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• Jose Rizal arrival in manila on June 26,
1892 had become very sensational
among the Filipinos. His popularity
feared the Spaniards, and such paid
careful attention to his every move- all
houses where he had been were
searched and the Filipinos seen in his
company were suspected.

• As he had planned, on July 3, 1892 he

founded the La Liga Filipina in the
house of Doroteo Ongjuco in Tondo,
Jose Rizal was arrested by the Spanish authorities on four
1. He published books and articles abroad that shows
disloyalty to Spain, anti- Catholic, and anti- friar.

2. He was accused that novel “ El Filibusterismo” was

dedicated to the three priest (GOMBURZA) which
was proven traitors against Spain.

3. For simply criticizing the religion and aiming for its

exclusion from the Filipino culture.

4. For having in possession, a bundle of handbills the

(Pobres Frailes) advocates were in violation of the
spaniards order.
• July 14, 1892 – 10:00 in the evening
was Jose Rizal’s schedule to leave Fort
• He boarded the ferryboat “Cebu”
bound to Dapitan
• July 17, 1892- the ferryboat arrived in
• He met Ricardo (A Don Ricardo
Carnicero) who offered him to live
either in his house or at Jesuits Mission

 Rizal carried a letter from the

superior of the Jesuits Society of
the philippines, Father Pablo
 It was given to the Jesuits priest
in Dapitan, Father Antonio

• he publicly retracted his masonic

and antichurch beliefs

• He participate regularly in church


• He conduct himslef as a good

Spanish and a man of religion.
• July 25, 1892 Rizal wrote to his mother in
Hongkong about his excile

• August 26, 1892 he composed a poem for

his commandant’s birthday
• September 21, 1892 He won in Manila Lottery he won
second prize amounting Twenty Thousand Pesos

• Lottery ticket Number 9736

• The lottery ticket which was not owned by Rizal

because it was jointly owned by him, Capt. Carnicero
and Francisco Equilor a resident of Dipolog.

• He gave 2,000 to his father who was based in hongkong

• He gave 200 to his friend basa

• The rest he invested thru purchasing a piece of land in

Talisay to build his tree houses, one square type made
of bamboo, another hexagonal type made of wood and
the last was octagonal shape made of nipa
• August 9, 1876 Josephine Bracken was born

• Irish couple, James Bracken And Elizabeth


• Greorge Edward Taufer and his wife Adopted

Josephine Bracken

• The eighteen year old Josephine Bracken

Arrive in town. The smitten hero couldn’t hide
his admiration of the slender, brown hair with
blue eyes, dressed in elegant simplicity with
an atmosphere of light gaiety.

• Though she was not highly educated, she was

witty,quick and eager to hear all things that
Rizal had to say.
• Taufer fell ill in his old age from a double
cataract that no ophthalmologist in Hongkong
could cure.

• Having heard of Rizal whose fame as an

opthalmologist had spread in hongkong,
Taufer traveled a long the way to dapitan,
where Rizal exciled by the colonial spain.

• She was accompanied by his 18 years old

adopted daughter. As any doctor would do,
Dr. Rizal gave everything to cure his patient,
sadly however Taufer’s sickness was incurable;
Rizal couldn’t do more for him.
• Rizal fell in love with Josephine at first sight.
Shortly after they met, he articulate his feeling
in this poem

“Josephine, who to these shores came, searching

for a home nest, like the wandering swallows, if
your fate guides you to shanghai, china, or
japan, forget not that on these shores a heart
beats for you.”
• she is the foreigner alluded to in
his immortal poem ‘Mi Ultimo
Adios’ (My last goodbye)

“Farewell my sweet foreigner, my

darling, my delight”

• Francisco Rizal y Bracken


When Rizal arrived in Dapitan, he decided to improve it, to the

best of his God-given talents and to awaken the civic
consciousness of its people

1. Constructing the town’s first water system

2. Draining the marches in order to get rid of malaria that

infested Dapitan

3. Equip the town with its lighting system- this lighting system
consisted of coconut oil lamps placed in the dark streets of

4. Beautification of Dapitan – remodeled the town plaza in

order to enchance its beauty

• Raymondo Mata

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