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Statistics and

Techniques for
Policy analysis
Florescel Pedojan
Regine Iris
Jerralyn Alva
Content of the Report:

Box and Whiskers Plot

Types of Skewed Distributions
Measures of Skewness
Types of Kurtosis
Measures of Kurtosis
Box and Whiskers Plot

BLOXPLOTS are used to

provide a graphical display of
data showing location,
spread, symmetry, extremes
and outliers.
Box and Whiskers Plot
Steps in constructing the box-and-whiskers plot:
1. Construct a rectangle with one end at the first
quartile and the other end at the third quartile
2. Put a vertical line across the interior of the
rectangle at the median
3. Compute for the interquartile range (IQR),
lower fence (FL) and upper fence (FU) given by:
IQR = Q3 - Q1
FL = Q1 - 1.5 IQR
FU = Q3 + 1.5 IQR
What is Skewness?

A distribution that is asymmetric with
respect to a vertical axis is said to be
Two types of Skewness

1. Positively skewed or Skewed to the right

o Values are more concentrated below than
above the mean.
o The mean will be greater than the median
o The mean is influenced more than the
median or mode by a few extremely high
o The mode is the smallest of the three
Two types of Skewness

2. Negatively Skewed or Skewed to the left

o Values are more concentrated above than
below the mean.
o Small values in the left tail will make the
mean less than the median.
o The mean is the lowest of the three
Measure of Skewness

 Shows the degree of asymmetry, or

departure from symmetry of a
distribution. It indicates also the direction
of the distribution.

3(Mean - Median)
Skewness =
Standard Deviation
Pearson’s first and second
Coefficient of Skewness

Sk > 0: positively skewed since X > Md > Mo

Sk < 0: negatively skewed since X< Md< Mo
Sk = 0: symmetric since X = Md = Mo
Sample problem

Two public wet markets in QC, Nepa Qmart and

Kamuning market, gave the following estimated sales
figures for the fosh sold (in kilos) for one week.
Nepa Q Mart Kamuning market
(kilos of fish sold) (kilos of fish sold)
3400 2000 Find the following:
3200 2200 Nepa Q Mart kamuning Market
2800 3200 Mean ? ?
2600 8400 Median ? ?
3200 2000 Mode ? ?
2600 2600 Standard Deviation ? ?
3200 2000
Moment Coefficient of Skewness
(ungrouped Data)

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