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Tania Nelson
11 Gray
S.B.A PowerPoint
Roles and four function of the office
Roles of the office Five function of the office
 Collecting data
 Production of goods and/or
services  Processing data
 Preserving information
 Distribution of goods and/or
 Disseminating information
 Dealing with financial
 Exchange of goods and/or matters stock and control
services methods
 Fulfilling organizational and
legal obligation
Four differences between small and large business

Small business Large business

Duties and responsibilities are not clearly set Close working relationship with manages and
out in any documents. supervisors are reduced.

Salaries are not high and no pension scheme The firm provides modern, up-to-date
is usually provided. equipment.

There are several avenues for training and

When on employee is absent, there might be
promotion in the firm.
no one available to do that person’s work.
Duties and responsibilities are clearly outlined

The firm rarely organizes social and cultural in job discerptions and job specifications.
activities for its employees.
Definition of “Centralization” an “Decentralization” and advantages

Centralization  Decentralization
 Centralization- is the situation where certain  Decentralization- is the situation where staff of
types of office service for all department are each department performs their own office services
done at a particular place by specialist. within the department itself.
 More economical use is made of staff, space,  There is more socialization among personnel and
supplies and equipment. better interpersonal relationship with executives.
 A wider variety of the best equipment can be
used more efficiently.  If there is any query, there well be no delay and no
 There is better control of records and need for cross-referring because all document are
stationery. kept in the department.
 Better office layout, lighting and air
conditioning are possible.  Department staff are easier to deal with because
there are fewer tasks to be performed then in the
centralized services.
Types of office and advantages and disadvantages
Advantages Disadvantages

 Enclosed, private or cellular office Enclose, private or cellular office

 In case of a personal emergency, help may not be
immediately available
 It is not always possible to supervise staff which may lead
Open-plan office to lower productivity
 Supervision of staff is easier because of the absence
of dividing walls. Open-plan office
 The movement of documents from one section to
another is easier and faster. • It is not suitable for discussion of confidential matters.
• Gossip and grapevine communication develop.
Virtual office
 Less time is wasted on commuting Virtual office
 The employee can wear any type of clothing.
• Greater self-discipline is required
• The employee can miss updates and other changes in a
Five Types Of Equipment And Their Purpose

Types of equipment Their purpose

 Calculating equipment- is to compare
 Calculating figures and produce a permanent record of
 Communication calculations
 Communication equipment- is to transmit
 Filing information and to alert travelling offers to
 Mailing contact the office.
 Printing  Filing equipment- is to secure confidential
records and information and store records.

 Mailing equipment- moisten and seal

envelope flaps and stamp the date and time
on mail received etc.
Types and Definition of “organization chart”
Definition  Types of Organization charts
 Functional organization chart- is a chart that has a
 Organization chart- An sequenced top-down that starts from high authority levels.
It gradually marks its way down to the lowest position
organization chart a diagram with minimum responsibility.
that visually conveys a  Hierarchical organization chart- it is a pyramid-shaped
company’s internal structure chart with the firm’s main organizer at the top, and then as
by detailing the roles, the levels go down, authority and post levels decrease.
responsibilities and  Matrix organization chart- its usage is primarily for
relationships between induvial special projects that remain inside different teams. The
appearance of the diagram resembles a grid. Therefore,
within an entity. It is one way the relationship diagram and authority division are better.
to visualize a bureaucracy.  Horizontal organization chart- another name for this type
of chart is flat chart because of its appearance. It is in
wide use for startup businesses as they do not need
massive chart s divisional diagrams at the business start.
Definitions of “training, skills, attitude and
attributes” and four example of each
Example of each


Training- is the instruction, 
Training- formal training
theoretical and practical for a job
long-term training

Skills- is the ability acquired to do formal training
something well and expertly with

Skills- literacy
your mind, your body or with tools
and equipment as a result of time management
training, practice or experience. good human relations

Attitude- is a person’s feeling or

Attitude- cooperation
reaction towards a situation or tolerance
another person. environment awareness

Attributes- is a quality or social responsibility
characteristic of a person or thing. 
Attributes- honesty
Definition of “Humane Relation”, factor that contribute to
good human relation and its importance of good relation

 What is good Human Relation-

 Factors that contribute to good human relation and
the way an problem.
organization’s employee and
leaders feel about each other,  Factors that contribute to good Human Relation
• Respect
interact and solve
• Courtesy and poise
• Willingness to assist others

 Importance of good relation

• A better working environment
• Good morale among employee
• Greater productivity

 Office Administration by Frank Ramtahal


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