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Statistics and Probability

The learner demonstrates understanding of the
key concepts, uses and importance of statistics
and probability, data collection/gathering and
the different forms of data representation.
engage in statistical investigations
 Explain the basic concepts, uses and importance of Statistics
 Pose questions and problems that may be answered using Statistics
 Collect or gather statistical data and organize the data in a frequency table
according to some systematic considerations
 Use appropriate graphs to represent organized data: pie chart, bar graph,
line graph, and histogram
 Find the mean, median and mode of statistical data
 Describe the data using information from the mean, median and mode
 Analyze, interpret accurately and draw conclusions from graphic and tabular
presentations of statistical data

Allan M. Canonigo Statistics

Task 1: Measuring Arm Span
120, 118, 123, 124, 138, 137, 130, 119, 120,
125, 118, 118, 123, 124, 132
125, 135, 119, 115, 120, 140, 123, 125
119, 132, 130, 130, 130, 131, 132
132, 130, 118, 131, 130, 125, 125, 126
128, 121, 140, 132, 119, 129, 108
 What do these numbers represent?

 Can we get clear and precise information

immediately as we look at these numbers? Why?

 How can we make these numbers meaningful for

anyone who does not know about the description

of these numbers?
Allan M. Canonigo Statistics
 In our daily activities, we encounter a lot of
sorting and organizing objects, data, or things
like what you just did. These are just few of the
activities involved in the study of Statistics.
◦ What are some of the few activities that you just did?
◦ What is Statistics?
 Give some examples of activities which you think
Statistics is involved.
 List down some problems or questions that can
be answered using Statistics.

Allan M. Canonigo Statistics

What is Statistics?

 Statistics is the science of collection, analysis, and

presentation of data.
 Statisticians contribute to scientific inquiry by
applying their knowledge to the design of surveys
and experiments; the collection, processing, and
analysis of data; and the interpretation of the results.
 Statistics is the study of the collection, organization,
analysis, and interpretation of data. It deals with all
aspects of this, including the planning of data
collection in terms of the design
of surveys and experiments.

Allan M. Canonigo Statistics

Functions or Uses of Statistics
 Statistics helps in providing a better understanding and exact
description of a phenomenon of nature.
 Statistics helps in proper and efficient planning of a statistical
inquiry in any field of study.
 Statistics helps in collecting an appropriate quantitative data.
 Statistics helps in presenting complex data in a suitable tabular,
diagrammatic and graphic form for an easy and clear
comprehension of the data.
 Statistics helps in understanding the nature and pattern of
variability of a phenomenon through quantitative observations.
 Statistics helps in drawing valid inference, along with a measure
of their reliability about the population parameters from the
sample data.

Allan M. Canonigo Statistics

Task 2: What is the story?

Population of Students in Enrolment of Students per grade

Scores of Students in the Period Examina- level for three consecutive years
2011 tions for Mathematics and English
Grade 100 700
10, 25% 600 2010
Grade 500
9; 400
Mathematics 300 2012
10% Grade 40
7, 20
Grade 8,
45% 0 0
First Second Third Fourth Grade Grade Grade Grade
Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter 7 8 9 10

1. What information can we get from each of the above charts

or graphs? Do they present the same information?
2. Describe each of the charts/graphs. What do you think are
some uses of each of the charts or graphs?

Allan M. Canonigo Statistics

Kinds and Uses of Graphs
 What are the different kinds of graphs?
 How are they used?
 What are some important things that you

should consider in creating graphs?

 Why do we use lists, tables, diagrams, or

charts to display data?

Allan M. Canonigo Statistics

 In statistics, a histogram is a graphical representation
showing a visual impression of the distribution of data. It
is an estimate of the probability distribution of a
continuous variable and was first introduced by Karl
Pearson. A histogram consists of tabular frequencies,
shown as adjacent rectangles, erected over discrete
intervals (bins), with an area equal to the frequency of
the observations in the interval. The height of a rectangle
is also equal to the frequency density of the interval, i.e.,
the frequency divided by the width of the interval. The
total area of the histogram is equal to the number of
data. [Source: Howitt, D. and Cramer, D. (2008) Statistics
in Psychology. Prentice Hall]

Allan M. Canonigo Statistics

 A pie chart is a disk divided into pie shaped pieces proportional
to the frequencies. It shows how a part of something relates to
the whole. It is important to define what the whole is.
 A bar, either horizontal or vertical, to represent counts for
several categories. One bar is used for each category with the
length of the bar representing the count for that one category.
Bar graphs are used to present and compare data.
 There are two main types of bar graphs: horizontal and vertical.
They are easy to understand, because they consist of
rectangular bars that differ in height or length according to
their value or frequency.
 A line graph shows trends in data clearly. This displays data
which are collected over a period of time to show how the data
change at regular intervals.

Allan M. Canonigo Statistics

Activity 2:What is your story?



Use your imagination and knowledge of charts to

help make sense of the above chart. Think of a
suitable title that explains what the bar chart is all
about. Provide all the needed information and
labels to complete the graph.
Allan M. Canonigo Statistics
Exercise on Graphs

Organize the following data and present using appropriate graph or chart.
Explain why you are using such graph/chart in presenting your data.

The data below shows the population [in thousands] of a certain city.

Year 197 198 198 199 199 200 200 201

5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0
in thousand 65 78 80 81 82 86 90 120

Allan M. Canonigo Statistics

Task 3: Averages
The set of data shows a score of 25 students in their
periodical test.
34 35 40 40 48
21 20 19 34 45
19 17 18 15 16
21 20 18 17 10
19 17 29 45 50

•What score is typical to the group of the students? Why?

•Which score frequently appears?
•What score appears to be in the middle?
•How many students fall below the middle score?

Allan M. Canonigo Statistics

The Averages
(Measures of Central Tendency)
 The average of all values is referred as the
mean. To compute for the mean, add all the
scores and divide the sum by the number of
 The most frequent scores in the given set of

data is called the mode.

 The middlemost score is called the median.

How to get the median for an even number of

score in a set of data? What about for the odd
number of set of data?

Allan M. Canonigo Statistics

 An average is a number that is typical for a
set of data.
 Measures of central tendency or location

attempt to quantify what we mean when we

think of as a typical or average score in a data
set. Statistics geared toward measuring
central tendency all focus on this concept of
typical or average.

Allan M. Canonigo Statistics

Exercise: The set of data shows a score of 25 students
in their periodical test.

34 35 40 40 48
21 20 19 34 45
19 17 18 15 16
21 20 18 17 10
19 17 29 45 50

 Find the mean, median , and mode.

 Describe the data in terms of the mean,

median, and mode

Allan M. Canonigo Statistics

Task 4: Problem Solving
 Daria bought 3 colors of T-shirts from a department store. She
paid an average of PhP 74.00 per shirt. The receipt where part
of it was torn is shown below.

◦ How much did she pay for each white shirt?

◦ How much did she pay in all? Why?

Allan M. Canonigo Statistics

No. of Magazines Borrowed




Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

 The bar chart shows the number of magazines borrowed in

the library last week.
◦ How many magazines were borrowed on Friday? How many students
went to the library and borrowed magazines on Friday?
◦ What is the mean of the number of magazines borrowed per day last
◦ On what day had the most number of students borrowed magazine?
◦ Describe the number of students who borrowed magazine on
Tuesday? Why do you think so?

Allan M. Canonigo Statistics

The graph below shows the percentage of survey of
respondents reporting that they are satisfied with
their current job. The horizontal axis is the years of
schooling for different categories of respondents.



0-11 12 13-15 16+

1. What information can we get from the graphs?

2. What conclusion can you make?
3. What made you say that your conclusion is correct?
4. Estimate the mean, median, and mode What do these
values indicate?
Allan M. Canonigo Statistics
Compare the graphs

0.85 0.8

0.8 0.75

0-11 12 13-15 16+ 0.65













0-11 12 13-15 16+
Allan M. Canonigo
Allan M. Canonigo Statistics
Alteration of the vertical or horizontal
indices of the graph.
 The different scale used to represent the data
strongly influences the appearance of the
graph in case of vertical axis distortion. In
horizontal axis the same data one shows the
heightened peak of the data and the graph
presenting a comparatively the flatter one,
which misguides the actual view of the data
in the trends chart.

Allan M. Canonigo Statistics

Some Reminders
 In the bar graph presentation where the width
of the bar should be proportional to height. If
not followed it misleads the information to
the reader.
 A graph missing the scale on either of the

side should always be avoided. It is

inappropriate for the sound representation of
the data.

Allan M. Canonigo Statistics

 The following sets of data show the weekly income [in peso] of
ten selected households living in two different barangays in the
town of Kananga.
 Brgy.Kawayan: 150, 1500, 1700, 1800, 3000, 2100, 1700,
1500, 1750, 1200
 Brgy.Montealegre: 1000, 1200, 1200, 1150, 1800, 1800, 1800,
2000, 1470, 8000

◦Compute for the mean and the median.

◦What information can we get from these
values? Why do you think so?
◦Why do you think the median is more
appropriate than the mean?
Allan M. Canonigo Statistics
 Mean and median are the two standard kinds
of average. The Median is used when it's
obvious that the mean would be misleading
and this happens if there are extreme scores.
Extreme scores are those are usually referred
to as outliers. These are very high or very low
scores. The mean is affected by extreme
scores. In this example, Median household
income is commonly considered, even though
Gross Domestic Product per person is an
equally accurately known as mean.

Allan M. Canonigo Statistics

 Samuel brought ten sachets of chocolate candies. He checked
the content of each sachet and found to contain 12, 15, 16, 10,
15, 14, 12, 16, 15, 13 candies.

  According to the data, what is the mean number of candies per
  The above information is written on each pack of candies. Why
do you think this number is different from the answer to (a)?

Allan M. Canonigo Statistics

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