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Submitted by: FARAZUL HODA

M. Pharm Pharmacy Practice (IInd Semester)

Department of Pharmacology
School of Pharmaceutical Education and
Research, Jamia Hamdard
1.Impact of QUM on e-Health
2.Integrative medicine
3.Multidisciplinary care
Definition of Quality Use of Medicines
Quality Use of Medicines means:

• Selecting management options wisely by:

-Considering the place of medicines in treating illness and maintaining health, and
-recognising that there may be better ways than medicine to manage many

• Choosing suitable medicines if a medicine is considered necessary so that the

best available option is selected by taking into account:
- the individual
- the clinical condition
- risks and benefits
- dosage and length of treatment
- any co-existing conditions
- other therapies
- monitoring considerations
- costs for the individual, the community and the health system as a whole.
• Using medicines safely and effectively to get the best possible results by:
-monitoring outcomes,
- minimising misuse, over-use and under-use, and
- improving people’s ability to solve problems related to medication, such as
negative effects or managing multiple medications.
e-Health India
To take up digital India initiate ahead, MoHFW has started various e-Gov
initiatives in Health care sectors in India, the division is named as eHealth
e-Health is broadly defined as the use of Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) in health.
The eHealth initiatives has a vision to delivery better health outcomes in
terms of
 access,
 quality,
 affordability,
 lowering of disease burden and
 efficient monitoring of health entitlements to citizens
Benefits can be described in the form of 10 e’s in “e-Health”

Efficiency: One of the promises of e-Health is to increase efficiency in health care,

thereby decreasing costs. One possible way of decreasing costs would be avoiding
duplicative or unnecessary diagnostic or therapeutic interventions, through
enhanced communication possibilities between health care establishments, and
through patient involvement.

Enhancing Quality: Increasing efficiency involves not only reducing costs, but at the
same time improving quality. e-Health may enhance the quality of health care by
allowing comparisons between different providers, involving consumers as
additional power for quality assurance, and directing patient streams to the best
quality providers.

Evidence based: e-Health interventions should be evidence based in a sense that

their effectiveness and efficiency should not be assumed but proven by rigorous
Empowerment of consumers and patients: By making the knowledge bases of
medicine and personal electronic records accessible to consumers over the
internet, e-Health opens new avenues for patient centered medicine and enables
evidence based patient choice.

Encouragement: A new relationship between the patient and health professional,

towards a true partnership, where decisions are made in a shared manner is

Education: The physicians are educated through online resources like medical

education and consumers like health education, preventive information etc.

Enabling information exchange and communication in a standardized way between

health care establishments.

Extending: The scope of health care is extended beyond its conventional

boundaries. It means both in geographical and conceptual sense, e-Health enables
consumers to easily obtain health services online from global providers.
Ethics: e-Health involves new forms of patient-physician interaction and poses new
challenges and threats to ethical issues such as online professional practice,
informed consent, privacy and equity issues.

Equity: To make health more equitable is one of the promises of e-Health. People
who do not have money, skills, and access to computers and networks cannot use
computers effectively. As a result, these patient populations are those who are least
likely to benefit from advances in information technology, unless political measures
ensure equitable access for all.

It is clear that there is now a large volume of work studying the impact of
eHealth on the quality and safety of health care. This might be seen as setting a
firm foundation for realising the potential benefits of eHealth. 
What is IM?
Integrative medicine refers to the blending of conventional
and evidence based complementary medicines and therapies
with the aim of using the most appropriate of either or both
modalities to care for the patient as a whole. Integrative
medicine, like general practice, embraces and encourages a
holistic approach to practice that incorporates patient
involvement in self healthcare, prevention and lifestyle
Integrative medicine emphasises a number of issues including:
a focus on wellness and illness prevention

being holistic in nature by focusing on physical, psychological, spiritual, social

and lifestyle issues

incorporating evidence based, safe and ethical complementary therapies

individualising the approach to any particular patient or clinical situation

using the best of all available modalities in conjunction with informed patient

integrating all of the above into conventional medical care

acknowledging that advances in healthcare , improvements in healthcare

delivery systems, cultural change as well as practitioner and patient education.
Multidisciplinary care

Multidisciplinary care occurs when professionals from a range of

disciplines with different but complementary skills, knowledge and
experience work together to deliver comprehensive healthcare aimed at
providing the best possible outcome for the physical and psychosocial
needs of a patient and their carers. As patient needs may change with
time, the composition of the team may also change to meet these needs.
1.Ashly al
PLoS Med. 2011 Jan; 8(1): e1000387. Published online 2011 Jan 18
The Impact of eHealth on the Quality and Safety of Health Care:
Systematic Overview

2.e-Health India

3.The National Strategy for Quality Use of Medicines

4.The RACGP Curriculum for Australian General Practice

2016Multidisciplinary care

5.The RACGP Curriculum for Australian General Practice 2016

Integrative medicine

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