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Grammar ( some, any, how much/many; too much/many; a few, a little;

few/little; a lot of/lots of)

High heels
Brojive i nebrojive imenice i izrazi za
Siingular only
Singular Plural

A child children imagination

A shoe shoes advertising

A pair pairs work

A sandal sandals
Brojive imenice - Countable –
se koriste uz:
Very few books
A few books - nekoliko knjiga
How many books –Koliko

Nebrojive imenice –
Uncountable se koriste uz:
Very little sugar –veoma malo
Too much sugar – suviše
mnogo šećera.
How much sugar and coffee?

I uz brojive i uz nebrojive se
koriste: any, some, a lot of/
lots of
A few, a little, some – potvrdnim rečenicama a many much any u
negativnim i u pitanjima.
Complete the sentences with the quantifiers
in the box.
• any, how many , little, lot of, some(2x), too much
1 You have got a _______________presents!
2 __________________________do you think you have got?
3 My parents gave me _____________ money.
4 Try______________birthday cake.
5 I ’ll just have a _____________, please.
6 Have you got __________orange juice?
7 Yes, I bought 10 litres. I think we have __________________

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