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27 Amendments

Amendment 1: Freedom of Religion…….

Congress cannot limit a citizens speech.
Congress cannot tell a citizen what religion to practice.

Amendment 2: Right to Bear Arms

Each state has a right to a militia.
Citizens can have guns but it is regulated by the federal

Amendment 3: Lodging Troops in Private Homes

 During Rev. War colonists were forced to house Redcoats.
Troops CANNOT be housed by citizens.

Amendment 4: Search and Seizure

Search and Seizure is ONLY permitted if officials have a search
Warrant must say the exact location to be searched and the exact
item to be taken.
Amendment 5: Rights of the Accused
Double Jeopardy – Cannot be tried for the same crime twice
Federal Government MUST have a formal accusation from a Grand
Amendment 6: Right to Speedy Trial by Jury
If a government postpones a trial or it becomes hard for a person to
get a hearing the charges may be dismissed.

Amendment 7: Jury Trial in Civil Cases

Guaranteed a jury trial in cases were the sum is more than $20.

Amendment 8: Bail and Punishment

Excessive bail cannot be proposed nor excessive fines proposed.

Amendment 9: Powers Reserved to the People

Afraid that people would only be given the Bill of Rights.
Amendment 10: Powers Reserved to the States
States have others powers in the Constitution not listed here.

Amendment 11: Suits Against the States

A private citizen from one state cannot sue another state in federal

Amendment 12: Election of President and Vice President

Candidate with the most votes becomes President
Electoral College casts the last vote.

Amendment 13: Abolition of Slavery

This amendment freed ALL slaves.

Amendment 14: Rights of Citizens

Prevents states from denying rights to citizens
Guarantees all citizens “equal protection under the law.”
Amendment 15: Voting Rights
Gives blacks, both former slaves and free blacks, the right to vote

Amendment 16: The Income Tax

Congress has the power to collect tax on people’s income

Amendment 17: Direct Election of Senators

Senators are directly elected by the people of each state.

Amendment 18: Prohibition of Alcoholic Beverages

Banned the making, selling and transporting of alcohol.

Amendment 19: Women’s Suffrage

Federal and State government’s cannot deny the right to vote based
on gender. Women get the right to vote!
Amendment 20: Presidential Terms; Sessions of Congress
President and Vice President take office January 20th
Members of Congress begin their terms on January 3
Congress must meet at least once a year

Amendment 21: Repeal of Prohibition

The sale of alcohol is legal again.

Amendment 22: Limit on number of Presidential Terms

No President may serve more than 2, 4 year terms.

Amendment 23: Presidential Electors for District of Columbia

Gives Washington D.C. the right to vote for the President

Amendment 24: Abolition of Poll Tax in National Elections

Abolished the poll tax that kept African Americans from voting.
Amendment 25: Presidential Succession and Disability
President dies, Vice President takes over
Vice President then appoints a Vice President

Amendment 26: Voting Age

Citizens 18 years and older have the right to vote

Amendment 27: Direct Election of Senators

Before state legislatures elected Senators, this amendment gave
the people the right to elect the senators

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