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◦ It is a kind of riddle that is composed of a short statement
and is often set in the form of rhyme. It is known in the
literary world, mainly because it belongs to oral literature,
since it has been transmitted through the spoken word and
many of them have survived from generation to generation.

What is a ◦ In general terms, the riddle is a simple riddle that is

characterized by describing an aspect, object or any element

in an indirect way, so that the receiver, reader or simply the
person to whom it is addressed can identify the element to
which the riddle refers. This is due to the fact that the
statement is composed of clues that guide the receiver and
will allow him/her to reach the solution.
◦ Undoubtedly, riddles are one of those
statements that we have heard at some point
in our lives, some with greater or lesser
complexity. Let’s see below the main
Most important characteristics of this type of oral literature:

characteristics of 1. intent of the riddle

2. variety of audiences
the riddle
3. possibility of dialogue
4. anonymous author
5. everyday references
According to the type of audience to which it is
addressed, the geographical area in which it is
used, among other elements, it is possible to
identify the intention of the riddle. In this sense, it
is possible to identify riddles with educational
Intent of the intention due to a component of this type that may
be present in it, as well as there are others that are
riddle in charge of representing traditions of a culture,
explaining concepts, generating humor and
entertainment, among other possible intentions
One of the most important aspects of
riddles, and in fact one of the reasons
why it is possible that it is still alive in
the speech of different cultures, has to do
Variety of with the fact that they have a variety of
audiences. In this sense, the riddle can
audiences be directed to children, but also,
according to its complexity and
intention, it can be oriented to the
juvenile and adult public
The riddle is also presented as a communicative
element from which the enigma is emitted by the
enunciator, waiting for the answer of the addressee
for its resolution. Thus, we can identify the
creation of a space of dialogue and dynamism that
Possibility of seeks the answer to the riddle, where the
announcer issues the riddle, knows the answer and
dialogue waits for the reception of the addressee, its
evaluation and subsequent solution. It is in this
way that a dialogue is created between the two
main participants.
As part of oral literature, the riddle is one of
the types of literature that does not have a
recognized author, as they are part of the
popular culture of a given region and usually
have this character because they have been
Anonymous transmitted from generation to generation. This
author passage through time and the regions to which
it moves, also produces a change to the extent
that it adapts to the area where it arrives, the
time and customs of the region.
Another important aspect of the riddle
has to do with the fact that it usually
makes reference to elements, situations
or aspects that are part of everyday life
Everyday and that we can identify within our
general practices, since many of them
references consist of elements of nature, animals,
utensils, parts of the body, etc.
◦ One of the main faculties of the riddle is related to the great
variety of formats in which we can find it. Thus, we can find
riddles that are developed in different measures of meter and
composition. However, a great part of them are composed by
octosyllabic verses with stanzas of two and four verses,
together with rhymes that can be assonant or consonant.
Structure of ◦ Riddles frequently appear with puns, one of the most recurrent

the riddle
practices in the expression of the riddle, as well as its brief
extension and other elements, among them those that we will
see next:
1. introductory formulas
2. concluding formulas
3. elements to guide
4. disorienting elements
They can appear mainly in paired
verses. These introductory elements
can serve several functions,
including provoking a challenge,
Introductory initiating with a question, offering a
formulas special location, or simply
beginning with a description of a
To end the statement, a simple or
complex conclusion formula of the
enigma appears, where the addressee
can be motivated to continue or not by
Conducting a play on words that may even tease or
formulas offer an incentive to solve it. This
element is very important, since it
establishes the challenge that the
addressee will find very difficult to
These are elements that can be found
inside the riddle. These can appear as a
decomposition of the word, either
because it is fragmented or broken
Elements to down, giving rise to a popular
guide etymology. In other words, a semantic
change can occur that builds the pun and
orients the addressee to reveal the
riddle’s answer
We also find elements that are used in
order to avoid obviousness and a quick
answer, since rhetorical or sense traps
are generated that serve to disorient, as
Disorienting its name says, the addressee about the
elements answer. Thus, the challenge to answer is
created. In many cases, dilogy or double
meaning, the sound of words, among
others, are used.

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