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Introduction to IoT

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• IoT definition
• Goal of IoT
• Characteristics of IoT
• Physical Design of IoT
• Logical Design of IoT
• IoT Protocols
• IoT Levels & Deployment Templates

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Definition of IoT
The IoT can be defined in two ways based on
• existing Technology
• Infrastructure
 Definition of IoT based on existing technology:
IoT is a new revolution to the internet due to the advancement in sensor
networks, mobile devices, wireless communication, networking and cloud
 Definition of IoT based on infrastructure:
IoT is a dynamic global network infrastructure of physical and virtual objects
having unique identities, which are embedded with software, sensors,
actuators, electronic and network connectivity to facilitate intelligent
applications by collecting and exchanging data.
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Goal of IoT

The main goal of IoT is to configure, control and network the

devices or things, to internet, which are traditionally not associated
with the internet i.e thermostats, utility meters, a Bluetooth
connected headset, irrigation pumps and sensors or control circuits
for an electric car’s engine that make energy, logistics, industrial
control, retail, agriculture and many other domain smarter.

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Characteristics of IoT

• Dynamic & Self-Adapting

• Self-Configuring
• Interoperable Communication Protocols
• Unique Identity
• Integrated into Information Network

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Characteristics of IoT
• Dynamic and self-adapting:
The IoT devices can dynamically adapt with sensed environment, their operating
conditions, and user’s context and take actions accordingly. For ex: Surveillance

• Self-configuring:
I. IoT devices can be able to upgrade the software with minimal intervention of user,
whenever they are connected to the internet.
II. They can also setup the network i.e a new device can be easily added to the
existing network. For ex: Whenever there will be free wifi access one device can be
connected easily.
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Characteristics of IoT
• Interoperable Communication:
IoT allows different devices (different in architecture) to communicate with each other as
well as with different network. For ex: MI Phone is able to control the smart AC and smart
TV of different manufacturer.

• Unique identities:
I. The devices which are connected to the internet have unique identities i.e IP address
through which they can be identified throughout the network.
II. The IoT devices have intelligent interfaces which allow communicating with users. It
adapts to the environmental contexts.
III. It also allows the user to query the devices, monitor their status, and control them
remotely, in association with the control, configuration and management infrastructure.
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Characteristics of IoT

• Integrated into information network:

I. The IoT devices are connected to the network to share some information with other
connected devices. The devices can be discovered dynamically in the network by other
devices. For ex. If a device has wifi connectivity then that will be shown to other nearby
devices having wifi connectivity.

II. The devices will be visible though out the network. Due to these things the network is
also called as information network.

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Physical Design of IoT

• The "Things" in IoT usually refers to IoT devices which have unique
identities and can perform remote sensing, actuating and monitoring
• IoT devices can:
• Exchange data with other connected devices and applications (directly or
indirectly), or
• Collect data from other devices and process the data locally or
• Send the data to centralized servers or cloud-based application back-ends for
processing the data, or
• Perform some tasks locally and other tasks within the IoT infrastructure,
based on temporal and space constraints

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Generic block diagram of an IoT Device

• An IoT device may consist of

several interfaces for
connections to other devices,
both wired and wireless.
• I/O interfaces for sensors
• Interfaces for Internet
• Memory and storage
• Audio/video

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IoT Protocols
• Link Layer
• 802.3 – Ethernet
• 802.11 – WiFi
• 802.16 – WiMax
• 802.15.4 – LR-WPAN
• 2G/3G/4G
• Network/Internet Layer
• IPv4
• IPv6
• Transport Layer
• Application Layer
• CoAP
• WebSocket
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IoT Protocols
• The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the foundation of the World Wide
Web, and is used to load web pages using hypertext links. HTTP is an application
layer protocol designed to transfer information between networked devices and
runs on top of other layers of the network protocol stack.

• How does HTTP work? 

As a request-response protocol, HTTP gives users a way to interact with web
resources such as HTML files by transmitting hypertext messages between clients
and servers. HTTP clients generally use Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
connections to communicate with servers.

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IoT Protocols
• CoAP:
• Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) is a specialized web
transfer protocol for use with constrained nodes and constrained
networks in the Internet of Things. CoAP is designed to enable simple,
constrained devices to join the IoT even through constrained networks
with low bandwidth and low availability.

• CoAP a customary client-server IoT protocol. It enables

clients to make requests for web transfers as per the need of the
hour. On the other hand, it also let supporting servers to respond
to arriving requests. In summary, devices' nodes in the IoT
ecosystem are enabled to interact over through CoAP only.
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IoT Protocols

• WebSocket:
• A WebSocket is an extremely important tool for real-time communication
across the internet. A WebSocket is a bi-directional communication protocol
which has emerged recently with the introduction of HTML5. A WebSocket
operates over TCP as an upgrade to a standard HTTP connection
Do IoT devices use WebSockets?
This is because Websocket isn't extremely well suited to IoT devices. It was
initially designed for the full-duplex communication channel between browsers
and servers. So, while it can be used for connected embedded devices, it will
not be able to hold signals as well.

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IoT Protocols
• The MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport ) protocol is the de-facto standard for IoT messaging.
Standardized by OASIS and ISO, MQTT publish/subscribe protocol provides a scalable and reliable way to
connect devices over the Internet. Today, MQTT is used by many companies to connect millions of devices
to the Internet.

• Why MQTT protocol is used in IoT?

Residing on top of the TCP/IP network stack, MQTT is a lightweight publish/subscribe messaging
protocol designed for low-bandwidth, high latency, unreliable networks. MQTT's features make it an
excellent option for sending high volumes of sensor messages to analytics platforms and cloud solutions

What is difference between WebSocket and HTTP?

Unlike HTTP, where you have to constantly request updates, with websockets, updates are sent
immediately when they are available. WebSockets keeps a single, persistent connection open while
eliminating latency problems that arise with HTTP request/response-based methods.

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IoT Protocols
• Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol, formerly known as Jabber (an open
protocol for instant messaging and presence services), is a communications protocol based on
XML (Extensible Markup Language), aimed at message-oriented middleware and
applications such as near-real-time instant messaging and presence information.
• Example: used in WhatsApp, GTalk, and other chating applications and inbuilt in the chat features. It is
mostly preferred where one-to-one secure or group-based communication is the main feature.

• How does XMPP IoT apply in IoT applications?

Based on extensible markup language (XML), XMPP enables fast, near-real-time exchange
of data between multiple entities on a network. In addition to providing presence and
messaging capabilities, it has also seen use in gaming and -- most recently -- internet of
things applications
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IoT Protocols
• DDS:
• DDS stands for Data Distribution Service. • It is an IoT protocol developed for M2M
(Machine to Machine) Communication by OMG (Object Management Group). • It
enables data exchange via publish-subscribe methodology.

• What is the difference between MQTT and DDS?

MQTT is optimized for centralized data collection and analysis – connecting sensors and
mobile devices to applications running in a data center. DDS is optimized for distributed
processing – directly connecting sensors, devices and applications to each other without
any dependence on centralized IT infrastructure.

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IoT Protocols
•The Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) is an open standard for passing business
messages between applications or organizations. It connects systems, feeds business processes with
the information they need and reliably transmits onward the instructions that achieve their goals.

• Is AMQP an IoT protocol?

The AMQP — IoT protocols consist of a hard and fast of components that route and save messages
within a broker carrier, with a set of policies for wiring the components together. The AMQP protocol
enables patron programs to talk to the dealer and engage with the AMQP model

• What is the difference between MQTT and AMQP?

The only difference is the level of flexibility between the two protocols. While MQTT shows some
inherent client/server bias based on who initiates the connection, AMQP is fully symmetric and permits
the server and client to communicate from either direction.
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IoT Protocols
•The Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) is an open standard for passing business
messages between applications or organizations. It connects systems, feeds business processes with
the information they need and reliably transmits onward the instructions that achieve their goals.

• Is AMQP an IoT protocol?

The AMQP — IoT protocols consist of a hard and fast of components that route and save messages
within a broker carrier, with a set of policies for wiring the components together. The AMQP protocol
enables patron programs to talk to the dealer and engage with the AMQP model

• What is the difference between MQTT and AMQP?

The only difference is the level of flexibility between the two protocols. While MQTT shows some
inherent client/server bias based on who initiates the connection, AMQP is fully symmetric and permits
the server and client to communicate from either direction.
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