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Anger and Retaliation

The Story of Monk Tissa 和尚蒂萨的故事
The Dhammapada Verses 3 & 4
从 法经第 3 & 4 句

法句经 1
While residing at the Jetavana Monastery in 佛陀住在舍卫城 (Sàvatthi) 的只园
Sàvatthi, the Buddha uttered these Verses, (Jetavana) 寺时,参照比丘蒂舍
with reference to Monk Tissa. (Tisa Tissa) 说出这些偈颂。

“He abused me, he struck me, “He abused me, he struck me,
he overpowered me, he overpowered me,
he robbed me.” Those who harbor such he robbed me.”
thoughts Those who do not harbor such
do not still their hatred. thoughts still their hatred.
Dhammapada Verse 3 Dhammapada Verse 4

“ 他虐待我,他打我,他压制我,他抢了 “ 他虐待我,他打我,他压制我,他抢了
我。” 怀有这种想法的人 我。” 那些不怀有这样的
不要还在他们的仇恨 . 思想仍然是他们的仇恨。
法句经第三节 法句经第四节

Monk Tissa, son of the Buddha’s maternal aunt, was at one time staying with
the Buddha. He had become a monk only in his old age, but he behaved like a
senior monk and was very pleased when visiting monks asked his
permission to do some service for him. On the other hand, he failed to
perform the duties expected of junior monks; besides, he often quarreled
with the younger monks. Should anyone rebuke him on account of his
behavior, he would go complaining to the Buddha, weeping, very much
dissatisfied and very upset.

佛陀姨妈的儿子帝舍僧曾有一次与佛陀同住。 他晚年才出家,但表现得像一位高
僧,当来访的僧人请他为他服务时,他非常高兴。 另一方面,他没有尽到小僧人应
有的职责; 此外,他经常与年轻的僧侣争吵。 如果有人因为他的行为而责备他,他

Once, the Buddha, The Teacher asked him, “Tissa, why have you come to me so sad and sorrowful with
tears in your eyes, weeping?”
The other monks had discussed among themselves, “If he goes alone, he may cause trouble.” So, they too
went along with him, paid obeisance to the Teacher, and sat down respectfully on one side. Tissa answered
the Teacher’s question, “Venerable, these monks are abusing me.” The Teacher asked, “But where were
you sitting?” “In the center of the monastery in the Hall of State, Venerable.” “Did you see these monks
when they came?” “Yes, Venerable I saw them.” “Did you rise and go to meet them?” “No, Venerable, I
did not.” “Did you offer to take their monastic utensils?” “No, Venerable, I did not offer to take them.”
“Tissa, do not act thus. You alone are to be blamed; ask for their pardon.”
“I will not ask for their pardon, Venerable.”

有一次,佛陀,上师问他:“蒂萨,你为什么如此悲伤和悲伤,眼里含着泪水,哭泣着来找我?” 其
他修士议论道:“他一个人去,可能会惹来麻烦。” 于是,他们也跟着一起去,拜了师尊,恭敬地坐
在一边。 蒂莎回答老师的问题:“尊者,这些比丘在辱骂我。” 老师问:“但是你坐在哪里?”
“在大殿的寺院中央,尊者。” “这些修士来的时候,你看到了吗?” “是,尊者我看到了。”
“你起身去见他们了吗?” “不,尊者,我没有。” “你有没有主动提出拿走他们的法器?”
“不,尊者,我并没有主动要他们。” “蒂莎,不要这样。 你一个人应该受到指责; 请求他们的原
谅。” “尊者,我不会求饶。”

The monks said to the Teacher, “He is an obstinate monk, Venerable.” The
Teacher replied, “Monks, this is not the first time he has proved obstinate; he
was obstinate also in a previous state of existence.” “We know all about his
present obstinacy, Venerable; but what did he do in a previous state of
existence?” “Well then, monks, listen,” said the Teacher. So saying, He told
the following story.

比丘们对老师说:“和尚,他是一个顽固的比丘。” 老师回答说:“比丘们,这不
是他第一次表现出顽固; 他在以前的存在状态下也是顽固的。 “我们都知道他现
在的固执,尊者; 但是他在以前的存在状态下做了什么? “那么,比丘们,听
着,”老师说。 说着,他讲了下面的故事。

Once upon a time, when a certain king reigned at Benàres, an ascetic named
Devala, who had resided for eight months in the Himàlaya country, desiring to
reside near the city during the four months of the rains, for salt and vinegar
returned from the Himàlayas. Seeing two boys at the gate of the city, he asked
them, “Where do monks who come to this city spend the night?” “In the
potter’s hall, Venerable.” So Devala went to the potter’s hall, stopped at the
door, and said, “lf it is agreeable to you, Bhaggava, I would like to spend one
night in your hall.” The potter turned over the hall to him, saying, “I have no
work going on in the hall at night, and the hall is a large one; spend the night
here as you please, Venerable.”
了八个月,希望在这四个月的雨季中住在城市附近,因为盐和醋从 喜马拉雅山。 见
城门口有两个童子,就问他们:“来此城的僧人,在什么地方过夜?” “尊者,在陶
殿。” 于是德瓦拉去了陶匠的大厅,在门口停下,说:“如果你同意,巴嘎瓦,我想
在你的大厅里住一晚。” 陶匠将厅堂转给他,说:“我夜里无所事事,厅堂又大;

Benares 6
No sooner had Devala entered the hall and sat down than another
ascetic named Nàrada, returning from the Himàlayas, asked the potter
for a night’s lodging. The potter thought to himself, “The ascetic who
arrived first may or may not be willing to spend the night with him; I
will therefore relieve myself of responsibility.”

山回来,就向陶工要了一晚住宿。 陶匠心想:先来的苦行者,不一
定愿意与他过夜; 因此,我将减轻自己的责任。”

So, he said to the ascetic who had just arrived, “Venerable, if the ascetic
who arrived first approves of it, spend the night at your pleasure.” So
Nàrada approached Devala and said, “Teacher, if it is agreeable to you, I
would like to spend one night here.” Devala replied, “The hall is a large
one; therefore come in and spend the night on one side.” So Nàrada went
in and sat down beside the ascetic who had gone in before him. Both
exchanged friendly greetings.
吧。” 于是那茹阿达靠近德瓦拉说:“老师,如果您同意,我愿意在这里住一
晚。” 德瓦拉回答说:“大厅很大; 所以进来在这边过夜。 于是那茹阿达走进
去,在先入的沙门旁边坐下。 双方互相友好问候。

When it was bedtime, Nàrada noted carefully the place where Devala lay and
the position of the door, and then lay down. But when Devala lay down,
instead of lying down in his proper place, he lay down directly across the
doorway. The result was that when Nàrada went out at night, he trod on
Devala’s matted locks. Thereupon Devala cried out, “Who is treading on my
locks?” Nàrada replied, “Teacher, it is I.” “False ascetic,” said Devala, “You
come from the forest and tread on my locks.” “Teacher, I did not know that
you were lying here; please pardon me.”

到了就寝时间,纳茹阿达仔细地记下德瓦拉躺着的地方和门的位置,然后躺下。 但
去。 结果是 Nàrada 晚上出门时,踩到了 Devala 乱蓬蓬的头发。 于是德瓦拉喊
道:“谁在踩我的头发?” 那罗陀说:“老师,是我。” “假苦行者,”德瓦拉
说,“你从森林里来,踩了我的头发。” “老师,我不知道您躺在这里; 请原谅

Nàrada then went out, leaving Devala weeping as if his heart would break.
Devala thought to himself, “I will not let him tread on me again when he
comes in.” So he turned around and lay down, placing his head where his
feet had been before. When Nàrada came in, he thought to himself, “The first
time I injured the teacher; this time I will go in past his feet.” The result was
that, when Nàrada entered, he trod on Devala’s neck. Thereupon Devala cried
out, “Who is that?” Nàrada replied, “It is I, teacher.” “False ascetic,” said
Devala, “The first time you trod on my locks. This time you tread on my neck.
I will curse you.”
Nàrada 然后出去了,留下 Devala 哭泣,仿佛他的心都要碎了。 德瓦拉心里想:“他进来的
时候,我不会再让他踩到我了。” 于是他转身躺下,把头放在之前脚所在的地方。 那罗陀进
来时,心里想:“我第一次伤了老师; 这次我要从他脚边过去。” 结果是,纳茹阿达一进
来,就踩到了德瓦拉的脖子。 于是德瓦拉喊道:“那是谁?” 那茹阿达回答说:“是我,老
师。” “虚假的禁欲主义者,”德瓦拉说,“你第一次踩到我的头发。 这次你踩在我的脖子
上。 我会诅咒你的。

“Teacher, I am not to blame. I did not know that you were lying in this
position. When I came in I thought to myself, ‘The first time I injured the
teacher; this time I will go in past his feet.’ Please pardon me.” “False ascetic,
I will curse you.” “Do not do so, teacher.” But Devala, paying no attention to
what Nàrada said, cursed him all the same, saying, “May your head split into
seven pieces at sunrise.”

“ 老师,不怪我。 我不知道你躺在这个位置。 我进来的时候心想:‘第一次伤了

老师, 这次我要从他的脚边走过去。请原谅我。” “伪苦行者,我会诅咒你。”
“不要这样,老师。” 但是 Devala 不理会 Nàrada 的话,仍然咒骂他说:“愿

Now Nàrada, perceiving that the curse would fall back on his brother-
ascetic, he felt compassion for him, and therefore put forth the power of his
meditation and prevented the sunrise. When the sun did not rise, the king
had to intervene and ask Devala to apologize. Devala refused. Then said
Nàrada to Devala, “Teacher, I will put forth my power of meditation and
make the sun to rise. At the moment of sunrise please keep a lump of clay
on your head and submerge in water and rise in different places as you go
your way.”

发挥他的冥想力量,阻止了日出。 太阳还没有升起,国王只好出面干预,要求德
瓦拉道歉。 德瓦拉拒绝了。 然后那茹阿达对德瓦拉说:“老师,我将发挥我的冥
想力量,让太阳升起。 日出时,请将一团粘土放在头上,浸入水中,并在不同的

Devala did as he was told before the sun rose. At sunrise, as soon as the
sun’s rays touched the lump of clay on his head, it divided into seven
pieces. Thereupon Devala ducked in the water, and came up in a different
place, and ran away.
When the Buddha finished telling the story, He said, “Monks, at that time the
king was Ananda, Devala was Tissa, and Nàrada was myself. At that time
Tissa as Devala was also obstinate.”
The Buddha advised the monks not to keep thoughts of enmity. Enmity
could be only appeased by thoughts of friendliness.
德瓦拉在太阳升起之前照他说的做了。 日出时,太阳光一碰到他头上的泥块,泥块就分成七
块。 于是 Devala 潜入水中,在另一个地方浮出水面,然后逃跑了。 佛陀说完这个故事后,
他说:“比丘们,那时国王是阿难陀,德瓦拉是提萨,那茹阿达是我。 当时蒂莎扮演的德瓦
拉也很固执。” 佛陀告诫比丘们不要存有敌意。 敌意只能通过友好的思想来平息。

“He abused me, he struck me,
he overpowered me,
he robbed me.” Those who harbor such
do not still their hatred.
Dhammapada Verse 3

“ 他虐待我,他打我,他压制我,他抢了
我。” 怀有这种想法的人
不要还在他们的仇恨 .

“He abused me, he struck me,

he overpowered me,
he robbed me.”
Those who do not harbor such
thoughts still their hatred.
Dhammapada Verse 4

“ 他虐待我,他打我,他压制我,他抢了
我。” 那些不怀有这样的

Dhamma Reflections 反思佛法

When a person Living in human society,

holds on to thoughts people often have
that he was insulted, misunderstandings or
assaulted, defeated, quarrel with one another. 生活在人类社会
or robbed, his anger When such conflicts 中,人们之间经常
continues to occur, people often keep 会发生误解或争
当一个人执着于他 thinking about the
increase. The anger 吵。 当这样的冲突
of such a person has 被侮辱、殴打、被 wrongs done to them by 发生时,人们常常
no way of subsiding. 打败或被抢劫的念 others. When that 会想着别人对他们
The more he goes 头时,他的愤怒会 happens, their anger 所做的错事。 当这
over his needless 不断增加。 这种人 tends to grow. But in 种情况发生时,他
and avoidable 的怒火根本无法平 those who forgive and 们的愤怒往往会增
‘trouble’ the greater forget the wrongs done 加。 但对于那些宽
息。 他越是克服不
becomes his desire to them and practice the 恕和忘记对他们所
必要的和可以避免 radiation of metta or
to avenge it. And he 做的错误并练习向
的“麻烦”,他报 loving-kindness to all 所有众生散发慈爱
is likely to do
unwholesome 复它的欲望就越 beings, anger quickly 或慈爱的人来说,
actions. 大。 而且他很可能 vanishes. They are then 愤怒很快就会消
会做出不善的行 at peace. 失。 然后他们就平
为。 安了。
“May we constantly practice and develop
our Morality, Concentration and Wisdom.
May we always guard our thoughts and
mental states ensuring
they are wholesome.”
“ 愿我们不断地修行和发展

With Metta, The End

Bro. Oh Teik Bin
结束 16

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