Techniques in Organizing Information

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• What did you do to come up with those idea?

• Is giving time limit makes you think faster or slower?
• Do you think brainstorming is useful? Why?
• In what way brainstorming is useful?
Discuss brainstorming and graphic organizer and their
Use these techniques in gathering information;
Enhance writing techniques;
Value the techniques in organizing information
• Text-Large unit of written language
• Discourse-expression of ideas
1. Brainstorming-is an individual/group activity, using
technique efforts are made to make a solution to a
particular problem. Ideas are gathered and listed from the
input of every member
Examples of Brainstorming
a. Cubing-an idea is examined from six distinct viewpoints
You describe the topic (what is it?)
Compare and contrast (what is it like or unlike?)
What do you associate it with (what does it remind you
Analyze it (what are its parts?)
Apply it (in what ways can it be utilized?)
Argue for or against (in what ways can you support or
oppose it?)
Examples of Brainstorming

b. Free Writing-set a time limit and number of words and

pages. Just write. It allows someone to work without
c. Listing-list a topics and make a sublist of things you
could write each topic. At this point, do not outline yet,
outline will limit your creativity.
Examples of Brainstorming

d. Mapping-also called webbing or clustering. Involves

writing down ideas and then making connections by
associating similar ideas with color coded circle or
underlined dominant themes or suing distinct patterns and
then showing the relationship by linking with lines.
e. Researching-searching from the library or websites and
make a list of map of new ideas.
2. Graphic Organizer- as a
communication tool, it makes easier to
writer to classify their ideas and to
communicate them to others
Examples of Graphic Organizer
Examples of Graphic Organizer
1. What is the most effective technique in
organizing idea?
2. How useful are they?
3. In what purpose can we use these?
Discuss topic sentence and sentence outline;
Use these techniques in gathering information;
Enhance writing techniques;
Value the techniques in selecting and organizing

• For you, What is the video about? Write your answer in a

atleast three sentences. 5 MINUTES ONLY

• What is topic outline?

• State the purpose of topic outline.
• What is the help of sentence outline in
constructing a paragraph?
Topic Outline

• Provides a quick overview of the topics to be included in

the essay
• Arranges your idea in hierarchically showing main and
• List of words or phrases
• Helps organize thoughts and arguments
• Makes writing easier and more efficient
Topic Outline

• Paper Title
• Major points/arguments indicated by Roman numeral (I,
II, III, IV, V, etc)
• Support for your major points indicated by Arabic
numerals (A, B, C, D, E etc.
Topic Outline
I. First Level (main heading)
A. Second level
1. Third Level
2. Third Level
a. Fourth Level
B. Fourth Level
B. Second Level
II. First level (main heading)
Sentence Outline

• Is done in full sentence

• Allows to include details in the sentences instead
of having to create an outline
• Includes: clarity, flow of argument, efficiency,
writing a length, writing a length, time
Sentence Outline

Steps in Writing a Sentence Outline

• Determine the purpose of your paper.
• Determine the audience you are writing for
• Represented by roman numerals (I - IV) in the outline
(This would mean each point would represent about three
pages of the final paper. These three pages will include
background information, multiple sources, different pieces
of evidence and explanation supporting that point)
Topic: Abraham Lincoln, one of America's greatest and most favored presidents, expresses, in his person and through
his efforts, the essential ideals of American life.
I. Although Abraham Lincoln was born as an ordinary, every day American, he was an extraordinary individual.
A. Abraham Lincoln represents the quintessential example of the self-made man.
B. Abraham Lincoln represents the tradition of the American humorist with his homespun wisdom and clever down-
to-earth repartee.
C. Abraham Lincoln represents the American Adam, the innocent Adam born into the new world.
II. Although Abraham Lincoln was plain-spoken, his writing and speaking style made him a compelling rhetorician.
A. Lincoln's simple yet heartfelt "Farewell Address to Springfield" represents Lincoln's sense of rhythm and balance.
B. Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, through its plain yet careful prose, rewrote American history.
C. Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, despite the limits of its prohibitions on slavery, transformed the Civil War
and changed the world's view of the American conflict.
III. Abraham Lincoln served the United States with firmness and compassion during its most difficult days.
A. Abraham Lincoln, as Supreme Commander of the Union Army, directed the Northern forces in an effort to end
the war as quickly as possible.
B. Lincoln, as arbiter of the Constitution, extended the power of the federal government and laid the foundation for
an increased power of the executive branch.
1. Have a pair. Pick a topic you like. Make a Topic outline of
the category you like.
• Unemployed
• Climate Change
• Drugs
• Pollution
• Social Media
2. Each pair is give 20 minutes to discuss. Write your
answers in a half-crosswise.
Writing Output to be submitted on
December 13, 2017
• Research an article that interest you.
• Rephrase to make a sentence outline. Atleast 150 words.
• Upon submitting your output, attach your article with
the source.

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