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Cultural &
Philip Alexander
Historical  1820 - 1850
• During the time of the Bronte's, there were several
wars during the times of the family's life. One of them
was the Opium War that broke out in 1839 until it
ended in 1842.

• Opium is a drug which is a recreational and medicinal

drug. It was a big discussion about the trade and what
it was affecting at the time. It is also referred to as an
antidepressant because it was 'classed' as a legal high. 

 Between 1839 – 1842 There was a war dispute over

the opium trade deal with China and Britain.
Cultural 1820 - 1850
• The fashion from the 1820s was so eccentric as well as
it was fitting because they wore very nourishing
flamboyant. The fashion for detail back, then had so
much effort being put into it because it gave so much
down to the last stitch.  The garments for the eighteen
twenties to eighteen fifties was all very fitting, stylish
chic tightened, belts, pearls and laces.
• Illustrated London News was founded in 1842 and
immediately became one of the world's first illustrated
newspaper was published weekly until it ended in
1971, when it published monthly.
Political 1820 -
• The Conservative Party was formed in the 1830's .
•  Tolpuddle Martyrs were a group of farmers who
formed a union of protest and marches standing
up for equal rights in 1834. They were
transported to Australia because they formed a
union because of their protesting over wages.
• The feminist wave started in 1850
where women were fighting for a right to
vote and to work. Women even dressed up as
men to get into university and get an education.
• The abolition of Slavery in 1833 was an act of the
Parliament trying to stop the slavery across the
whole of the British Empire.

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