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Week 23, Day One- Murder Mystery

HW # 73-   Review your Murder Mystery work. Be

sure all of your notes are up to date.

Warm up

Why is it important to “seal off” a crime scene? What types

of evidence to investigators collect from a crime scene?
Warm up Response

Homework Response/Check
• Did you complete your Pedigree worksheets?

• Did you review the results of your karyotyping

analysis (the one in Google Drive)?
Goals for Today

• Murder Mystery
The rain fell violently on the night of
February 24, 2013. A dinner party was being
held at the home of an eccentric man,
Captain Relish.
Captain Relish, a mysterious person, was just
released from prison and possesses a new
name. He decided to have a celebration
party with people he considered
7:00 p.m.

Captain Relish escorted Norma Nanny,

Theresa Thyme, Fred Fleckstone, Sam
Stubs and Glen Glendora to the dinner
table. Although the guests didn’t know
it, each one’s life was somehow affected
by Captain Relish.
7:30 p.m.

The host and guests sat down to a dinner

of tomato soup, fresh garden salad, prime
rib, baked potato, and small talk.
7:35 p.m.

The lights of the house suddenly went

out. Chairs rustled, people screamed
and Captain Relish groaned loudly.
7:36 p.m.

The lights turned on to show Captain

Relish slumped forward, his face in his
tomato soup and a large steak knife in the
back of his neck.
7:40 p.m.

The police are called.

7:55 p.m.

The police arrive.

8:00 p.m.

Captain Relish is officially pronounced

dead at the scene.
What information Why?
should we collect?
Evidence from the What we will be
crime lab. looking for. .
Blood found everywhere. Suspect blood types.
Pens found on each Check to see if the pen
suspect. matches the one used to
write the death note.
Knife Blood
Fingerprints IF possible
Fingerprints on the knife, Matches to our suspects?
drinking glass, etc.
In addition:
we will need to find out the blood type of each suspect AND
do a complete genetic analysis.
Let’s review what we know so far:

You may want to note this information on your Lab

Evidence Report summary sheet (p. 4)

Marfan Syndrome?
Huntington’s Disease?
Chromomsome Disorder?

Blood Type (guess- based on pedigree work).

Normal Male Karyotype
Normal Female Karyotype
Sam Stubs
Norma Nanny
Captain Relish
Glen Glendora
Fred Fleckstone
Theresa Thyme
Let’s review what we know so far:

You may want to note this information on your Lab

Evidence Report summary sheet (p. 4)

Marfan Syndrome? Fred Fleckstone

Huntington’s Disease? Norma Nanny, Sam Stubs,
Glen Glendora
Chromomsome Disorder? Captin Relish, Fred Fleckstone
Theresa Thyme

Blood Type (guess- based on pedigree work).

Sam Stubs- O; Norma Nanny- A; Captain Relish- ?
Glen Glendora- A; Fred Fleckstone – O; Theresa Thyme- A

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