Physical Fitness

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1. Describe a physical fit person
2. Engage in different physical activities
to improve one’s fitness level
3. Appreciate the benefits derived from
being physically fit.
Healthy living and physical fitness are closely connected.
Being physically fit not only help people live healthy, it also
helps people live longer. People who do physical activity and
exercise as part of their daily lives when they are young and
keep it as they grow older benefit from it throughout their
lifespan. Physical activity is defined as any movement that
spends energy. Exercise is a subset of physical activity that is
structured and planned.
Physical Fitness
 is defined as “a physical state of well being that allows people to perform
daily tasks or activities with vigor, reduce the risk of health problem related
to lack of exercise and establishes a fitness base for participation in a
variety of physical activities.”
 refers to the ability to perform daily tasks vigorously and alertly, with
energy reserved for enjoying leisure time activities and meeting emergency
demands. It is the ability to endure, to bear up, and to withstand stress, to
carry out circumstances which an unfit person could not perform. Physical
fitness is the major goal of physical education and is a major basis for good
health and well being.
 Physical fitness involves the performance of the heart, lungs and muscles
of the body.
A. Health-Related Physical Fitness
Health-related physical fitness involves the components of
physical fitness that relate to good health. The components
commonly include body composition, cardiovascular fitness,
flexibility, muscular strength and endurance.
1. Body Composition
 is a health-related component of physical fitness that pertains to the relative
amounts of muscle, fat, bone, and other vital parts of the body. Ideal
percentage for men is between12-16% and for women 15-20%. People with a
high percentage of body fat are more likely to be ill resulting to a higher death
rate among them.

2. Cardiovascular Fitness
 is a health-related component of physical fitness that relates to ability of the
circulatory and respiratory systems to supply oxygen during sustained
physical activity.
3. Flexibility
 is a health-related component of physical fitness that refers to the
range of motion available at a joint. Howley and Frank (1997)
specify the flexibility-required range of motion without discomfort
or pain. Flexibility is specific to each joint of the body. Thus, there
is no general measurement of flexibility as there is for
cardiovascular fitness.
4. Muscular Strength
 is a health-related component of physical fitness that refers to the
ability of the muscle to exert force.
 Like flexibility and muscular endurance, strength is specific in
nature. For true assessment, it would be necessary to test each
major group of the body. laboratory and field tests are similar and
involve the assessment of one repetition maximum (maximum
amount of resistance you can overcome at one time).
5. Muscular Endurance
 is a health-related component of physical fitness that relate to the
muscle ability to continue to perform without fatigue.
 like flexibility, muscular endurance is specific in nature. For true
assessment, it would be necessary to test each major muscle group
of the body. Laboratory and field test are similar and are based on
the number of repetitions that can be performed by the specific
muscle group being tested ( example: repetitions of push-ups or
abdominal curls).
B. Skill-Related Fitness
Skill-related fitness involves the components of physical
fitness that relate to enhanced performance in sports and motor
skills. The components commonly include agility, balance,
coordination, power, speed, and reaction time. Visual Tracking
may also be considered.
1. Agility
 is a skill-related component of physical fitness that pertains to the
ability to rapidly change the position of the entire body in space
with speed and accuracy.

2. Balance
 is a skill-related component of physical fitness that pertains to the
maintenance of equilibrium while stationary or moving.
3. Coordination
 is a skill-related component of physical fitness that refers to the ability to
use the senses as sight and hearing, together with other body parts in
performing motor tasks smoothly and accurately, like eye and hand
coordination while catching the ball.

4. Power
 is a skill-related component of physical fitness that refers to the rate at
which one can perform work. Power is considered to be a combination of
strength and speed. It is also defined as the ability to exert muscle force
quickly. For this reason, Power is a combination of skill and health- related
physical fitness.
 a skill-related component of physical fitness that refers to the
ability to perform a movement within a short period of time.

6. Reaction Time
 is a skill-related component of physical fitness that refers to the
time elapsed between stimulation and beginning of the reaction
to it.
Health Benefits of Physical Fitness
Young and adults can avoid the lack of physical activity which may be
considered a major cause of health problem.

John Abdo identified the benefits of finess.

1. Increasing fitness improves energy.
2. Increasing fitness helps a person think better even when stressed.
3. Increasing fitness improves muscles and bones.
4. Increasing fitness improves your looks.
5. Increasing fitness improves the heart and lungs.

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