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Maslow’s Hierarchy

of Needs
What makes you happy?

How can you say that you are happy?

Who do you want to be?

Abraham Harold Maslow
(1908- 1970)
Born: April 6 in Brooklyn, New York

Psychology professor: Brandeis University, Brooklyn

College, New School for Social Research, Columbia

10th most cited (popular) psychologist of the 20th

century (A Review of General Psychology Survey)

Proposed the theory called Maslow's hierarchy of

Maslow's hierarchy of needs
Only when people have
satisfied elemental needs do
they strive to meet higher
“… to understand our human
needs a little bit better can put
us all on the expressway to
happiness and holiness.”

- Father Joseph A. Galdon

Physiological/ Biological/ Survival
- Physical needs such as food, rest,
physical safety (home), medication
- We have to live in a predictable and orderly
Example of security problems:
- Broken families (divorce or separation of
- Aiming for high grades for popularity
- Betrayal and infedility from relationship
Love and Belonging Needs
- We have to belong to someone
and someone else has to belong
to us.
- “No man’s an island.”
Esteem Needs
- Assurance that we are good at
something and on what we do.
And that we have a potential to
invest into something to become
Maintenance needs must be
fairly well satisfied before
several growth needs can
motivate human behavior.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs
Knowledge and Understanding
- “ The need to know and understand one’s
world is often listen as an intrinsic (built-in)
need. Students who are ‘turned on’ by
discovering new knowledge do not require
external payoffs to keep them learning.
Elaborate systems of discovery learning and
problem- solving are based on this need to
Aesthetic Needs
- Desire for order and beauty. Whenever
people discover or create, they seem
stimulated to pursue those activities
- Art exhibits, concerts, displays, house
Self- actualization
- Striving to become what their potential is.

“Where there is no vision, the people perish”

-Proverbs 29: 18

Pursuing things or activities as hobbies because
you love doing them, and not as things to do.

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