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English V Unit 5

Describe your emotions in different situations.
Describe sequence of events
How well do you remember the radio drama, “Hospital Adventures”?
Mark what each character said.

Morgan Chad Doctor Narrator

1 “What a headache! Where am I? Who am I? Who are you?”
2 “Will Chad get well? Will he get his memory back?”
3 “It seems that we’ll have to operate”.
4 “Doctor, I´m so worried. What are we going to go?”.
5 You´ll remember that last time. Chad was an accident.”
“He´s still sleeping. The nurse just took his temperature.
He has a fever.”
Follow up the story
1. What is the name of the radio drama?

2. Who is Morgan?

3. What was the cause of Chad’s accident?

4. What happened to Chad as a result of the accident?

5. What does the doctor want to do?

6. What do you think will happen next?

How would you feel if someone
important to you forgets your

Discuss the
questions How do you feel when your
mom or friends give you a
What happened?
My last birthday
Write in three sentences of what happened on your last birthday.


Amy Ahmad
Yoshi Miguel


Example: Tom was talking about an anecdote but Yoshi was bored.
Giving advice
Role play that a friend is going to a job interview. Give advice of what to do.

You should/shouldn´t…
You really ought to…
You shouldn´t worry about..
Why don´t you…

What should I do?

I am worried that…
What if he doesn´t…?
Do you really think I should…?
• Do you know anyone who is annoying? When is the last time you got annoyed with

• Do you ever get bored? What kinds of things do you find boring?

• Are you scared of anything? Are there any movies that you find scary?

• Do you ever feel worried or anxious? What about?

• Have you ever felt really disappointed? What happened?

• Do you have any plans that you´re excited about, like a party or a trip?

• What is the most exciting thing you´ve ever done?

a Write sentences describing what Malcolm’s family were doing before his party. Use the
words in parentheses
Feelings and emotions
annoying hard I got bored when I was watching the news.
bored interesting
boring motivated
excited nervous
exciting pleased
fascinating proud
fun scary
happy tired
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