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Department of Education



Practical Research 1
Quarter 1
Practical Research 1

Most Essential Learning Competency:

 Shares research experiences and knowledge
 Explains the importance of research in daily life
 describes characteristics, processes, and ethics of research
 differentiates quantitative from qualitative research
provides examples of research in areas of interest
Practical Research 1

Session Objective/s:
1. Identify things learned during the previous research experience.
2. Identify research products/ things being used in daily life and their
3. Describe how research can help or have help people in daily activities
Practical Research 1

Baraceros, E. L. (2016). Practical research (First Edition). Rex Book Store Inc.

Cristobal, A. P., & Cristobal, M. C. D. (2017). Practical research for senior high school. C & E
Publishing, Inc.
Department of Education. (2016). Practical research 1: Teachers guide. Department of Education.

Jerusalem, V. L., Garcia, M. D.R., Palencia, J. M., & Palencia, M. M. (2017). Practical research 1:
Basics of qualitative research. Fastbooks.

Matira, M. D.(2016).Practical research for the 21st century learners. St. Augustine Publications,

Pastor, M.E. (2020). Quarter 1 module 1: Nature of inquiry and research (First Edition).
Department of Education Region X..
Practical Research 1

Tasks for the day:

1. Write terms, concepts or ideas that comes to your mind when you
encounter the word research.
2. Share your personal experiences on research.
3. Read the importance of research in daily life and inquiry research.
4. Build your own mnemonic device for you to easily remember the
research process cycle.
Practical Research 1

Lesson 1: Nature of Inquiry and Research

(DepEd, 2020)
Practical Research 1

Learning Task 1: With your group mates, write terms, concepts or ideas that comes to
your mind when you encounter the word research. (3-5 minutes in ½ crosswise )

Share your answers to the class.

Practical Research 1

Learning Task 2. Share your personal experiences on research by completing the
table below. Answer the guide questions that follow.

Your own experience of What is the importance of this

research research to [daily] life?
(or a research that you know)

Guide Questions
1. Based on your experiences, how do you define research?
2. Can you name things or products that are made through research or a
product of research??
3. Is research essential in our everyday living? In what way?
Practical Research 1

Directions: The pictures below speak of what research is. Analyze the pictures, then explain what
makes these pictures related to research. Do this on your notebook.

1 2

Practical Research 1

What is Research?
• scientific way of exploring things, asking questions, and observing
• way of providing answers to your questions and observations
• process of executing various mental acts for discovering and examining facts and
information to prove the accuracy or truthfulness of claims or conclusions
• result of a thinking process that involves students in questioning techniques or
• investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts,
revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or practical application
of such new or revised theories or laws
• follows a step-by-step process of investigation that uses standardized approach to
answer questions or solving problems

(Merriam-webster 2022;Polit & Beck 2004; Baraceros, 2016)

Practical Research 1

Purposes of Research
1. To learn how to work independently
2. To learn how to work scientifically or systematically
3. To have an in-depth knowledge of something
4. To elevate your mental abilities by letting you think in higher-order thinking strategies
(HOTS) of inferring, evaluating, synthesizing, appreciating, applying, and creating
5. To improve your reading and writing skills
6. To be familiar with the basic tools of research and the various techniques of gathering
data and of presenting research findings
7. To free yourself, to a certain extent, from the domination or strong influence of a single

(Baraceros, 2016)
Practical Research 1

Aims of Research
• to inform decision, to prove a theory, and to contribute to knowledge in a field or study.

Research can also serve as as:

1. a tool for building knowledge and for facilitating learning;
2. means to understand various issues and increase public awareness;
3. an aid to business success;
4. a way to prove lies and to support truths;
5. means to find, gauge and seize opportunities;
6. a seed to love reading, writing, analyzing and sharing valuable information; and
7. nourishment and exercise for the mind.

(Zarah, 2020)
Practical Research 1

Inquiry and Research
• both involve investigation of something through questioning
• research is more complicated than inquiry because it does not center
mainly on raising questions about the topic, but also on carrying out a
particular order of research stage
• inquiry is a learning process that motivates you to obtain knowledge or
information about people, things, places, or events through research
where you to collect data, meaning, facts, and information about the
object of your inquiry, and examine such data carefully

(Baraceros, 2016; Zarah, 2020)

Practical Research 1

Importance of research in our Daily Lives

1. Research is defined as the scientific investigation of phenomena which
includes collection, presentation, analysis and interpretation of facts
that lines an individual‘s speculation with reality.
2. Solutions to problems must be based on knowledge not on mere
beliefs, guesses or theories.
3. In research a systematic and well-planned procedure is required to
meet the need in order that information is acquired and evaluate its
accuracy and effectiveness.
4. It is a process of inquiring. Research provides a scientific basis for any
practice or methodology in any field or discipline.
5. Research is undertaken for the continuous development and further
productivity in any field.
6. Research provides solutions to problems concerning at most all issues
encountered in the different areas of work.
(DepEd, 2020)
Practical Research 1

Importance of Research to Daily Lives

Lifestyle Lounge also lists down seven importance of research. It
says that “contrary to popular belief research need not only pertain
to science.” Research is important in all spheres of life.
(“Importance of Research,“ 2017) Research is important

1. to gather necessary information

2. to make changes
3. to improve standard of living
4. to have a safer life
5. to know the truth
6. to explore our history
7. to understand the arts

(Importance of research, 2017)

Practical Research 1

Learning Task 3: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, FALSE if it is incorrect.

Write your answers on a ½ crosswise.
__________1.Research starts with inquiry.
__________2.Research is mere information gathering.
__________3.All efforts of improvement should be research-based.
__________4.Research is not an important aspect of any organization.
__________5.Research is needed to investigate and expose the truth.
__________6.One of the goals of research is to produce results-based practice.
__________7.Only through research can new inventions and discoveries come to life.
__________8.Research is an apolitical activity intended for the betterment of the society.
__________9.Research has improved the life expectancy and health conditions of
human race.
__________10.Research entails an investigation of new facts leading to the discovery of new
ideas, methods and improvements.
Practical Research 1

Learning Task 4:
Part 1. Follow each
process on the cycle
and build your own
mnemonic device for
you to easily
remember the
research process
cycle. Answer the
guide questions that

(DepEd, 2020)
Practical Research 1

Learning Task 4:
1. Which among the
processes is the
easiest step in a
research? Why?
2. How about the
most difficult?
3. Based on the
activity, what are
characteristics of
a research?

(DepEd, 2020)
Practical Research 1

Part 2: Write YES on the space before the number if the statement
describes characteristics of research and NO if not.

__________ 1. Research starts with a problem and ends with an answer.

__________ 2. Research does not need proven logical process in gathering
the data.
__________ 3. Research replicates to arrive at valid and conclusive results.
__________ 4. Research is conducted in an organized manner.
__________ 5. Research may utilize either historical and experimental
Practical Research 1

Part 3. Read and analyze each item. Give the letter of the best answer.
1. Which among the following terms is an investigation or experimentation
aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts?
A. Case study B. Ethics C. Inquiry D. Research

2. Cincy Merly provides data based on valid procedures and principles.

Which among the characteristics describes the statement?
A. Analytical B. Critical C. Cyclical D. Logical

3. Which of the following terms implies logical research?

A. Research is based on observation by the researcher.
B. Research is based on valid procedures and principles.
C. Research utilizes historical and experimental procedures.
D. Research replicates to arrive at valid and conclusive results.
Practical Research 1

Part 3. Read and analyze each item. Give the letter of the best answer.
4. Peejay conducted research in an organized manner. Which of the
characteristics describes the statement?
A. Analytical B. Logical C. Methodical D. Replicability

5. Which among the following terms refers to a process of collecting,

analyzing and interpreting information to answer questions?
A. Research B. Observation C. Interpretation D. Reflection
Practical Research 1
Practical Research 1

Lesson 2: The Characteristics, Processes and Ethics Of Research

(DepEd, 2020)
Practical Research 1

Most Essential Learning Competencies:

• Describes characteristics, processes, and ethics of research
• Differentiates quantitative from qualitative research

Session Objectives
• exemplify ways to adhere to ethical conduct of research
(understanding procedures);
• recognize characteristics of research (remember concepts);
• differentiate characteristics of qualitative and quantitative
research (analyze concepts); and
• classify research characteristics as to qualitative and
quantitative (understand concepts).

(DepEd, 2020)
Practical Research 1


Based on our previous activities, can you give the following:

1. Meaning of Research
2. Purpose of Research
3. Ways Research is useful to Daily Lives

(DepEd, 2020)
Practical Research 1


Directions: Read the sentences. Put a check (√ ) on the space before the number
if the sentence is correct. Put a cross (X) if not.
_____1. Research must observe a step-by-step process.
_____2. Inquiring is more complex than researching
_____3. The student-researcher must read literature related to the problem he or
she is studying.
_____4. Inquiry is a learning process through research.
_____5. An opinion is acceptable and considered as an answer to the questions

(DepEd, 2020)
Practical Research 1

Learning Task 1. Match the words in Column A to its meaning in Column B.
Do it on your notebook.

Column A Column B
1. bias a. to have a strong and often unfair influence on someone or
2. strategy something
3. blueprint b. to create or make up in order to trick people
4. fabricate c. a detailed plan on how to do something
5. imperative d. careful plan or method for achieving a particular goal usually
over a long period of time
e. expressing a command in a forceful and confident way
f. done in one’s free will without valuable consideration or legal

(DepEd, 2020)
Practical Research 1

Learning Task 1.B. Look at the illustration. Can you tell which situation follows the
qualitative and which one falls under the quantitative approach? Justify your

(Lavole, n.d.)
Practical Research 1

Learning Activity 1.C. Rearrange the jumbled letters to identify the missing term in
the following statements. Write your answers on your notebook
Practical Research 1
Practical Research 1


Characteristics of the Researcher

1. Intellectual Curiosity. A researcher undertakes a deep thinking and
inquiry of the things and situations around him.
2. Prudence. The researcher is careful to conduct his research study at
the right time and at the right place wisely, efficiently, and
3. Healthy Criticism. The researcher is always doubtful as to the
truthfulness of the results.
4. Intellectual Honesty. An intelligent researcher is honest to collect or
gather data or facts in order to arrive at honest results.
Practical Research 1

Characteristics of Research
1. Empirical. Research is based on direct experience or observation by the researcher.
2. Logical. Research is based on valid procedures and principles.
3. Cyclical. Research is a cyclical process because it starts with a problem and ends
with a problem.
4. Analytical. Research utilizes proven analytical procedures in gathering the data,
whether historical, descriptive, and experimental and case study.
5. Critical. Research exhibits careful and precise judgment.
6. Methodical/ Systematic. Research is conducted in a methodical manner without
bias using systematic method and procedures.
7. Replicability. The research design and procedures are replicated or repeated to
enable the researcher to arrive at valid and conclusive results.
8. Accuracy. It must give correct or accurate data, which the footnotes, notes, and
bibliographical entries should honestly and appropriately documented or

(Baraceros, 2016)
Practical Research 1

Characteristics of Research
9. Objectiveness. It must deal with facts, not with mere opinions arising from
assumptions, generalizations, predictions, or conclusions
10. Timeliness. It must work on a topic that is fresh, new, and interesting to the
present society.
11. Relevance. Its topic must be instrumental in improving society or in solving
problems affecting the lives of people in a community.
12. Clarity. It must succeed in expressing its central point or discoveries by using
simple, direct, concise, and correct language.

(Baraceros, 2016)
Practical Research 1

Process of Research

Interpret Review the

and report literature



(Baraceros, 2016)
Practical Research 1

Process of Research
1. Select general problem.
2. Review the literature of the problem
3. Select a specific research problem, question and
4. Collect data
5. Analyze and present or display data
6. Interpret the findings and state conclusions or generalizations
regarding the problem.

(Baraceros, 2016)
Practical Research 1

Process of Research
Step One: Define the Research Problem
• develop a research question
• look for problem that needs to be solved
• seek piece of information that is missing
• identify research gap

Step Two: Review the Literature

• learn more about the topic
• provides important background information about the issue
• what other studies have already been conducted
• identify how to add something new to the field.

(Offord Centre for Child Studies, 2017;Cornell University Library,2016))

Practical Research 1

Process of Research
Step Three: Formulate the Hypothesis/ Assumptions
• clear statement of what is intended to be investigated
• identify necessary conditions to fulfill the research
• specified before research is conducted
• openly stated in reporting the results.

Step Four: Collect Data

• critical step in providing the information needed to answer the research
• collection of specific type of data
• can be collected in the form of words on a survey
• can be done through questionnaire, observations, or analysis of document, or

(.(Offord Centre for Child Studies, 2017; Human Kinetics, 2017)

Practical Research 1

Process of Research
Step Five: Analyze Data
• important role in the achievement of research aim and objectives
• done to answer the original research question, after availability of data

Step Six: Interpret and Report

• final part showing if research aims and objectives have been achieved
• necessitates proofreading the paper
• could be reported through publication, sending or submitting to stakeholders
(i.e., policy makers, government officials, company or business executives, etc.),
through a colloquium

(DepEd, 2020)
Practical Research 1

Qualitative and Quantitative Research

Qualitative Research
• concerned with non statistical methods of inquiry and analysis of social phenomena.
• draws on an inductive process in which themes and categories emerge
• data collected by such techniques as interviews, observations, videotapes and case
• samples are usually small and are often purposively selected.
• seeks to answer questions about why and how people behave in the way that they do.
• provides in-depth information about human
• common methods include focus groups (group discussions), individual interviews and
• inductive, subjective process of inquiry done in a natural setting in order to build a
complex, holistic picture, described in words, including the detailed views of the
informants are reported in informal, personal language

(Aliaga & Gunderson, 2005; Tabinas, 2014; Wyse, 2011)

Practical Research 1

Qualitative and Quantitative Research

Quantitative Research
• utilizes deductive reasoning to generate predictions that are tested in the real world.
• explaining phenomenon by collecting numerical data that are analyzed using
mathematically based methods (i.e., statistics).
• uses measurable data to formulate facts
• more structured than Qualitative data collection methods.
• include various forms of surveys – online surveys, paper surveys, mobile surveys and
kiosk surveys, and online polls and systematic observations.

(Aliaga & Gunderson, 2005; Wyse, 2011)

Practical Research 1

Comparison Between Qualitative and Quantitative Research

Criteria Qualitative Quantitative
Definition • a systematic subjective approach • a objective, systematic process
used to describe life experiences for obtaining information
and give them meaning. about the world. A method
used to describe, test
• relationships and examine
• cause and effect relationships

Goals • To gain insight; explore the • To test relationships, describe,

depth, richness and complexity examine cause and effect
inherent in the phenomenon. relations.
Practical Research 1

Comparison Between Qualitative and Quantitative Research

Criteria Qualitative Quantitative

Objectives • In-depth understanding of • Quantification of data
underlying reasons and • Measurement of incidence,
motivations etc.
Data • Non-statistical • Statistical
Analysis • Contextual
• Thematic
Outcomes • Not conclusive nor • Broad based insights
generalizable • Population based

(DepEd, 2015)
Practical Research 1

Comparison Between Qualitative and Quantitative Research

Qualitative Methodologies Quantitative Methodologies

• Preference for hypotheses that emerge as the • Preference for precise hypothesis stated at the
study develops outset
• Preference for definitions in context or as study • Preference for precise definitions stated at the
progresses outset
• Preference for narrative description • Data reduced to numerical scores
• Preference for assuming that reliability of • Much attention to assessing and improving
inferences is adequate reliability of scores obtained from instruments
• Assessment of validity through crosschecking • Assessment of validity through a variety of
sources of information (triangulation) procedures with reliance on statistical indices

(Fraenkel et al., 2012)

Practical Research 1


Learning Task 2: Using a Venn Diagram, illustrate the differences and

similarities between a quantitative and qualitative method of research
by filling in completely the Venn diagram.
Practical Research 1

Learning Task 3. Read and analyze each item. Write QL if it is a characteristic of
Qualitative Research and QN for Quantitative. Write your answers on your
______1. This design seeks to confirm a hypothesis about some phenomena –
What? and How many?
______2. It is a systematic subjective approach to describe life experiences and
give them meaning.
______3. This research is highly structured and uses statistical tools to gather and
interpret data.
______4. It seeks to explore, explain and understand some phenomena – What?
and Why?
______5. This design asks close ended questions and examine cause and effect

(DepEd, 2020)
Practical Research 1 (For Home Based Learning)

Research Ethics
• guidelines for the responsible conduct of research which educates
and monitors researchers to ensure high standard.
• pertains to doing good and avoiding

Ethical Principles
A. Beneficence and Nonmaleficence
B. Fidelity and Responsibility
C. Integrity
D. Justice
E. Respect for Rights and Dignity
Practical Research 1 (For Home Based Learning)

Research Ethics
Ethical Goals
1. Accuracy of Knowledge
• Avoid faking, modifying result to present a more desirable and
convincing story that will support the intention of the researcher
• Researchers must make their data, materials, and other evidences
and information related to research available within 5 years (even
during their research presentation)
• Researchers must avoid duplicate and piecemeal publication because
it distorts the knowledge bank in terms of number of researches.
• Researchers must avoid any form of plagiarism.
Practical Research 1 (For Home Based Learning)

Research Ethics
Ethical Goals
2. Protection of Participant Welfare
• Researchers must avoid disclosing personal identifiable information
about their research participants
• Researchers must avoid conflict of interest (i.e., biases) in research
• Researchers must ensure that participants voluntarily participated in
the study.
• Researchers must avoid deception.
• Researchers must secure participants’ consent.
• Researchers properly inform the participants and avoid coercion.
• Researchers must provide opportunity for the research participants
to know the results of the study (debriefing).
Practical Research 1 (For Home Based Learning)

Research Ethics
Ethical Goals
3. Protect Intellectual Property Rights
• Researchers must ensure the authorship is justified (i.e., principal
authorship, order of authorship).
• Researchers must ensure the integrity of their own authorship.
• Researchers must properly attribute their sources
Practical Research 1


• Violations of human rights in the name of scientific research have been among the
darkest events in history. From 1932-1972 more than 400 African American people
who had syphilis were deliberately left untreated to study the illness. Although the
Tuskegee syphilis study was sponsored by United States Public Health Service, the
disclosure of the 40-year study caused public outrage (Caplan, 1992)

• Another example of unethical research is the experiment conducted between 1950-

1952 in which more than 1,000 pregnant women were given diethylstilboestrol to
prevent miscarriages. These women were subject to a double-blind study without
consent. Only 20 years later, when the children of these women had high rates of
cancer and other abnormalities did the participants learn they were subjects of
these experiments (Capron, 1989)
Practical Research 1

Ethical considerations in conducting research
1.Objectivity and integrity
2.Respect of the research subjects ‘right to privacy and dignity and
protection of subjects from personal harm
3.Presentation of research findings
4.Misuse of research role
5.Acknowledgement of research collaboration and assistance
6.Distortions of findings by sponsor

(DepEd, 2020)
Practical Research 1

Codes and Policies for Research Ethics

The following is a rough and general summary of some ethical principles that various
codes address:
• Informed Consent - This is required to secure in order protect the rights of the
participants in your study. Inform your participants about the criteria set for choosing
them as informants and the schedule of one-on-one interview at the convenient time
they are available. Participation to the study will be completely voluntary.
• Honesty – Strive for honesty in all scientific communications. Honestly report data,
results, methods and procedures, and publication status. Do not fabricate, falsify, or
misinterpret data. Do not deceive colleagues, research sponsors, or the public.
 Objectivity – Strive to avoid bias in experimental design, data analysis, data
interpretation, peer review, personnel decisions, grant writing, expert testimony, and
other aspects of research where objectivity is expected or required. Avoid or minimize
bias or self-deception. Disclose personal or financial interests that may affect research.
 Integrity - Keep your promises and agreements; act with sincerity; strive for
consistency of thought and action.

(DepEd, 2020)
Practical Research 1

Codes and Policies for Research Ethics

 Openness - Share data, results, ideas, tools, resources. Be open to criticism and new
 Respect for Intellectual Property - Honor patents, copyrights, and other forms of
intellectual property. Do not use unpublished data, methods, or results without
permission. Give proper acknowledgement or credit for all contributions to research.
Never plagiarize.
 Confidentiality - Protect confidential communications, such as papers or grants
submitted for publication, personnel records, trade or military secrets, and patient
 Responsible Publication - Publish in order to advance research and scholarship, not
to advance just your own career. Avoid wasteful and duplicative publication.
 Responsible Mentoring - Help to educate, mentor, and advise students. Promote their
welfare and allow them to make their own decisions.
Practical Research 1

Codes and Policies for Research Ethics

 Respect for colleagues - Respect your colleagues and treat them fairly.
 Social Responsibility - Strive to promote social good and prevent or mitigate social
harms through research, public education, and advocacy.
 Non – Discrimination - Avoid discrimination against colleagues or students on the
students on the basis of sex, race, ethnicity, or other factors not related to scientific
competence and integrity.
 Legality – Knew and obey relevant laws and institutional and government policies.
 Animal Care – Show proper respect and care for animals when using them in research.
Do not conduct unnecessary or poorly designed animal experiments.
 Human Subjects Protection – When conducting research on human subjects,
minimize harms and risks and maximize benefits; respect human dignity, privacy and
autonomy, take special precautions with vulnerable populations, and strive to
distribute the benefits and burdens of research fairly.

(DepEd, 2020)
Practical Research 1

Unethical practices in conducting research

1. Deceiving a respondent about the true purpose of the study.
2. Asking the respondent questions that cause him or her extreme
embarrassment, guilt emotional turmoil by remaining him or her of an
unpleasant experience.
3. Invading the privacy of a respondent.
4. Studying the respondents or research subjects without their knowledge
5. When analyzing data – revealing only the facts, presenting facts out of context,
falsifying findings, offering misleading presentation such as lying with

(DepEd, 2020)
Practical Research 1

Plagiarism refers to the act of using another person’s ideas, works,
processes, and results without giving due credit. It should not be
tolerated as the unauthorized use of original works, a violation of
intellectual property rights.

Three different acts are considered plagiarism:

1. Failure to cite quotations and borrowed ideas,
2. Failure to enclose borrowed language in quotation marks, and.
3. Failure to put summaries and paraphrases in your own words.

(DepEd, 2020)
Practical Research 1


Direction: Read the following articles below and answer the questions that
follow. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

(DepEd, 2020)
Practical Research 1

Correct Me if I’m Wrong

Directions: Determine the appropriate ethical action to address the unethical
practices described below. Write your answers on a one whole sheet of paper.
Unethical Practices Ethical Action
1. Joy, a TVL student, is planning to conduct her first research
on misbehavior of fellow students inside the classroom.
However, she has no idea on the ethical guidelines in
conducting such research.

2. Jose was always absent and got addicted in mobile

legends. Though he’s an honor student, he ranked last in the
honor roll. A qualitative research about Jose is conducted
without informing him.

3. Afraid not to graduate, Greg claimed the research work of

his classmate. He erased the name of the original researcher
and placed his own.

(DepEd, 2020)
Department of Education

Practical Research 1
Quarter 1

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