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• First written record about the nervous system, Egypt (~ 1700, MÖ)

• Hieroglyphic for «Brain»

• 1839 - Theodor Schwann: Proposes the cell theory

• 1906 - Italian scientist Camillo Golgi and Spanish neuroscientist Santiago Ramón y Cajal receive the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for
their studies of the structure of the nervous system. 

• 1952: Electrophysiology: A technique for understanding how nerve cells send electrical signals
• 1963: Nobel for work on the mechanisms of the neuron cell membrane.
• 1970: Nobel for work on neurotransmitters.
• 2000: Nobel for for discoveries concerning signal transduction in the nervous system (Eric Kandel, 1/3)
• 2011: Birth of the Brain Activity Map (BAM) concept (BRAIN initiative tohum fikirleri, Allen/Gatsby/Kavli)
• 2013 Feb : President Obama announces the BRAIN Initiative and calls for investment in brain research.
Oligodendrocyte precursor cell (a type of brain cell)
credit: Allen Institute

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