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Spent Mushroom Substrate as Reducing Agent to

Recycle Zn and Fe From Iron Containing Waste

Presenter: Mr. Anand

Advisor: Professor In-Gann Chen
Mentor: Mr. Hao-Hsun, Chang
Experimental Plan
Based on oral examination questions:

The questions from Committee members have been asked and the following are

From chapter 4.1.1. Zinc removal rate at interrupted temperatures, at lower temperatures like
600oC to 900oC the removal rate has higher and its not conventional to believe.

The reference results which I am comparing with my main results(in all the chapters); though you
have reference results, when it’s come to comparing the results, all results should be my own

From chapter 4.3. what was the reason to use only at fixed carbon oxygen ratio 0.8 for all pellets,
and why I didn’t use different fixed carbon oxygen ratios?
Experiment 1:
Chapter 4.1.1. zinc removal rate different interrupted temperatures
Samples: 1. EAFD+(UN-SMS) pellet for removal rate at 600oC
2. EAFD+(UN-SMS) pellet for removal rate at 800oC
3. EAFD+(UN-SMS) pellet for removal rate at 900oC
 The experiment we want to do again because the results which we got for the lower temperatures is unsatisfactory.
 From the comparison of fixed carbon oxygen ratio 0.16 and 0.5 the lower temperatures have huge difference and its actually
true that at 600oC if we notice that more than 15% is higher in 0.16 ratio.
 At 600oC the gasification or secondary reactions will be not occurred at that temperature.
 Expecting at the lower interrupted temperatures the amount of zinc removal rate should be satisfactory.
 Fixed carbon oxygen ratio 0.16
 Heating rate 20oC/min, upto 1300oC
 Under N2 gas, duration 60mins.
 Sample EAFD+(UN-SMS) pellet.
 Preparation of Pellets, 24 hours of drying in atmospheric air and the other 24 hours in the oven (115 oC).
 Calibration of furnace temperature and calculate the heating rate 20 oC/min according to calibrated temperature.
 Experiment for each sample under N2 gas.
 Will store the samples in vacuum chamber to avoid reoxidation
 Preparation for ICP samples, grinding, messing and the sample preparation.
 Sending the samples to the ICP engineer. It will take One to two weeks to get the results.
When: 22/07/2022 (Tuesday) to 26/07/2022. I will finish the experiment and analysis.
Experiment 2
Irrespective all the chapters, which we are using reference results should be replaced with my own results when I am comparing.
Samples: 1. EAFD+(UN-SMS) pellet for zinc removal rate at fixed C/O ratio 0.5, 0.8
2. EAFD+(coke) pellet at fixed C/O ratio 0.16 for Z.R.R and I.M.R
3. CVRD+(SMS-T500) pellet at fixed C/O ratio 0.8 for Z.R.R and I.M.R.
4. CVRD+(UN-SMS) pellet at fixed C/O ratio 0.8 for Z.R.R and I.M.R.
Zinc removal rate (Z.R.R), Iron metallization rate (I.M.R)
 The experiment we want to do again because the results which we use in comparing is from the reference, so we want to
compare with our results with the same samples. As advised by committee members.
 Expecting the results which we compared from the reference papers, the same results we are expecting from this
 Fixed carbon oxygen ratio 0.16, 0.8
 Heating rate 20oC/min, upto 1300oC
 Under N2 gas, duration 60mins.
 Sample EAFD+(UN-SMS), EAFD+(coke), CVRD+(SMS-T500) CVRD+(UN-SMS) pellets.
 Preparation of Pellets, 24 hours of drying in atmospheric air and the other 24 hours in the oven (115 oC).
 Calibration of furnace temperature and calculate the heating rate 20 oC/min according to calibrated temperature.
 Experiment for each sample under N2 gas.
 Will store the samples in vacuum chamber to avoid reoxidation
 Preparation for ICP samples, grinding, messing and the sample preparation.
 Sending the samples to the ICP engineer. It will take One to two weeks to get the results.
 Titrations for finding metal iron (M.Fe) which we use for iron metallization rate.
When: 28/07/2022 (Tuesday) to 31/07/2022. I will finish the experiment and analysis.
Experiment 3
Question: From chapter 4.3. what was the reason to use only at fixed carbon oxygen ratio 0.8 for all pellets, and why I
didn’t use different fixed carbon oxygen ratios?
• The answer about this question, In the reference as we follow at 0.8 fixed C/O ratio it reaches the maximum removal
rate. This is the reason we used in our CVRD+EAFD(SMS) pellets 0.8 fixed C/O ratio
• We can also try for fixed C/O ratio 0.9, it can reach the removal rate at lower temperatures.

The detailed experimental schedule will be decided after the

meeting (regarding this future work for my thesis).
Raw materials available in lab

• UN-SMS : 31.60 grams

• Old Coke : 4.6 grmas
• New coke: one pack
• EAFD : 81.10 grams
• SMS-T500: more than 100 grams.
Thank you

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