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What is your job and what

does it consist of?

I work in Moldova, Chişinău at the bank Agroindbank in compliance department. I am a specialist of
anty money laudering. What does it mean? Anty money of laudering refers to the web of laws,
regulations and procedures aimed at uncovering efforts to disguise illicit funds as lesitimate income.
For banks,compliance starts with verifying the identity of new clients, a proccess sometimes called
viner your costumer. In adddiction to estabilishing the costumer’s identity bank are required to
understand the mature of client’s activity and veryfy deposited founds are force a ligimate source.
What is your favorite part of
this job?
The most interesting part of my job is to verify the identity of new clients and understand
the nature of client’s activity and veryfy de deposited founds that are a form of a legitimate
source. I study the documents that provide the source of found and decide if I can accept
this client’s. I want to say that my job is similar to detective job. The job of detective consists
in discovering crimes, but my job consists in prevention and detection of many laudering
that come from illegal activities.
Why did you choose to work
in this field but not in another?
I chose this job because is very intersting job. It includes to de diverse
work. Like study the laws, and applicate them alse in the work, discuss
with many custumers, elaborate the proceding based on the law of auty
many laudering.
How do you continue learning
and growing as a professional?
My profession requires permanent development. Ou bank offer all
workers many trainings that later help us in our day to day work. And
this trainings are extremly useles and memorable.
What skills did you develop
early in your career?
In this profession you must have many skils such as: punctuality,
comunication, leadership and attention etc.
What soft skills should
someone in your field have?
The most important skills that the specialist must have are in my field is
decisive. That person must have and make decisions withous fear.
What advice would you give to
someone who eventually wants
to be where you are?
My advice for the persons who wants to become specialist anty money
laudering is to be daring, make decisions without fear, and taking
responsability. And in my opinion if the person does not have these skills
that, is not suitable and should not choose this field and career.
Why should others do to
improve their career prospects?
From your point of view does
this job satisfy you? If

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