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Parts of light vehicle and its functions
The automobile can be considered to consist of five basic
(a) The Engine or Power Plant: It is source of power.
(b) The Frame and Chassis: It supports the engine, wheels, body,
braking system, steering, etc.
(c) The transmission which transmits power from the engine to the
car wheels. It consists of clutch, transmission, shaft, axles and
(d) The body.
(e) Accessories including light, air conditioner/heater, stereo,
wiper, etc.
Washing a car

Cleaning supplies: Cleaning tools and

1. Soap equipment:
2. Shampoo •Vacuum cleaner
3. Rags •Steam cleaner
4. Oil •Mop and basket
5. Air freshener •Pail
6. Polish •Polisher
7. Water •Broom
•Pressure Washer
 Cleaning exterior: 
What you’ll need;
 Car washing soap
 Large non-abrasive sponge
 2 buckets
 Chamois leather or microfiber drying towel
1. Prepare the car. Don’t forget to fully close the windows and doors (the last thing you want
are soggy seats) and hose or rinse off any dust or clumps of dirt. Lift the wipers so you’ll
be able to clean underneath.
2. Fill one of the buckets with warm water and add car-washing soap according to the label’s
instructions. Avoid using washing up liquid, as it can dry out rubber car fittings and cut
through wax polish. Fill the second bucket with warm water.
3. Thoroughly soak the sponge in the soapy bucket and start applying the solution to the car.
Use large circular motions (don’t scrub) and start from the top of the vehicle and work
your way down. Save the wheels until last, as these are usually the dirtiest part of the car.
Use the bucket of plain water to rinse dirt off your sponge between applications.
4. Use a hose or a fresh bucket of clean water to rinse off any bubbles and soap residue (pro
car washing tip; don’t allow the soap to dry, otherwise you’ll get streaks).
5. Starting from the roof down, use the chamois leather to buff the car dry. Again, use a
circular movement to prevent streaks and develop a high shine.
6. When your car is clean and dry, you can also apply a wax specialized polish for extra shine
and protection. For best results, always follow the product instruction .
Cleaning Interior:
What you’ll need;
Vacuum cleaner (with hose attachments)
Lint-free cloths or paper towels
Car cleaning spray or wipes
Glass cleaner or solution of 1 part white vinegar, 2 parts
water in a spray bottle
1. To clean a car interior, first you’ll need to empty out any
rubbish. Take out any floor mats for separate vacuuming.
2. Next, give the interior a full vacuum using the
appropriate attachments, paying particular attention to
seat services, carpeted areas and door pockets
Minor routine checks:

1. Battery
2. Tire air pressure
3. Water level (coolant)
4. Lights
5. Horn
6. Mirrors
7. Propeller BLOWBAGETS
8. Bolts and nuts tightness
9. Brake fluid
10. Oil level
11. Fan belt
12. Wheel bearing
Minor routine repair
blown bulbs in vehicle lights
broken fan belt

blown fuse

broken side mirrors

rear tail-light lens

Minor routine
up of water/coolant levels and brake

•Change/topping of • Air pressure set of tires

engine oils
•Addition of gear oil

•Repacking/greasing of bearing ball

joints, tie rod end

•Tire rotation
What is tire rotation? 
Tire rotation means periodically changing the position of each of
the tires on your vehicle. You should rotate your tires as
recommended by the vehicle manufacturer, or every 5,000 miles.
Regularly rotating your tires also gives you a good opportunity to
visually inspect them for damage, check their air pressure, have
them rebalanced if you’re noticing any vibration, and check their
tread depth.
Why is tire rotation important?
There are several reasons why tire rotation is an important element
of your standard tire care. First, by routinely rotating your tires,
wear is spread evenly across all four tires, and their tread life is
Secondly, even tread wear keeps the tread depth on your tires
uniform, which can help keep traction and handling consistent
across all four tires. This will improve cornering and braking
performance and keep your vehicle safer for driving overall.
Cleaning of battery terminals

Follow these easy steps:

1.First, make sure your car is turned off for safety’s sake. You’ll be touching the battery, so
it’s best to turn it off.
2.Find the battery and remove the terminals. You’ll need a wrench to help you remove
them. Remove the negative terminal first, then the positive one.
3.Check for any damage to your battery. While you’re in there, you might as well make
sure there’s no bulging, cracking or warping present on your battery. These are signs you
may need to replace your battery.
4.You’ll see a white substance on the terminals and inside the cable clamps. This is the
material that needs to be removed. Now you’ll need a few materials: a toothbrush, water,
baking soda, steel wool, a cloth or towel for drying, and petroleum jelly.
5.Mix a very small amount of water with some of the baking soda in a lid or small dish.
Then, use the toothbrush to apply the paste to the terminals and clamps. Scrub thoroughly
until the white substance disappears. If necessary, you can make use of steel wool to help
remove the corrosion. Pay special attention to the insides of the clamps in order to ensure
that your battery connection will be the best possible.
6.Dry everything off with a towel or cloth .
7. Add some petroleum jelly to the terminals and the clamps. This will
help prevent future corrosion.
8. Reconnect the battery, connecting the positive terminal first, then the
negative one.
If the corrosion is really tough, you may want to let the paste of baking
soda and water sit for a few minutes to work on dissolving the corrosion.
Some also report using coca cola instead of baking soda as a cleaning
liquid. Basically, the carbonated water is what does the trick, which is
similar to baking soda in water. The good news is that both items are
commonly found in your kitchen or pantry, so you shouldn’t have trouble
finding one of the two to clean your battery corrosion.
In order to ensure a great battery life and optimal driving, you should
check your battery regularly for corrosion and any other damage. Most
batteries have a life of about 2.5 to 5 years. However, this depends on
the use and whether or not your car is exposed to extreme temperatures
as well as a number of other factors.
Occupational Health and Safety
6.1 Use of personal protective equipment such as:
 Gloves
 Gas mask
 Apron
· Eye goggles

6.2 Open space ventilation for work area

6.3 Provision of fire extinguisher in work area

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