learn to lead despite the
restrictions others have
placed on you.
Factors that Impact Tension



Job Parameters

Relieving the Tension
Become comfortable with the middle

Know what to “own” and what to let


Find quick access to answers

Never violate your position or trust

with the leader

Find a way to relieve stress

The Frustration Challenge
Following an Ineffective
The Key to Navigating the
Frustration Challenge…
Your job isn’t to fix the leader; it’s
to add value. If the leader won’t
change, then change your attitude
or your work address.
Leaders No One Wants to Follow
The Insecure The Chameleon
Leader Leader

The Visionless The Political Leader

The Controlling
The Incompetent Leader

The Selfish Leader

Middle Leaders – Add Value
Develop a solid relationship with your

Identify and appreciate your leader’s


Commit yourself to adding value to

your leader’s strengths
Middle Leaders – Add Value
Get permission to develop a game
plan to complement your leader’s

Expose your leader to good

leadership resources

Publicly affirm your leader

The Multi-Hat Challenge
One Head…Many Hats
The Key to Navigating the
Multi-Hat Challenge…
Knowing what hat to put on
and then enjoying the
The Pressure of Wearing Many Hats
People at the bottom of an

People at the top of an organization

People in the middle of an

Handling the Multi-Hat Challenge
Remember that one hat sets the
context when interacting with others

Don’t use one hat to accomplish a

task required for another hat

When you change hats, don’t change

your personality
Handling the Multi-Hat Challenge
Don’t neglect any hat you are
responsible to wear

Remain flexible
The Ego Challenge
You’re Often Hidden in the
The Key to Navigating the Ego
Remember that consistently
good leadership gets noticed.
Handling the Ego Challenge
Concentrate more on your duties
than on your dreams

Appreciate the value of your position

Find satisfaction in knowing the real

reason for the success of a project
Handling the Ego Challenge
Embrace the compliments of others
in the middle of the pack

Understand the difference between

self-promotion and selfless
The Fulfillment Challenge
Leaders Like the Front More
Than the Middle
The Key to Navigating the
Fulfillment Challenge…
Leadership is more disposition
than position – influence
others from wherever you
Why Leaders Like the Front
The front is the most recognized
position for a leader

The view is better from the front

Leaders in front get to determine the

Why Leaders Like the Front
Leaders can set the pace

Leaders enjoy being in on the action

How to be Fulfilled
Develop strong relationships with key

Define a win in terms of teamwork

Engage in continual communication

Gain experience and maturity

Put the team above your personal success

The Vision Challenge

Championing the Vision Is More

Difficult When You Didn’t
Create It
The Key to Navigating the
Vision Challenge…
The more you invest in the
vision, the more it becomes
your own.
Responding to the Vision
Attack it Adapt to it

Ignore it Champion it

Abandon it Add value to it

The Influence Challenge
Leading Others Beyond Your
Position is Not Easy
The Key to Navigating the
Influence Challenge…
Think influence, not position.
People Follow Leaders…
They know – leaders who care

They trust – leaders with character

They respect – leaders who are


They can approach – consistent


They admire – leaders with

Lead Yourself Exceptionally
Lead-Up Principle #1
Emotions Thinking

Time Words

Priorities Personal Life

Lighten Your Leaders Load
Lead-Up Principle #2
Lifting Your Leader’s Load
Shows you are a team player

Shows gratitude for being on the team

Makes you part of something bigger

Gets you noticed

Increases your value and influence

How to Lift Your Leader’s Load
Do your own job well first

When you find a problem, provide a


Tell leaders what they NEED to hear,

not what they WANT to hear

Go the second mile

How to Lift Your Leader’s Load
Stand up for your leader whenever
you can

Stand in for your leader whenever

you can

Ask your leader how you can lift the

Be Willing to do What Others
Lead-Up Principle #3
Doing What Others Won’t –
360° Leaders…
Take the tough jobs

Pay their dues

Work in obscurity

Succeed with difficult people

Put themselves on the line

Doing What Others Won’t –
360° Leaders…
Admit faults but never make excuses

Do more than expected

Are the first to step-up and help

Perform tasks that are “not their job”

Take responsibility for their

Do More Than Manage - Lead
Lead-Up Principle #4
Moving Beyond Management
Leaders think longer term

Leaders see within the larger context

Leaders push boundaries

Leaders put emphasis on intangibles

Moving Beyond Management
Leaders learn to rely on intuition

Leaders invest power in others

Leaders see themselves as agents of

Invest in Relational Chemistry
Lead-Up Principle #5
Leading & Connecting
Listen to your leader’s heartbeat

Know your leader’s priorities

Catch your leader’s enthusiasm

Support your leader’s vision

Connect with your leader’s interests

Leading & Connecting
Understand your leader’s personality

Earn your leader’s trust

Learn to work with your leader’s


Respect your leader’s family

Be Prepared Every Time You
Take Your Leader’s Time
Lead-Up Principle #6
Be Prepared…
Invest 10x

Don’t make your boss think for you

Being something to the table

When asked to speak, don’t wing it

Be Prepared…
Learn to speak your boss’ language

Get to the bottom line

Give a return on your leader’s

Know When to Push and
When to Back Off
Lead-Up Principle #7
When to Push Forward
Do I know something my boss
doesn’t but needs to?

Is time running out?

Are my responsibilties at risk?

Can I help my boss win?

When to Back Off
Am I promoting my own personal agenda?

Have I already made my point?

Must everyone but me take the risk?

Does the atmosphere say “no?”

Is the timing right only for me?

Does my request exceed our relationship?

Become a Go-To Player
Lead-Up Principle #8
Go-To Players Produce When…
The pressure’s on When the load is
When resources
are few When the leader is
When the
momentum is low When the time is
Be Better Tomorrow Than You
Are Today
Lead-Up Principle #9
How Growth Helps You Lead
The better you are, the more people

The better you are, the greater your

value today

The better you are, the greater your

potential for tomorrow
How to Become Better Tomorrow
Learn your craft today

Talk your craft today

Practice your craft today

Understand, Practice, and
Complete the Leadership
Lead-Across Principle #1
The Leadership Loop
Caring – Take an interest in people

Learning – Get to know people

Appreciating – Respect people

Contributing – Add value to people

The Leadership Loop
Verbalizing – Affirm people

Leading – Influence people

Succeeding – Win with People

Put Completing Fellow Leaders
Ahead of Competing with Them
Lead-Across Principle #2
Balancing Competing & Completing
Acknowledge your natural desire to

Embrace healthy competition

Put competition in its proper place

Know where to draw the line

Be a Friend
Lead-Across Principle #3
To Teamwork, Add Friendship
Friendship is the foundation of

Friendship is the framework for


Friendship is the shelter against

sudden storms
How to Be a Friend

Find common ground not related to work

Be available beyond business hours

Have a sense of humor

Tell the truth when others don’t

Avoid Office Politics
Lead-Across Principle #4
Two Ways to Get Ahead
Production Politics
Depend on how they Depend on who they know
grow Focus on what they say
Focus on what they do Appear better than they
Become better than are
they appear Take shortcuts
Provide substance Do what’s popular
Let others control their
Do what’s necessary destiny
Control their destiny Hope to be given the next
Grow into the next level
level Base decisions on opinions
Base decisions on
Avoiding Political Damage
Avoid gossip

Stay away from petty arguments

Stand up for what’s right, not just for

what’s popular
Avoiding Political Damage
Look at all sides of the issue

Don’t protect your turf

Say what you mean, and mean what

you say
Expand Your Circle of
Lead-Across Principle #5
How to Expand Your Circle
Expand beyond your Inner Circle

Expand beyond your expertise

Expand beyond your strengths

Expand beyond your personal prejudices

Expand beyond your routine

Let the Best Idea Win
Lead-Across Principle #6
Investment in Ideas
Intellectual Investment

Physical Investment

Emotional Investment
Leading to the Best Idea
Listen to ALL ideas

Never settle for just one idea

Look in unusual places for ideas

Leading to the Best Idea
Don’t let personality overshadow

Protect creative people and their


Don’t take rejection personally

Don’t Pretend You’re Perfect
Lead-Across Principle #7
Getting “Real” in Competition
Admit your faults

Ask for advice

Worry less about what others think

Be open to learning from others

Put away pride and pretense

Walk Slowly Through the Halls
Lead-Down Principle #1
Tips for Leading Down
Slow Down

Express that you care

Create a healthy balance of personal and

professional interest

Pay attention when people start avoiding


Tend to the people, and they will tend to

the business
See Everyone as a “10”
Lead-Down Principle #2
Thinking the Most of People
See them as who they can become

Let them “borrow” your belief in


Catch them doing something right

Thinking the Most of People
Believe the best – give others the
benefit of the doubt

Realize that “10” has many


Give them “10” treatment

Develop Each Team Member
as a Person
Lead-Down Principle #3
Developing Your People
See development as a long-term

Discover each person’s dreams and


Lead everyone differently

Use organizational goals for

individual development
Developing Your People
Help them know themselves

Be ready to have a hard conversation

Celebrate the right wins

Prepare them for leadership

Place People in Their Strength
Lead-Down Principle #4
Placing People - Strengths
Discover their true strengths

Give them the right job

Identify the skills they’ll need and

provide world-class training
Model the Behavior You
Lead-Down Principle #5
The Leader’s Impact
Your behavior determines the culture

Your attitude determines the


Your values determine the decisions

Your investment determines the

The Leader’s Impact
Your character determines the trust

Your work ethic determines the


Your growth determines the potential

Transfer the Vision
Lead-Down Principle #6
Interpreting the Vision
Clarity Challenge

Connection Stories

Purpose Passion

Reward for Results
Lead-Down Principle #7
Effectively Rewarding Results
Give praise publicly and privately

Give more than just praise

Don’t reward everyone the same

Effectively Rewarding Results
Give perks beyond pay

Promote when possible

Remember that you get what you

pay for
A Leadership Team is More
Effective Than Just One Leader
Value #1
Leaders Who Build Teams
Visionary leaders are willing to hire
people better than themselves

Wise leaders shape their people into

a team

Secure leaders empower their teams

Leaders Who Build Teams
Experienced leaders listen to their

Productive leaders understand that

one is too small a number to achieve
Leaders Are Needed at Every
Level of the Organization
Value #2
What Happens Without a Leader
Vision is lost Morale is low

Decisions are Production is

delayed reduced

Agendas are Success is difficult


Conflicts are
Leading Successfully at One Level
is a Qualifier for Leading at the
Next Level
Value #3
Becoming the Best 360° Leader
Leadership is a journey that starts where
you are, not where you want to be

Leadership skills are the same, but the

“league of play” changes

Great responsibilities come only after

handling small ones well
Becoming the Best 360° Leader
Leading at your current level creates
your resume for going to the next

When you can lead volunteers well,

you can lead almost anyone
Good Leaders in the Middle
Make Better Leaders at the Top
Value #4
Making Better Leaders
Every time you add a good leader,
you get a better team

Every time you add a good leader,

ALL the leaders in an organization
get better

Good leaders in the middle add value

to the leaders above the them
Making Better Leaders
Good leaders in the middle release
top leaders to focus on their

Good leaders in the middle motivate

leaders above them to continue

Good leaders in the middle give the

organization a future
360° Leaders Possess Qualities
Every Organization Needs
Value #5
Qualities of 360° Leaders
Adaptability – quickly adjusts to

Discernment – understands the real


Perspective – sees beyond their own

vantage point

Communication – links to ALL levels

of the organization
Qualities of 360° Leaders
Security – finds identity in self, not

Servant hood – does whatever it


Resourcefulness – finds creative

ways to make things happen
Qualities of 360° Leaders
Maturity – puts the team before self

Endurance – remains consistent in

character and competence over the
long haul

Countability – can be counted on

when it counts

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