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Muslim Expansion into India

Dehli Sultans, Mongol

Invasions, and the Mughal
Empires of South Asia
 During the period between about 300 BC and 1700
AD, many different rulers were able to unite parts of
northern and southern India.

 Also during that period, the subcontinent was invaded

by several different groups that left an impression on
the people of south Asia.
Empires of South Asia
 Maurya Empire (321 BC)
Chandragupta – first to unite N. India
Asoka – harsh ruler at first; brings Maurya to height of power
– Change of heart; converts to Buddhism
– Spreads Buddhism throughout empire and elsewhere
 Gupta Empire (AD 320)
Chandragupta I – rules over “Golden Age” in Indian history
– Advances in art, literature, mathematics
– Concept of zero, “Arabic” numerals
**One of India’s greatest leaders
Muslim Expansion into India
 As the Gupta empire declines, Islam
expands after its founding in the 600’s
Invaders from the west, north attack
India’s cities
 Over time, Muslims push the borders of
their empire deeper into south Asia
In 1200’s, a strong Muslim leader named
Mohammed Ghori conquers the capital
city of Dehli and establishes the Delhi
Delhi Sultanate
( ‫)دلیس لطن‬
 Refers to the various
Muslim dynasties
that ruled in India
Founded after
Muhammad of Ghor
defeated Prithvi Raj
(an Indian king) and
captured Delhi in
A Clash of Beliefs
 Muslims and Hindus did not accept each
others’ beliefs
Conflict was frequent during this period
Muslims often destroyed Hindu holy places and
 Muslim rulers did not force Hindus to convert
But they had to pay a non-believer tax
 Areas of difference?
One God vs. Many
Equality vs. caste system
Koran vs. Vedas, other texts
Cattle: Food vs. sacred
The Mongol Invasions
 Mongols – Central Asian groups who
invaded northern India after the decline of
the sultanate

 Tamerlane: Mongol ruler in 1398 destroys

Kills or enslaves the entire population
Leaves to conquer other lands

 Babur: grandson of Tamerlane

In 1526, returns to set up the Mughal empire
The Mughal Empire
 Founded by Babur in 1526;
lasts for more than 300
At its height, united most of
the people of south Asia
 Under the Mughals, some
cooperation and blending of
Muslim/Hindu culture
Urdu – language mixing
Persian and Hindi, written in
Key Ruler of the Mughal Empire
Akbar (1556 – 1605)
 Leader during “Golden Age” of Mughal empire
 Religious toleration…
Met regularly with other religious leaders
Tries to create a new religion by combining the
diverse faiths of the region – the “Divine Faith”
Ends the destruction of Hindu holy places
Marries a Hindu princess; appoints Hindus to
places in government
Put these empires in the order in
which they ruled/invaded India
 Gupta
 Mughal
 Mongol
 Muslim
 Maurya
Place the leaders under the correct empire
they ruled under
 Gupta  Akbar

 Chandragupta
 Maurya
 Shah Jahan

 Mughals  Asoka

 Babur
Identify two key differences
between Muslims and Hindus…
Put these empires in the order in
which they ruled/invaded India
 Maurya – 300BC – 0AD
 Gupta – 300AD – 1200AD
 Muslim (the sultanate)– 1200-1500AD
 Mongol invasion – 1400AD
 Mughal – 1500AD
Place the leaders under the correct empire
they ruled under

 Gupta
Chandragupta I
 Maurya
 Mughals
Shah Jahan
Identify two key differences
between Muslims and Hindus…
 One God vs. Many

 Equality vs. caste system

 Koran vs. Vedas, other texts

 Cattle: Food vs. sacred

FrontPage: What is the most you’ve ever done for someone you love?

Homework: No homework
The Taj Mahal

A Monument to Love
The Story of Akbar, Shah Jahan and the Taj Mahal

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