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What is it?
is an automatic marketing method whose objective is to focus, evaluate
and obtain leads or potential customers available in a data source based
on their proximity to the ideal customer (buyer person), i.e. whether or
not they match the brand's buyer persona.
their interaction with the company and the point in the buying process
where they are or the opportunity to purchase or expand the products or
services contracted.

The idea is to score the lead and assign it a value, in

relation to all the previous data and its value for the
company and the conversion.
Only scored leads have any chance of being contacted
by the sales team.

There is an enormous diversity of variables that can be considered for the development of a scoring
model. Socio-demographic information could include qualitative variables such as marital status,
education, type of housing, among many others, and quantitative variables such as income, age,
reported ability to pay, among others. A descriptive analysis of these variables will always be
necessary to be able to identify biases and irregularities among the data, as well as its structure, in
order to find possible population cuts, always taking into account a correct view of the business.
Grupo Variables
Type of Housing
Marital Status
Declared ability to pay
Calculated ability to pay
Quantitative Length of previous employment
Variables Number of cars
1. Develop your buyer person: Help to examine your ideal client.

2. Choose the variables: It is important to know the parameters and

characteristics of the clients

3. Calculate the average conversion rate: A very simple formula that

consists of dividing the number of actual sales by the number of
leads for each segment.

For example: If your company completed 10 sales for 20 leads

obtained, the average conversion rate is 50%.

4. Assign the score for your leads: It is important to classify the

5. Determine actions for each group of leads: Specific
strategies are established for each type of customer.

6. CRM Scoring: A tool that helps you analyze, make

calculations and measurements
Types of Lead Scoring
1 2

One-dimensional scoring Multidimensional Scoring

 Mechanism through which the leads can be ordered, with a
weighting that reaches the digits 0 to 100. This evaluation aims  As for multidimensional scoring, it obeys well-defined parameters in
at the purchase of a product and/or service, and allows dimensions, such as the type of variables taken into consideration when
weighting the lead's willingness to reach the specific objective. weighting the leads in a database. Thus, among the most frequent and
Two additional forms of scoring, retrospective and predictive, significant dimensions are the following:
are immersed in this scoring.
 To ensure that the lead fits as well as possible with the buyer persona.
 Retrospective Scoring: It takes place where the amount that  To have previous knowledge of the company, on the part of the user.
will be used to value each one of them is calculated.  In case a person is or is not within the purchase phases, determine where
he/she is located.
 Predictive Scoring: Contains a study of the lead's behavior.  To know the degree of relationship of each user with social networks.
 To know the seasonality, to know from when a client acquires a certain
product; which is very important to establish in turn, the projects of
customer loyalty, because these are the capital of the company.

It is a marketing technique which consists of evaluating and getting leads or

potential customers available in a data source based on its proximity to the
ideal customer, (buyer person) ie whether or not it fits the buyer persona you
want, has several qualitative variables its example would be the gender and
quantitative variable example would be the age, to finish we have two types
of scoring: unidimensional can be retrospective (you can use data from the
past when was the last time you visited the store,) or 'predictive, may come
the weekend with your friends as it does every month, and multidimensional
using more specific variables, has a broader consideration of each user.

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