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Training & Development


Group members:

1. Hina
2. Ariba Yousaf
3. Sabahat Younas

 If an organization considers its employees to be human

assets, training and development represents an ongoing
 Training involves employees acquiring knowledge and
learning skills that they will be able to use immediately.
Employee development involves learning.
 It includes various tools, instructions and activities designed
to improve employee performance.

 It
helps businesses retain valuable employees.
 Minimize turnover.
 Save on hiring expenses.
 Optimize revenues
Strategizing Training

Objective & Design &

Assessment Evaluation
measures develop
Need Assessment

 It include three levels:

1. Organizational level
2. Task level
3. Individual level
Organizational level

At the Organizational level, the training is considered within the text of the
organization’s culture, Politics, structure and Strategy.
Task level

Task Level assessment involves looking at specific duties and responsibilities assigned to
different Jobs and the types of skills and knowledge needed to Perform each task.
Individual level

The Individual Level of assessment considers the people to be trained. It refers an

analysis of their existing levels of knowledge and skills as well as factors relating to their
Preferred learning styles, Personality, Interpersonal Styles in interacting with others
and any special needs individual employees might have.

 Improve the individual’s level of awareness.

 Increase an individual’s skill in one or more areas of expertise.
 Increase an individual’s motivation to perform their job well.
Design and delivery

After the objectives next step is design and delivery.

Two critical issues are..
Interference and transfer

Interference do occur when prior training Learning or

establishing habits act as a block or obstacle in the Learning
process .

The second critical issues is transfer. Transfer refers to whether the trainee learner can
actually perform the new skills or use new knowledge on job.
On the job

On the job done most popular training method is on the job instruction coaching mentory job
rotation apprenticeship and committe assignmet .

Of the job
Taining reffer to an education method where employee learn more about their job on the latest
advancement in theirs feild at a location away from their place

Provides new and information for principle manger and edupay user concern human
resources management.

After the training has been delivered, it needs to be evaluated.

A model has been developed for training evaluation that suggests training can be take place
on four levels.
These levels are;
• Reaction
• Learning
• Behavior
• Results.
Four levels of training Evaluation
Level 1: Reaction

This level measures how learners have reacted to training.

 Did you think training was successful?
 What are the highest strengths and weakness of training?
 What are the three most important things you learn from training?

Measures :
 Questionnaires
 Employ satisfaction survey
 Body language test
Level 2: Learning

It focuses on measuring what your trainees have and haven’t learned.

 Compare their learning before and after training.
 How motivated they are to make changes.
 How training has developed their skills, attitude , knowledge , confident and commitment.

 Written test
 performance test
Level 3: Behavior

 This level will help you to understand how will people apply their training.
 Behavior can only change when conditions are favorable.
 It is a long term process that can take place over weeks or months.
Question :

• Did the trainee put any of their learning to use?

• Are trainees aware that they have changed their behavior?

• Observation
• Interview
Level 4: Results

 At this level you find results of your training.

 This includes outcomes that demonstrate good return on investment. (ROI)
 Biggest challenge will be identify which outcomes , benefits or final results are most
closed to training.

It is all about improving individual and group performance .

It is important & evaluate the effectiveness to ensure that goals were achieved .
Thank you

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