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Volleyball History

Originally called mintonette, the origin of

volleyball can be traced back to 1895 in
Massachusetts, USA.

1895  invented the game of volleyball

inspired from the sports basketball that can be

bumping and jolting to have an alternative physical
William G. Morgan

Founder of the volleyball

Physical Director of YMCA

YMCA - Young Men’s Christian Association

Holyoke, Massachusetts,

the ball came from baske`tball,

the net from tennis and the use of hands from handball.

While this made up a game of volleyball, it was lent

some competitive tone with the introduction of innings -
later to be called sets - that was borrowed from baseball.
Morgan introduced the sport -- called MINTONETTE,
the original name of volleyball -- at the YMCA Physical
Director's Conference a year later at Springfield College,
Inspired by…
Tennis, required rackets, balls, a net, and other

Net raise height above the head, and the ball use
was basketball bladder but too light and slow
and use basketball itself but too big and heavy

1900 a lighter and smaller designed ball was

Interesting facts

Though it was incomplete with no fixed rules and a

format to follow, the sport did enough to win over the
delegation and soon became a part of YMCA’s wide
network throughout the USA with a new name –
VOLLEY BALL (initially it was termed as two words).

1952 - Volleyball was officially selected to spell as a

single word.

A sport that traced its origin to

basketball, baseball, tennis and
handball - and now estimated to
be played by over 800 million
globally - had thus been
Development of Volleyball

The coming years saw rules for the game being drawn up
as volleyball continued to bank on YMCA’s popularity to
go global.
YMCA societies playing prominent roles in regions like 
India, China, Europe, South America and Africa,
volleyball would soon spread in these regions.
ASIA – steamed the sports volleyball.
1913 – it included at the Far-Eastern Games organized in
Development of
1900 opened up a new array of tactical and
technical possibilities as the specially designed
lighter and small devise to use.
Over years,
rules playing volleyball been established.
points per set change from 21 to 15 points in
after years, number of players per team was set
as six and so on.
Development of Volleyball
A few years later, a new offensive way of playing the game — including what we now call
setting and spiking — emerged in the Philippines. It was to be called ‘bomba’ or ‘Filipino
bomb’, taking a cue from the pace at which the ball landed in the opposition’s court.

Setting in volleyball refers to an overhead pass to Spike is completed when the ball crosses the net
the hitter so that, in turn, they can spike the ball and lands on the opposite side ofthe court (or
and score. The goal for the setter is to get in the touched by one of the opposing team's players).
direct line of the ball. This is crucial to setting it A volleyball spike can be completed by either a
accurately and on time for the hitter. back row player or front row player.
The new tactic also meant the rules of volleyball were further
refined and standardized, including the scoring system and the
rule stipulating a maximum of three hits per team

However, all through this period, volleyball was largely

restricted to only a few regions. Though there were a few
national championships in different countries, none had a fixed
set of rules as it varied from region to region.
But all this would change in 1947.
International Governing Body of Volleyball
Federation Internationale de
14 nations met in Paris in leadership of Frances Paul
Libaud to set an aassociation that will govern volleyball
in international level.
Belgium, Brazil, Czechoslovakia, Egypt, France,
the Netherlands, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, Uruguay, the USA and Yugoslavia
Federation Internationale de
Frances Paul Libaud – assumed
the first President of the
association till 1984.

The first volleyball World

Championships for men was held
in 1949 in Prague and in 1952 for
women in Moscow.
To be continue..

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