CABALIDA - Herbal Plants

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Herbal Plants

(Uses and Benefits)

Presented By: Jeralyn T. Cabalida
Asthma-plant or Tawa-Tawa
(Euphorbia Hirta)
Uses and/or Benefits:
 Remediation of Respiratory
diseases/ailments (cough,
bronchitis, and asthma)
 Treat some female diseases
 Dysentery, jaundice, gonorrhea,
pimples, tumors, digestive problems
and childhood infection
 Treatment for Dengue
 Promote cell production and prevent
platelet destruction.
Aloe Vera
(Aloe Barbadensis Miller)
Uses and/or Benefits:
 Soothes Burns and Heal
Wounds  Helps treat Rashes and
 Improves Digestive Allergic reactions on the
Health skin
 Eases Intestinal Problems  Promotes oral health
 Reduces Arthritic  Clears acne
Swelling  Relieves anal fissures
 Treat Gum Infections  Lowering blood sugar
 Use for Eye irritations levels
and injuries
Turmeric or Luyang Dilaw
(Curcuma Longa)
Uses and/or
 Treats disorders for
the skin and improves  Antioxidant
skin health
 Anti-inflammatory
 Upper respiratory
tract, joints, and  Improves heart health
digestive system  Aids liver function
 Control blood sugar  Help weight loss
Uses and/or Benefits:
 Anti-Ulcer  Increased Mental Charity
 Vision Improvement  Treats Urinary Disorders
 Normalize Blood Sugar  Reduces Risk of Cancer
 Liver protection  Regulate chronic
Constipation Problems
 Stimulates Hair Growth &
Beautiful Skin  Helps improve body
 Improves Digestion
 Good for your brain
 Reduces Wrinkles/Age lines
 Helps prevent Kidney
 Detoxification Problems
 Improves Wound Healing  Anti-Tumor
Ginger or Luya
(Zingiber Officinale)
Uses and/or Benefits:
 Treat many form of
Nausea or morning  Reduce Menstrual Pain
 Lower Cholesterol levels
 Help for weight loss
 Helps prevent Cancer
 Help with Osteoarthritis
 Improve Brain Function
 Lower Blood sugars and
 Help fight Infections
Heart disease risk factors
 Help treat Chronic
Five-leaved chaste tree or Lagundi
(Vitex Negundo)

Uses and/or Benefits:

Treats wounds,
headaches, ulcers, skin Treat also other
diseases, diarrhea, and Respiratory Problems
common cold. Antibacterial
Anti-Cough Anti-inflammatory
Relieve Asthma Used for Mouthwash
Gotu Kola or Takip Kuhol
(Centella Asiatica)
Uses and/or Benefits:
Treat syphilis, hepatitis, stomach ulcer, mental
fatigue, epilepsy, diarrhea, fever and asthma.
Used for Ointments to treat Psoriasis and heal
minor wounds
Can enhance your memory and overall
cognitive function
Lemongrass or Tanglad
Uses and/or  Stimulates the Uterus
Benefits: and Menstrual Flow
and have Antioxidant
 Prevent growth of Properties
some Bacteria and
Yeast  Treat Convulsions,
Pain, Vomiting, Cough
 Relieve Pain and and Achy Joints
Swelling (Rheumatism)
 Improve levels of Sugar Treats Common Cold,
and Cholesterol in the Fever, and Exhaustion.
Bitter Gourd or Ampalaya
(Momordica Charantia)
Uses and/or Benefits:
 Acts as a Hypoglycemic Agent
 Rich source of Soluble Fiber
 Low Glycemic Index, which helps lowering
Blood Sugar Level
 Relieves Constipation and Indigestion
 Packs several important Nutrients
 Have Cancer-Fighting Properties
 Aid Weight Loss
Forest Tea or Tsaang Gubat
(Ehretia Microphylla)
Uses and/or Benefits:
 Herbal medicine to help relieve abdominal
pain and diarrhea in adults
 Good for sore throats
 Brings clarity and mental clearness
 Helps for depression, obesity, allergies and
high blood pressure.
(Garcinia Mangostana)
Uses and/or Benefits:
 Used to treat diarrhea, urinary tract infections
(UTI), gonorrhea, thrush, tuberculosis,
menstrual disorders, cancer, osteoarthritis,
and intestinal infections called dysentery.
 Stimulating the Immune System and
Improving Mental Health.
 Strong antioxidant, anti-cancer, anti-
inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-microbial and
anti-malarial properties.
Painted Coleus or Mayana
(Coleus Blumei)
Uses and/or Benefits:
 Traditionally used folkloric medicine and primarily
used for pain, sore, swelling, and cuts and it other
instances as adjunct medication for delayed
menstruation and diarrhea.
 Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory.
 Treatment for headache and swelling.
 For bruises and sprains.
 Supports heart health and digestive health.
 For insomnia and reduces cancer risk.
King of Bitters or Sinta
(Andrographis Paniculata)
Uses and/or Benefits:
 Used for traditional Asian medicines.
 Treat sore throat, coughs, swollen tonsils, and
 Reduces Phlegm.
 This herbs has anti-inflammatory and anti-
microbial properties.
 Treats certain skin diseases (boils, scabies)
Oregano or Philippine Oregano
(Origanum Vulgare)
Uses and/or Benefits:
 Have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial,
antifungal, and antiviral.
 Helps decreases melanin production &
may be used for skin whitening purposes.
 Traditionally used to treat respiratory,
gastrointestinal, menstrual, and urinary
tract disorders.
 Improves digestive and cardiovascular
Holy Basil or Sulasi
(Ocimum Sanctum)
Uses and/or Benefits:
 Help prevent chemical induced skin, liver, oral and
lung cancer.
 It has several traditional uses particularly well-known
as an adaptogen and is used for stress reliever.
 Cognitive enhancer.
 Increases stamina
 Anti-aging, anti-allergy
 Reduces cancer risk/anti-tumor.
Seed-under-Leaf or Sampa-sampalukan
(Phyllanthus Niruri)
Uses and/or Benefits:
 Identified to have HIV-1 Reverse
transcriptase inhibition thus making it a
potential anti-HIV agent.
 Possess aldose reductase inhibition making
it useful for diabetes.
 Antioxidant, hepatoprotective,
gastroprotective, anti-hepatitis B,anti-HIV,
antidiabetic, and lipid lowering activities.
 Cough and cold remedy.
Black Mulberry
(Morus Nigra)
Uses and/or Benefits:
 Antioxidant which decreases stroke
 Helps treats colds and flu
 Improves eye health, digestive health,
metabolism, and blood circulation
 Support weight loss.
 Boosts immunity
 Anti-aging
Jute Mallow or Saluyot
(Corchorus Olitorius)
Uses and/or Benefits:
 Medicinal uses including prevention and
treatment of diabetes mellitus, gestational
diabetes in pregnant women, arthritis, fever,
colds, diarrhea, ulcer, hypertension,
cardiovascular problems, asthma and cancer.
 Saluyot tea or leaf infusion is also used to help
treat headache, stomachache, and dysentery.
 Maintains healthy skin and reduces wrinkles.
 Helps fight infection.
Capsicum or Sili
(Capsicum Fructescens)
Uses and/or Benefit:
 Has anti-inflammatory, bacterial,
antifungal, and anti-diabetic properties.
 Treats gastrointestinal
problems/digestive aid.
 Improves metabolism
 Helps clear congestion
 Assist weight loss
 Improves blood circulation
False Daisy
(Eclipta Prostrata)
Uses and/or Benefits:
 The leaf extract of Eclipta found to be a
powerful liver tonic. It is good for hair
 The plant essence is extracted as
rasayan for the longevity and
 It is used against dysentery, anemia, eye
diseases, asthma and liver cirrhosis.
Garlic or Bawang
(Allium Sativum)
Uses and/or Benefits:
 Use for high blood pressure, high levels
of cholesterol or other fats in the blood,
and hardening of the arteries.
 It is also used to treat common cold,
osteoarthritis, and other conditions.
 Stabilizes sugar level
Asian Ginseng
(Panax Ginseng)
Uses and/or Benefits:
 Medical plants whose roots are usually steeped
to make a tea or dried to make a powder.
 Also helps improve mood and boost endurance
as well as treat cancer, heart disease, hepatitis
C, high blood pressure and menopausal
 Treat hypodynamia, anorexia, shortness of
breath, palpitation, insomnia, impotence,
hemorrhage, and diabetes.
Uses and/or Benefits:
 The leaf and the oil are used as medicine.
 Used for the common cold, cough,
inflammation of the mouth and throat, sinus
infections and other respiratory infections.
 Help improve digestion, freshen your breath
and improve concentration.
 It has antibacterial properties and may
improve allergy symptoms, headaches, and
clogged airways.
(Matricaria Chamomilla)
Uses and/or Benefits:
 Used as digestive relaxant and has been
used to treat various gastrointestinal
disturbances including flatulence,
indigestion, diarrhea, anorexia, motion
sickness, nausea and vomiting.
 Also used to treat colic, croup, and
fevers in children.
 Reducing menstrual pain and helping
with sleep and relaxation.
Blumea Camphor or Sambong
(Blumea Balsamifera)
Uses and/or Benefits:
 It is used as herbal treatment for kidney
stones, cuts or wounds, rheumatism,
diarrhea, spasms, colds, coughs, and
 Anti-obesity, antibacterial, antifungal,
and anti-parasitic.
 Expectorant
 Reduces cancer risk
Black Currant Tree or Bignay
(Antidesma Bunius)
Uses and/or Benefits:
 Traditional herbal remedy for diabetes and
gastrointestinal problems.
 It possess antioxidant properties that help
improve overall health.
 Improves metabolism.
 Lowers cholesterol.
 Anti-aging and supports cardiovascular health.
 Assists weigh loss.
Thank You! 

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