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UHC & BHW Talks:

Enhancing Communication Skills of

BHWs in the lens of the Progressive
Implementation of UHC in CAR
Let’s test your communication skills
without talking…
Enhancing Verbal and
Interpersonal Communication
What is Communication?
• It is simply the act of transferring information from
one place, person or group to another.
• The imparting or exchange of information by
speaking, writing, or using some other medium.
• It is also the successful conveying or sharing of
ideas and feelings
• The transmission of the message from sender to
recipient can be affected by ah huge range of
• These include our emotions, the cultural situation, the
medium used to communicate, and even our location.
Three parts of Communication

The Sender The Message The Recipient

The sender ‘encodes’ the The recipient then now

message, usually in a The content of the ‘decodes’ the message.
mixture of words and message can be ideas, There may be more than
non-verbal feelings, information, one recipient may receive
communication. It is memo, and among the message depending
transmitted in some way others on the setting (FGD,
(e.g. in speech or writing) Meetings, Interview)
Communication is a two-way process
• It requires both speaking and listening, but also developing a shared
understanding of the information being transmitted and received.

If you are the ‘sender’ of information,

If you are the recipient, it means
this means communicating it clearly to
listening carefully to the information,
start with, whether in writing or face-to-
then checking that you have understood
face. Then ask questions to check your
by reflecting back, or asking questions to
listeners’ understanding. You must also
ensure that you both have the same
then listen to their replies, and if
understanding of the situation.
necessary, clarify further
Categories of
Verbal Communication. This includes face-to-face, telephone, radio or television and other media.

Non-Verbal Communication covering body language, gestures, how we dress or act, where we stand,
and even our scent. For example, the tone of voice can give clues to mood or emotional state, whilst
hand signals or gestures can add to a spoken message

Written Communication which includes letters, e-mails, social media, books, magazines, the Internet
and other media.

Visualizations: graphs and charts, maps, logos and other visualizations can all communicate message
Communication Process

Message Encode Decode

Sender CHANNEL Recipient/s

Decode Encode Feedback

Common Barriers to Effective
• The use of jargons. Over-complicated, unfamiliar and/or
technical terms
• Emotional barriers and taboos. Taboo or difficult topics may
include politics, religion, sexuality and sex, racism and
opinion that may be seen as unpopular
• Lack of attention, interest, distractions, or irrelevance to
the receiver
• Differences in perception and viewpoint
• Physical disabilities such as hearing problems or speech
Common Barriers to Effective
• Physical barriers to non-verbal communication. Not
being able to see the non-verbal cues, gestures, posture
and general body language can make communication less
effective. Phone calls, text messages and other
communication methods that rely on technology are
often less effective than face-to-face communication
• Language differences and the facility in understanding
unfamiliar accents
• Expectations and prejudices which may lead to false
assumptions and stereotyping
• Cultural differences
“A skilled communicator must be aware of
these barriers and try to reduce their
impact by continually checking
understanding and by offering appropriate
What is Verbal Communication?
• Verbal communication is defined as
communication to express our
views, information, and ideas in the
form of sound and words.
• The spoken part usually involves
face-to-face communication.
• When people ponder the word
communication, they often think
about the act of talking.
Intrapersonal Communication
Interpersonal Communication

Small Group Communication

Public Communication
Intrapersonal Communication

• Is a communication within us
TYPES OF VERBAL • Also called as internal communication
COMMUNICATION • It includes individual reflection, meditation,
contemplation, self-thinking, analysis, thoughts
associated with the inner state of mind
• The person’s internal thoughts or feelings play a
vital role in intrapersonal communication
• It also includes various activities, such as solo
speaking, solo writing, solo dancing,
concentration, and self-awareness

COMMUNICATION • This form of communication takes place between
two individuals
• The exchange of information can happen in face-
to-face meetings, on the phone or via online
• Strong interpersonal communication can add
value to a conversation and enhance personal
TYPES OF VERBAL Small Group Communication

COMMUNICATION • Type of communication can take place when there are

more than two people involved
• The number of participants may be small enough to
allow each person to interact or converse with others
• Press conferences, board meetings, and team
meetings are examples of group communication
• In the workplace, small group communication may
help individuals perform informal roles, collaborate,
and develop a sense of belonging
Public Communication

• This type of communication takes place when one

individual addresses a large gathering of people
• Public speeches during election campaigns are good
example of public communication
TYPES OF VERBAL • In most cases, the information goes in one direction.
COMMUNICATION • There is usually a person who addresses or conveys
information to many recipients
• Disseminating information to the masses through TV
and radio can be an integral part of public
Importance of Verbal Communication
Verbal communication can play a significant role in the workplace. It’s essential
to conduct a meeting, make a presentation or hold personal conversations.
Effective verbal communication usually goes beyond talking and may encompass
how you deliver messages and how you receive them.
Importance of Verbal Communication
1. Helps you express yourself. Using 2. Organizes complex ideas. As you
different types of verbal communication may help work, you may have a lot of ideas about your
you express your ideas, thoughts, emotions, and tasks, deadlines, and priorities. Communicating
experiences. This can help you reflect on your ideas with a team member can help you simplify
individual strengths. multiple thoughts into a clear message

4. Influences your mood. The way you

communicate may also impact your mood. How
3. Helps you think. Verbal communication you or your supervisor communicate may
can also help you reason and make decisions. You influence your perspective and attitude towards
can use verbal communication to reflect on the your job. For example, if you praise the work of
past to improve your performance in the future. others, they can feel happier and enjoy their work
Importance of Verbal Communication
5. Provides clarity. Verbal communication 6. Increases motivation. Words of
can also provide clarity, which may improve acknowledgement or appreciation from a manager
connection and drive engagement. People can can boost the confidence levels of individual
remember information more easily when members and increase productivity. It can also
someone presents it directly to them or when they make your team members feel valued and better
watch someone perform a task in front of them. understood.

7. Saves time. Giving instructions verbally can

help you communicate the brief and objectives
properly and clarify any issues arise. If everyone
can understand what you are saying and agree,
thus, it saves all your time.
Tips for Improving Verbal Communication

Think before Consider your Take deep Learn from

you speak tone breaths others
Tips for Improving Verbal Communication

Listen Take deep Consider other

carefully breaths points of view
Tips for Improving Verbal Communication

Project your Practice your Be clear in

voice presentation your speech
What is Interpersonal Communication?
• Interpersonal communication is the process by
which people exchange information, feelings, and
meaning through verbal and non-verbal message: it
is a face-to-face communication
• It is not just about what is actually said but HOW it
is said and the non-verbal messages sent through
tone of voice, facial expression, gestures and body
• When two or more people are in the sample place
and are aware of each other’s presence, then
communication is taking place.
Elements of Interpersonal Communication
The Message. Message
The Communicators. not only the speech used or The Feedback. Consists of
For any communication information conveyed, but messages the receiver returns,
also the non-verbal which allows the sender to The Channel. Refers to
to occur there must be at
messages exchanged such know how accurately the the physical means by
least two people
as facial expressions, tone message has been received, as which the message is
involved- the sender and
of voice, gestures and body well as the receiver’s reaction. transferred from one
receiver. Communication
language. person to another. In a
is an interactive process.
face-to-face, the
While one person is
channels used are
talking the other is
The Context. All communication speech and vision, but
listening- but while The Noise. It refers to
is influenced by the context in during a telephone
listening they are also anything that distorts the
which it takes place. This include conversation the channel
sending feedback. This message, so that what is
the situational context (room, is limited to speech alone
can be in the form of received is different from
smiles, head nods, etc. office, outdoors) and the social
what is intended by the
context (roles, responsibilities and
relative status of the participants).
Use of Interpersonal Communication
Give and collect information

Most of us engage in some Influence the attitudes and behavior of others

form of interpersonal Form contacts and maintain relationships
communication on a regular Make sense of the world and our experiences in it
basis, how well we
Express personal needs and understand the needs of others
communicate with others is a
measure of our interpersonal Give and receive emotional support

skills. Make decisions and solve problems

Anticipate and predict behavior
Regulate power
Tips to an effective Interpersonal
 Don’t show negative body language
Do not Interrupt the other person
Don’t be defensive or attacking- be neutral
Don’t deviate, try to be relevant
Be confident of your ideas
Be open to receiving feedback
Use the right communication method
Interpersonal communication skills are those which you
need everyday in your life- be it in your professional or
personal life.
Maraming salamat po!


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