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Inde What are phagocytes?

x Types of phagocytes

Process of phagocytosis

2 .3:
2. 4:
Phagocytes is a type of cell that has
the ability to ingest, and sometimes
digest, such as bacteria, carbón, dust
or dye. It engulfs foreign bodies bi
extending its cytoplasm into
pseudopods (cytoplasmic extensions
like feet), surrounding the foreign
particle and forming a vacuole.
They are a key component of the innate immune system. There
are six main groups of phagocytes , all of which have a slightly
different function in the body:



*Dendritic cells

*Mast cells

Monocytes are a type of phagocyte found in the bloodstream. They
circulate around the body, and when a tissue is infected or inflamed
they may leave the bloodstream and enter the tissue.

Monocytes are the largest type of phagocyte, with a kidney bean

shaped nucleus when seen under a microscope.
Macrophages are derived from monocytes and are found in the tissues
they have a major role as a first defence mechanism.
Macrophages migrate to and circulate within almost every tissue, patrolling
for pathogens or eliminating dead cells. The table below describes the
location and function of a few different macrophage populations.

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