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Biophysical Profile

What is it? What information does the test provide?

✘ A noninvasive test that combines a nonstress ✘ Reduces stillbirth & detects hypoxia by assessing
When is it performed? baby's heart rate, breathing, movements, muscle tone
test with an ultrasound assessing the health of
which are associated w/various areas of the fetal brain.
the fetus and its environment through Last trimester of pregnancy
Amniotic fluid levels correlate to fetal urine volume.
biophysical responses to stimuli. 

A scoring system of 5 Scoring System

components, each worth 2 points Body movements: 3 or more discrete
comprises the exam. Part of the limb or trunk movements. Fetal tone:
How is it biophysical profile is an U/S that 1 or more instances of full extension
Performed? assess the baby's movement & and flexion of a limb or trunk
tests the amniotic fluid amount. Fetal breathing: 1 or more fetal
The patient will on their back & a breathing movements of more than 30
technician will hold the ultrasound seconds.
wand against their belly. The Amniotic fluid volume: 1 or more
secondary part of the BPP is a pockets of fluid measuring 2 cm. NST:
nonstress test that monitors the 2 points; abnormal NST =0 points
baby's heartbeat.
Nursing Management

✘ Provide patient education and support about procedure

✗ It is a painless non invasive procedure performed in the diagnostic imaging department
✗ It can take up to 40 to 70 minutes; but 30 minutes is allotted for testing
✗ NST may be completed prior to BPP

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