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Hildegard Peplau
Ida Jean Orlando
Virginia Henderson
Learning Objectives
1. Understand the nursing theory of Hildegard
Peplau, Ida Jean Orlando and Virginia
2. Explain the theoretical assertions
(metaparadigm) based on nursing,
personhood, health and environment.
3. Understand the application of the nursing
theory to the field of practice.
Ida Jean Orlando – Nursing
Process Theory

❏ Nursing Process discipline is rooted in the interaction between a

nurse and a patient at a specific time and place
❏ The nurse then decides on an appropriate action to resolve the
need in cooperation with the patient.
❏ This action is evaluated after it is carried out.
➔ If the patient behavior improves, the action was successful and
the process is completed.
➔ If there is no change or the behavior gets worse, the process
recycles with new efforts
Major Dimensions of Orlando’s theory
Presenting Behavior - Problematic Situation
❏ Patient Behavior ❏ Distress

This sets the nursing process discipline The patient’s behavior reflects distress
in motion. when the patient experiences a need
that he cannot resolve, a sense of
All patient behavior, no matter how helplessness occurs.
insignificant, must be considered an Some categories of patient distress are:
“physical limitations,... adverse reactions
expression of need for help until its to the setting and ... experiences which
meaning to a particular patient in the prevent the patient from communicating
immediate situation is understood. his needs”
❏ Nurse Reaction Three criteria to ensure that the
nurse’s exploration of her reaction
The patient behavior stimulated a nurse with the patient is unsuccessful:
reaction, which marks the beginning of the 1. What the nurse says to the individual in the
nursing process discipline. contact must match any or all of the items
contained in the immediate reaction, and what
This reaction is comprised of three sequential parts the nurse does nonverbally must be verbally
(Orlando, 1972). expressed and the expression must match one
or all of the items contained in the immediate
❖ First, the nurse perceives the behavior reaction.
through any of her senses. 2. The nurse must clearly communicate to
❖ Second, the perception leads to the individual that the item being
automatic thought. expressed belongs to herself.
3. The nurse must ask the individual about
❖ Finally, the thought produces an
the item expressed in order to obtain
automatic feeling. correction or verification from that same
❏ Nurse’s Action Criteria for Deliberative Actions:

Orlando (1990) includes “only what she [the ➢ Deliberative actions result from the
nurse] says or does with or for the benefit correct identification of patient
of the patient” as professional nursing needs by validation of the nurse’s
action. “The nurse initiates a process of reaction to patient behavior.
exploration to ascertain how the patient is ➢ The nurse explores the meaning of
affected by what she says or does.” the action with the patient and its
relevance to meeting his need.
The nurse can act in two ways: automatic ➢ The nurse validates the action’s
or deliberative. Only the second manner effectiveness immediately after
fulfills her professional function. completing it.
➔ Automatic actions are “those decided ➢ The nurse is free of stimuli
upon for reasons other than the unrelated to the patient’s need when
patient’s immediate need,” whereas she acts.
➔ Deliberative actions ascertain and
meet this need.
Major Dimensions of Orlando’s theory
Orlando’s theory
Major Concepts

Human Being
➢Humans in need are the focus of nursing practice.
➢Health is replaced by a sense of helplessness as the initiator of a
necessity for nursing.

She stated that nursing deals with individuals who require help.
➢not defined directly but implicitly in the immediate context for a patient
➢as unique and independent in its concerns for an individual’s need
for help in an immediate situation.
➢The efforts to meet the individual’s need for help are carried out in an
interactive situation and in a disciplined manner that requires proper
Steps in Nursing Process
➢ the nurse completes a holistic assessment of the patient’s needs.This is done without taking
the reason for the encounter into consideration. The nurse uses a nursing framework to collect
both subjective and objective data about the patient.
➢ the nurse’s clinical judgment about health problems. The diagnosis can then be confirmed
using links to defining characteristics, related factors, and risk factors found in the patient’s
➢ each of the problems identified in the diagnosis is given a specific goal or outcome, and each
goal or outcome is given nursing interventions to help achieve the goal. By the end of this
stage, the nurse will have a nursing care plan.
➢ the nurse begins using the nursing care plan { Independent, Dependent, Collaborative}
➢ the nurse looks at the progress of the patient toward the goals set in the nursing care plan.
➢ E.g Met or Not Met
Assumptions of the Need Theory

➔ Nurses care for patients until they can care for themselves once again.
Although not precisely explained,
➔ Patients desire to return to health.
➔ Nurses are willing to serve, and “nurses will devote themselves to the
patient day and night.”
➔ Henderson also believes that the “mind and body are inseparable and are

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