Lecture14 CSS DHTML

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PGDCET/NWT Department of Computer Science & Technology

Lecture 14


© 2009, DCST
PGDCET/NWT Department of Computer Science & Technology

To Learn & Understand:
• Styles for
• color, background, font, text etc.
• What is DHTML
• Features of Dynamic HTML
• Dynamically change text and style

© 2009, DCST CSS and DHTML 14.2

PGDCET/NWT Department of Computer Science & Technology

Color and Background

CSS properties to apply colors and background colors to your websites

Property Valid Values Sample Usage
color Color value {color:green;}
background-color Color value {background-color:green;}
background-image url | none {background-image:
background-repeat repeat | no-repeat {background-repeat: no-repeat;}
background-attachment scroll | fixed {background-attachment: fixed;}
background-position [top | center | bottom {background-position: top
| left | center | right] center;}
background color || url || repeat || { background:red url(apple.jpg) ;}
scroll || position

© 2009, DCST CSS and DHTML 14.3

PGDCET/NWT Department of Computer Science & Technology

Example - Color & Background

HTML code Style.css

<html> body {
<head> background-color: #FFCC66;
<title>CSS Example</title> background-image: url("scene.jpg");
<link rel="stylesheet" background-repeat: no-repeat;
type="text/css" background-attachment: fixed;
href="style.css" />
background-position: center right;
<body >
<H1> India Tourism </H1> h1 {
<h2> If there is Heaven on earth its
here, its here, its here.</h2> color: #990000;
</body> background-color: #FC9804;
</html> }

CSS and DHTML 14.4

PGDCET/NWT Department of Computer Science & Technology

CSS Properties for Fonts

Property Valid Values Sample Usage

font-family Arial. San-Serif, {font-family: Arial,times;}
times, Times New
Roman etc…
font-style normal, italic, oblique {font-style: italic;}
font-variant Normal, small-caps {font-variant: small-caps;}
font-weight Normal, bold {font-weight: bold;}
font-size Size either absolute {font-size: 12pt;}
value or relative
font [font || font-variant|| {font: bold 12pt Arial ;}
font-weight || font-
size] font-family

© 2009, DCST CSS and DHTML 14.5

Example - Font
<html> <head><title>CSS Example</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" ref="style.css" />
</head> <body>
<H1> Thought of the Day </H1>
</font> </H3>
</body> </html>
font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
color: red;
text-align: center;
PGDCET/NWT Department of Computer Science & Technology

CSS Properties for Text

Formatting and adding style to text is achieved through text
Property Valid Values Sample Usage
text-indent Length | percentage {text-indent:25px;}
text-align Left | right | center | {text-align: center;}
text-decoration None | underline | {text-decoration: underline;}
overline | line-through
letter-spacing Normal | length {letter-spacing: 4pt;}
text-transform Capitalize | uppercase | {text-transform: uppercase;}
lowercase | none

© 2009, DCST CSS and DHTML 14.7

PGDCET/NWT Department of Computer Science & Technology

CSS Properties for Borders

Borders can be used as a decorative element or to underline a

separation of two or more elements.

Property Valid Values Sample Usage

border-width Length | percentage {border-width: thick;}
| [medium | thick | thin]
border-color Color values {border-color: gold;}
border-style dashed | dotted | groove {border-style: dotted ;}
| inset | outset | ridge |
solid | none
border width || style || color {border: 1px solid blue;}

© 2009, DCST CSS and DHTML 14.8

Example - Borders
HTML code
<html><head><title>CSS Example</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style1.css" />
</head> <body > <H1> The Art of Being Well </H1>
<H2> Negative people do not find solutions and they enlarge problems. It is
better to light <br/> a match than to curse the darkness. We are what we
<H3> Some rules for happier life:
<li> Accept </li>
<li> Make Decisions </li>
<li> Find Solutions </li>
<li> Dont live by appearances </li>
<li> Trust </li>
</h3> </body> </html>
PGDCET/NWT Department of Computer Science & Technology

Example – Borders...
h1 { p{
border-width: thick; border-width: 1px;
border-style: double; border-style: dashed;
border-color: gold; border-color: blue;
} }

h2 { ul {
border-width: 20px; border-width: thin;
border-style: outset ; border-style: solid;
border-color: red; border-color: orange;
} }

© 2009, DCST CSS and DHTML 14.10

PGDCET/NWT Department of Computer Science & Technology


© 2009, DCST CSS and DHTML 14.11

PGDCET/NWT Department of Computer Science & Technology

Height and Width

Defines the height and width of an element.
Property Valid Values Sample Usage
height Length | percentage | auto {height: 200px;}
width Length | percentage | auto {width: 400px;}

CSS example ul
height: auto;
width: 200px;
border: 1px solid black;
background: orange;
© 2009, DCST CSS and DHTML 14.12
PGDCET/NWT Department of Computer Science & Technology

• Pseudo-classes are another form of
specification used in CSS
• They identify markup elements, and in some
cases, specific user actions, to which a
particular style is to be applied.
• Example:
– The :hover pseudo-class
– This applies a style only when the user 'points to'
the visible element with a mouse pointer
– It is appended to a selector as in a:hover or

CSS and DHTML 14.13

Example - Pseudo-classes
a:link {
color: blue;
} a:link is used for links leading to
pages that the user has not visited.

a:visited {
color: purple;
} a:visited for visited links.

a:active {
background-color: yellow; :active is used for links that are active.
a:hover {
color: green;
font-style: italic;
} a:hover is when the cursor is on the link.
PGDCET/NWT Department of Computer Science & Technology

• A pseudo-element makes a selection that may
consist of partial elements, such as :first-line or :first-
• Example:
<html> <head>
<style type="text/css">
{ color: #ff0000; font-size:xx-large; }

<body> <p>Try This!</p> </body> </html>

CSS and DHTML 14.15

PGDCET/NWT Department of Computer Science & Technology

<div> & <span> elements

• They are used as containers for style sheet
properties. Both define a block consisting of text and
HTML tags.
• <div> element separates the block from its
surrounding content by a line break.
• The <span> element flows within the surrounding

© 2009, DCST CSS and DHTML 14.16

PGDCET/NWT Department of Computer Science & Technology

<div> & <span> elements

<title>CSS DIV & SPAN Example</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style4.css" />
<body > <H1> Demonstrating use of DIV & SPAN </H1>
<H2> Text surrounding DIV tag... before <DIV> I am a DIV </DIV>Text
surrounding DIV tag... after.
<H2> Text surrounding SPAN tag... before <SPAN> I am a SPAN
</SPAN>Text surrounding SPAN tag... after.
</body> </html>
© 2009, DCST CSS and DHTML 14.17
PGDCET/NWT Department of Computer Science & Technology

<div> & <span> elements


div {
color: red;
background-color: yellow;
font-style: Italic;
span {
color: blue;
background-color: lightgreen;
font-style: oblique;

© 2009, DCST CSS and DHTML 14.18

PGDCET/NWT Department of Computer Science & Technology

CSS: Box Model



Each HTML-element is surrounded by boxes which we

can adjust using CSS.
© 2009, DCST CSS and DHTML 14.19
PGDCET/NWT Department of Computer Science & Technology

Dynamic HTML (DHTML)

• DHTML is a collection of technologies used
together to create interactive and animated
web sites by using a combination of :
– A static markup language (such as HTML)
– A client-side scripting language (such as
– A presentation definition language (such as CSS),
– The Document Object Model (DOM)

CSS and DHTML 14.20

PGDCET/NWT Department of Computer Science & Technology

Dynamic HTML (DHTML)

• DHTML allows scripting languages to change
variables in a web page's definition language,
which in turn affects the look and function of
otherwise "static" HTML page content
• DHTML effects occur after the page has been
fully loaded and during the viewing process.
• DHTML is often used to make rollover buttons
or drop-down menus on a web page and
interactive web pages.

CSS and DHTML 14.21

PGDCET/NWT Department of Computer Science & Technology

Dynamic HTML

CSS Javascript Javascript



Simple Page with Dynamic Page

Page Style (DHTML)

© 2009, DCST CSS and DHTML 14.22

PGDCET/NWT Department of Computer Science & Technology

DHTML Features
 Dynamic Content – Content on the Web page can be
added, deleted, or modified dynamically.
 Dynamic Style – It refers to the change in the
appearance of an element such as color, font, size and
visual effects (bold, italic, underline etc.)
 Dynamic Positioning – It refers to change in the
position of an element dynamically. Features such as
Drag & Drop and animation are possible.

© 2009, DCST CSS and DHTML 14.23

PGDCET/NWT Department of Computer Science & Technology

Changing Text Color & Size

<html><head><title>DOM Examples</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function faith1()

var elem = document.getElementById('myspan')

elem.style.color ="green";
elem.style.fontSize ="200%";
function faith2()

var elem = document.getElementById('myspan')

elem.style.color ="red";
elem.style.fontSize ="100%";

CSS and DHTML 14.24

PGDCET/NWT Department of Computer Science & Technology

Changing Text Color & Size ...

<body onLoad="faith2();">

<span onMouseOver="faith1();" onMouseOut="faith2();" id="myspan"> You are

being pulled in hundred directions.



© 2009, DCST CSS and DHTML 14.25

PGDCET/NWT Department of Computer Science & Technology

Dynamically Changing text

• With the help of DOM, already placed text also can be

changed dynamically.
• New text can be added and existing text can be altered
or deleted.
• DOM provides four text element properties to access the
content of an element. They are:

─ innerText, outerText, innerHTML, outerHTML

© 2009, DCST CSS and DHTML 14.26

PGDCET/NWT Department of Computer Science & Technology

Container Properties
Property Content
innerText The textual content of the container.

outerText Same as innerText when accessed for

read; replaces the whole element when
assigned a new value.
innerHTML The complete content of the container, not
including the element tag pair itself.
outerHTML The complete container, including the
element tag pair itself.

CSS and DHTML 14.27

PGDCET/NWT Department of Computer Science & Technology

Example - Container Properties

function fn() {

alert("InnerText is: " + test.innerText);

alert("OuterText is: " + test.outerText);
alert("InnerHTML is: " + test.innerHTML);
alert("<br>OuterHTML is: " + test.outerHTML);
// replaces container <p>..</p> tag
test.outerText = " This is replaced string. ";

CSS and DHTML 14.28

PGDCET/NWT Department of Computer Science & Technology

Example - Container Properties

<i> One Two
<p id="test"> Three <font color="red"> Four </font> Five
Six Seven

<input type="button" value="click" onClick="fn();" >


CSS and DHTML 14.29

PGDCET/NWT Department of Computer Science & Technology

Styles for
• color, background, font, text etc.
• What is DHTML
• Features of Dynamic HTML
• Dynamically change text and style

© 2009, DCST CSS and DHTML 14.30

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