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How similar are Sources A and B? Explain your answer.


L1 – No valid comparison [1]

L2 – Valid comparison made, unsupported [2-3]
L3 – Similarity or Difference, explained [4-5]
L4 – Similarity AND Difference, explained [5-6]
Study Sources A and B
How similar are sources A and B ? Explain your answer

Sources A and B have different views on whether the terms of the treaty
were harsh on Germany where source A claims they while source B
claims they were not. This is evident in source A where it states, ‘. However,
we were aghast when we read in documents the demands made upon us, the
victorious violence of our enemies’ and ‘We must thus renounce the realization
of all our aims in the spheres of politics, economics, and ideas.’ This implies
that source A finds the terms to be unfair to Germany and harsh. In source B, it
is evident where it states, ‘The feeling in this country is not that Germany is
being too hardly dealt by, but that she is being let off too lightly’. This implies
that the source views the treaty to be not harsh on Germany and that it is
almost kind to her.

(Or the sources are different on whether Germany was solely responsible
where Source A claims they were not, while Source B claims they were)
The sources are similar in their view where they claim that Germany was
responsible for the war. This is evident in source A where it states, ‘We were
firmly resolved to do everything in our power with a view of fulfilling the grave
obligations which we had undertaken’. This implies that source A admits that
Germany had done wrong, thus, had to remedy their wrong. In source B, it
states, ‘Stern justice would demand for Germany a punishment 10 times
harder than any she will have to bear’. This implies that Germany was in the
wrong thus she had to be punished for her wrongdoing.
Why do you think the cartoonist drew this? Explain your answer [6].

L1 – Misinterpreted source [1]

L2 – Inference identified, unsupported [2]
L3 –Inference identified, supported [3]
L4 – L3 + Purposed identified, supported (no intended outcome) [4]
L5 – L4 + Purpose and intended outcome identified, explained [5-6]
L3 – Inference, identified, explained [3]

The cartoonist drew this to show / portray that the TOV was harsh to the Germans

L4 – Message, identified, explained [4]

The cartoonist drew this to criticize France for the harsh terms of the treaty.
L5 –L4 + Intended outcome clearly explained [5-6]

The cartoonist drew this to convince the Americans that the terms of peace
offered to Germany was harsh to them so that they would put pressure on
President Wilson to lessen the harshness. I derived this purpose from the
source as it shows Germany in a no-win situation. This is evident in the source
as it shows Clemenceau offering the German delegation a seat at the table, yet
the seats are thorny. Even the dining table looks dangerous with thorny food
and handcuffs. The source implies that what the French are offering as
peace terms are unacceptable to the Germans, yet it will be difficult for
them to refuse.

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