Structure of Atom Part-1

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Chemistry- XI

Unit - 2 Structure of Atom

Bohr’s model of an atom

Prepared by:
Mr. Rakesh Soni
Mr. Sandeep Kumar
PGT (Chemistry)
Chandigarh Region

• Development leading to Bohr’s model of an atom

• Main Postulates
• Limitations
• Success of Bohr’s model of an atom
Developments leading to the Bohr’s Model
of the atom :

Dual nature of electromagnetic radiations :

•The electromagnetic radiations show wave

nature as revealed by James Maxwell.

•The electromagnetic radiations are oscillating

electric & magnetic fields produced by
oscillating charged particles.
Dual nature of electromagnetic radiations :

•These fields oscillate perpendicular to each other &

to the direction of propagation of light.

•These do not require a medium for transmission

Electric and magnetic field
Some basic terms about
electromagnetic waves :
Wavelength :
Distance between any two crest or trough
Frequency :
No. of waves that pass a given point in one
Wave number :
It is the no. of wavelengths per unit length.
Velocity : Linear distance travelled by the
wave in one second.
c = 3 x 108 m/s
Limitations of electromagnetic wave
theory :

Electromagnetic wave theory was successful in

explaining the properties of light such as
interference , diffraction etc but it could not explain
the following :
(i) The nature of emission of radiation from hot
bodies (black -body radiation)
(ii) Ejection of electrons from metal surface when
radiation strikes it (photoelectric effect)
(iii) Variation of heat capacity of solids as a function
of temperature.
Black Body Radiation :
The ideal body which emits or absorbs radiations
of all frequencies is called a black body & the
radiation emitted by such a body is called Black
body radiation.
Graph of intensity of radiation emitted versus
wavelength of radiation emitted by a black body at
two different temperatures is given below:
Black Body Radiation : to be continued

At a given temperature, intensity of radiation

emitted increases with decrease of
wavelength, reaches a maximum value at a
given wavelength and then starts decreasing
with further decrease of wavelength.

The above experimental results cannot be

explained satisfactorily on the basis of the
wave theory of light.
Planks Quantum Theory ( Particle
nature of electromagnetic radiation) :
•The radiant energy is emitted or absorbed not
continuously but discontinuously in the form of
small discrete packets of energy.
•Each such packet of energy is called a ‘quantum’.
In case of light the quantum of energy is called a
E = h𝜗
•The total amount of energy emitted or absorbed by
a body will be some whole number quanta.
E = nh𝜗 where n = 1,2,3…….
Photoelectric effect :
This is the phenomenon where electrons are emitted
when certain metals like K, Rb & Cs are exposed to
a beam of light.
Video on photoelectric effect 6: 52 min.
Salient features of photoelectric effect :

•The electrons are ejected from the metal surface as

soon as the beam of light strikes the metal.

• No. of electrons ejected is proportional to the

intensity of incident light.

• Each metal requires a minimum frequency of

radiation (called threshold frequency) ʋo below which
photo electric effect is not observed.
Salient features of photoelectric effect :

•Kinetic energy of the photoelectrons depends upon

the energy of the incident photon.
• hʋ = hʋo + 1/2mv2

• Work Function of the metal is the minimum energy

required by the metal to emit photoelectrons.
Video on Bohr’s model of an atom 4:49 min.
Bohr’s model of an Atom :

Main Postulates
• Orbit or energy level
• Size of orbit
• Stationary orbit
• Quantized orbit
• Energy change of electron
• Radius of orbit
•Calculation of energy of hydrogen like

En = - 2.18 × 10-18 (𝒏𝟐 )J

•Calculation of radii of hydrogen like

rn = 52.9 ( 𝒛 )pm
Success of the Bohr’s model :

 Bohr’s model could explain the stability of an


 It helps in calculating the energy of an

electron in an particular orbit of hydrogen.

 It could explain the atomic spectrum of

Recapitulation :

 Postulates of Bohr’s atomic model

 Limitations of Bohr’s atomic model

 Success of Bohr’s atomic model

Assignment :

1 Write the postulates of Bohr’s model of an atom.

2 Write the limitations of Bohr’s model of an atom.

3 Write the success of Bohr’s model of an atom.

4 What are stationary states of an atom.

5 Show that the circumference of the Bohr orbit for

the hydrogen atom is an integral multiple of the de
Broglie wavelength associated with the electron
revolving around the orbit.

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