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Memory Check

Directions: Write FACT if
the statement is true and
BLUFF if the statement is
1. Unlike visual artists who
use actual brushes and
palettes, computer artists
employ powers of image
manipulation programs and
apps to create their woks.
2. A whole array of paints,
inks and natural pigments
applied to paper, canvas,
fabric, wall and ceilings is
highlighted in technology-
based art.
3. If an artist makes use of
electronic and mechanical
devices, rather than his own hand
to produce the desired images
and effects, his technique belongs
to technology-based art forms.
4. Mobile phone art can
only be done using a
mobile phone and not
possible in tablets, iPad
or even phablets.
5. Phablet is a term used
to describe a new-
generation model
combination of a phone
and a tablet.

Directions: Identify the term

being asked /described in the
following statements.
6. What do you call the
lines that needs to be
activated first in your
smart phones or camera
in order to create a
sense of composition in
your photo?
7. This rule is applied by
aligning a subject with
the guide lines and their
intersection points,
placing the horizon on
the top or bottom line, or
allowing linear features
in the image to flow from
section to section.
8. This rule in basic
photography states
that images are
more visually
appealing when
there is an odd
number of subjects.
9 – 10. What are the two
(2) types of camera that
were mentioned and
introduced in our previous

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