Statistics Frequency

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• Is the branch of science that deals with such question of
numerical information and its collection and analysis.
(Grolier, 1996)
• STATISTICAL METHOD are procedures used in the collection
organization/presentation, analysis and interpretation of
data ( Walpole, 1982:2)
1. According to Purpose or objectives
1.1 Descriptive Statistics- those methods concerned with collecting
and describing a set of data so as to yield meaningful information
(Walpole, 1982).
- consists of methods for organizing, displaying, and describing data
by using tables, graphs and summary measures (Aguaviva, 1998)
1.2 Inferential Statistics- comprises those methods and procedures
concerned with analysis of a subset of data or sample results leading to
predictions about the entire set of data.
2. According to Level of Data Generated
2.1 Parametric Statistical Tests- this type of test are applied that are
either interval or ratio scales and whose model specify certain
conditions about the parameters of the population from which the
research sample was drawn.
2.2 Non Parametric Statistical Test- these tests are generally applied
to data that are either of the nominal or ordinal scales.
The following data as the results of a 150 item summative test in Practical Research taken by
100 Grade 12 students of Samar National School.

130 105 91 80 111 97 85 112 117 129

140 110 120 87 108 99 86 133 118 131
90 95 139 106 99 102 87 113 119 134
100 70 114 105 93 80 104 114 120 135
110 76 93 123 74 129 105 115 121 136
107 89 75 132 73 141 106 116 122 137
98 99 74 128 92 81 89 71 124 138
75 80 71 94 95 82 103 73 125 70
88 72 108 91 96 83 108 88 126 73
77 87 109 70 101 102 109 90 127 75
• The mean is most popular measure of central tendency, which the
layman calls an “average”.

(ungrouped data)
X= scores or values
n= total number of cases.
Example 1
• For the 12 months of 2021, a police department reported
4,3,5,5,10,8,9,6,3,4,8 and 7 armed robberies. Find the mean, namely
the average number of armed robberies per month.

Solution: Using the formula

For grouped data

refers to the midpoint
f class frequency
n number of cases
• The median is defined as the middlemost item/score/value in an
ordered distribution.

For ungrouped data

Cases: The median is the value of the middle item when in “n” is odd;
and the mean
1. Given the following values: 45, 31, 67, 53, and 36
2. Given the following values: 24, 28,30,32,32,35,37,37,38,40,40,40
For grouped data

LB refers to the lower boundary of the median class
F refers to the less than or equal to cumulative
preceding the median class
N refers to the number of cases
i refers to the class or interval size
• The mode is defined as the most frequent score the value which
occurs with the highest frequency and more than once (Freund &
Simon, 1992)

Ungrouped data
Example: among the twenty meetings of a square dance club were
attended by 26,25,28,23,25,24,24,21,23,26,24,32,25,27,24,23,24, and
Grouped Data
• One may just determine the mode roughly by determining the class mark or
class midpoint of the interval with the highest frequency. The value obtained
is called as rough mode.
• The rough mode approximation maybe improved by considering the
frequencies adjoining the modal class frequencies- refined mode

Refined mode= LB +
Where; LB refers to exact lower limit of the modal class
refers to the difference between highest frequency and the frequency just
below it.
refers to the difference between the highest frequency and the frequency just
above it.
• Pearsonian mode= 3

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