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20EC401 Analog Integrated Circuits

Module 1 – Basic Information of op-amp,

Differential Amplifier
Instrumentation Amplifier, Integrator and Differentiator
Class: II ECE A
Academic Year: 2021-2022 (Even Semester)
Course Outcomes

Upon completion of the course, students shall have ability to

CO1 Understand the functional blocks of Linear IC and U

conceive the Linear
application based on Operation amplifier
Session Learning Objective

• To understand the principle of

• Instrumentation Amplifier
• Integrator
• Differentiator
Instrumentation Amplifier

• Many industrial and consumer

applications require the measurement and
control of physical conditions.

For example,

• measurements of temperature

• humidity inside a diary plant to accurately

maintain product quality

• precise control of the temperature of a

plastic furnace to produce a particular
grade of plastic, etc.
Instrumentation Amplifier

• These changes in physical conditions must

be converted to electrical quantities using
transducers, and then amplified
• Such amplifiers, which are used to amplify
signals to measure physical quantities are
commonly known as Instrumentation
Instrumentation Amplifier

• The input to an instrumentation

amplifier is the output signal from
the transducer
• A transducer is a device which
converts one form of energy into
• Most of the transducer outputs are
of very low-level signals
Instrumentation Amplifier

• it is necessary to amplify the level

of the signal, rejecting noise and
the interference
• The general single ended
amplifiers are not suitable for
such operations
• For the rejection of noise,
amplifiers must have high
common-mode rejection ratio
Instrumentation Amplifier

• The special amplifier

which is used for such
low-level amplification
with high CMRR, high
input impedance to avoid
loading is an
Instrumentation Amplifier
• The instrumentation amplifier is
intended for precise, low-level
signal amplification where high
input resistance, low noise and
accurate closed-loop gain is
• low power consumption, high slew
rate and high common-mode
rejection ratio are desirable for
good performance
Requirements of a Good Instrumentation Amplifier

• Finite, Accurate and Stable

• Easier Gain Adjustment
• High Input Impedance
• Low Output Impedance
• High CMRR
Three Op-Amp Instrumentation Amplifier

• The most commonly used

Instrumentation amplifiers
consist of three op-amps
• In this circuit, a non-inverting
amplifier is connected to each
input of the differential amplifier
• This instrumentation amplifier
provides high input impedance for
Instrumentation Amplifier
exact measurement of input data from
• The circuit diagram of an
instrumentation amplifier is as shown
in the figure
• The op-amps 1 & 2 are non-inverting
amplifiers and together form an input
stage of the instrumentation amplifier
• The op-amp 3 is a difference amplifier
that forms the output stage of the
instrumentation amplifier
Working of Instrumentation Amplifier

• The output stage of the

instrumentation amplifier is a
difference amplifier
• output Vout is the amplified
difference of the input signals applied
to its input terminals
• If the outputs of op-amp 1 and op-
amp 2 are Vo1 and Vo2
• then the output of the difference
amplifier is given by

• Vout = (R3/R2)(Vo1-Vo2)
Working of Instrumentation Amplifier

• Consider the input stage of

the instrumentation amplifier
as shown in the figure
• The potential at node A is the
input voltage V1
• Hence the potential at node B
is also V1, from the virtual
short concept
• Thus, the potential at node G
is also V1
Working of Instrumentation Amplifier

• The potential at node D is the input

voltage V2
• Hence the potential at node C is also V2,
from the virtual short
• Thus, the potential at node H is also V2
• Ideally the current to the input stage op-
amps is zero
• Therefore the current I through the
resistors R1, Rgain and R1 remains the
• Apply Ohm’s law between the nodes E
and F,
• I = (Vo1-Vo2)/(R1+Rgain+R1) --- 1
• I = (Vo1-Vo2)/(2R1+Rgain)
Working of Instrumentation Amplifier
• Since no current is flowing to the input of the op-amps 1 &
2, the current I between the nodes G and H can be given as,
I = (VG-VH)/Rgain = (V1-V2)/Rgain ---- 2
Equating equations 1 and 2,
(Vo1-Vo2)/(2R1+Rgain) = (V1-V2)/Rgain
(Vo1-Vo2) = (2R1+Rgain)(V1-V2)/Rgain ---- 3
• The output of the difference amplifier is given as,
Vout = (R3/R2) (Vo1-Vo2)
Therefore, (Vo1 – Vo2) = (R2/R3)Vout
Substituting (Vo1 – Vo2) value in the equation 3, we
(R2/R3)Vout = (2R1+Rgain)(V1-V2)/Rgain
i.e. Vout = (R3/R2){(2R1+Rgain)/Rgain}(V1-V2)
The above equation gives the output voltage of an
instrumentation amplifier.
The overall gain of the
amplifier is given by the term
Working of Instrumentation Amplifier

• The overall voltage gain of an instrumentation

amplifier can be controlled by adjusting the value of
resistor Rgain

• The common mode signal attenuation for the

instrumentation amplifier is provided by the
difference amplifier
Advantages of Three Op-amp Instrumentation Amplifier

• The gain of a three op-amp instrumentation amplifier circuit can be easily

varied and controlled by adjusting the value of Rgain without changing the
circuit structure
• The gain of the amplifier depends only on the external resistors used
• it is easy to set the gain accurately by choosing the resistor values carefully
• The input impedance of the instrumentation amplifier is dependent on the
non-inverting amplifier circuits in the input stage
• The input impedance of a non-inverting amplifier is very high
• The output impedance of the instrumentation amplifier is the output
impedance of the difference amplifier, which is very low
• The CMRR of the op-amp 3 is very high and almost all of the common
mode signal will be rejected
Transducer Bridge Instrumentation Amplifier

• The resistive transducer bridge is a network of

resistors whose resistance varies due to changes in
some physical condition
• For example, Thermistors change their resistance with
temperature and Light Dependent Resistors change
their resistance to change in light intensity
• By making such a bridge as a part of the circuit, it is
possible to produce an electrical signal proportional to
the change in the physical quantity being measured
Transducer Bridge Instrumentation Amplifier
• Let the resistance of the transducer device in the resistive bridge be RT and the
change in its resistance be ΔR
• The effective resistance of the transducer device is RT ±ΔR. The resistive bridge
is supplied with a DC voltage, Vdc
• When the bridge is balanced, i.e. at some reference condition of the physical
quantity being measured, we get,
• Va = Vb
Transducer Bridge Instrumentation Amplifier
• RA(Vdc)/(RA+RT) = RB(Vdc)/(RB+RC)
• Under this condition, the differential input to the instrumentation amplifier is
• VDiff = Vb – Va = 0
• Thus, the output of the amplifier is zero. Consequently, the display device connected at the output displays the reference
value of the physical quantity being measured
• The reference condition is generally chosen by the designer and it depends on the device characteristics of the transducer,
the type of physical quantity being measured and the type of the application
• When there is a change in the physical quantity being measured, the voltage Va will no longer be equal to Vb. This is
because the resistance of the transducer device changes from RT to (RT ± ΔR)
• This produces a differential input for the instrumentation amplifier and the output of the amplifier will no longer be zero
Transducer Bridge Instrumentation Amplifier
• The resistances RB and RC are constant and hence the voltage VB remains same as before, i.e.
• Vb = RB(Vdc)/(RB+RC)
• But the voltage Va changes due to the change in resistance of the transducer device and is now
given as,
• Va = RA(Vdc)/(RA+RT+ ΔR)
• The differential voltage VDiff is,
• VDiff = Vb – Va
• VDiff = {RB(Vdc)/(RB+RC)} – {RA(Vdc)/(RA+RT+ ΔR)}
Transducer Bridge Instrumentation Amplifier
• If all the resistances in the circuit are chosen to be of same value, i.e. RA = RB = RC = RT = R
VDiff = {R(Vdc)/(2R)} – {R(Vdc)/(2R+ ΔR)}
VDiff = {RVdc[2R+ΔR] – R.Vdc.2R}/ 2R(2R+ΔR)
VDiff = .Vdc[+ΔR-]/{2(2R+ΔR)}
VDiff = ΔR(Vdc)/{2(2R+ΔR)}
If the value of VDiff is positive, it indicates that Vb is greater than Va.
The output of the instrumentation amplifier is given as,
VO = (R3/R2)Vd
Vo = (R3/R2) [ΔR(Vdc)/{2(2R+ΔR)}]
As the change in resistance ΔR << 2R, Vo can be written as,
Vo = (R3/R2)[ΔR/4R](Vdc)
From the above equation, it can be noted that the output depends on the change in the resistance ΔR. The display can be
calibrated in terms of the units of the physical quantity being measured.

• Circuits which perform the

mathematical operations such as
differentiation and integration are called
as differentiator and integrator

• A differentiator is an
electronic circuit that
produces an output
equal to the first
derivative of its input

• An op-amp based
differentiator produces an
output, which is equal to
the differential of input
voltage that is applied to its
inverting terminal
• The circuit diagram of an
op-amp based
differentiator is shown
• the non-inverting input terminal of
the op-amp is connected to ground
• According to the virtual short
concept, the voltage at the inverting
input terminal of opamp will be
equal to the voltage present at its
non-inverting input terminal
• So, the voltage at the inverting input
terminal of op-amp will be zero volts
• The nodal equation at the inverting
input terminal's node is −
• the non-inverting input terminal of the op-amp is connected to
• According to the virtual short concept, the voltage at the
inverting input terminal of opamp will be equal to the voltage
present at its non-inverting input terminal
• So, the voltage at the inverting input terminal of op-amp will be
zero volts
• The nodal equation at the inverting input terminal's node is −

• the op-amp based differentiator circuit shown above will

produce an output, which is the differential of input voltage Vi,
when the magnitudes of impedances of resistor and capacitor
are reciprocal to each other

• Note that the output voltage V0 is having a negative sign, which

indicates that there exists a 180 degree phase difference between
the input and the output

• is an electronic circuit that produces an

output that is the integration of the
applied input

• op-amp based integrator

produces an output, which
is an integral of the input
voltage applied to its
inverting terminal
• The circuit diagram of an
op-amp based integrator
is as shown
• The nodal equation at the inverting input terminal is −

Integrating both sides of the equation shown above, we get −

If RC=1sec, then the output voltage, V0 will be −

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