Civil War Speeches

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Civil War Speeches

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Station: Presidential Speeches
Directions: Answer the following questions about these presidential speeches. Support your answers with TEXT EVIDENCE!

Speech Questions

1. Does Lincoln want a Civil War?

Abraham Lincol Lincoln does not want a civil war and believes that “there needs to be no bloodshed or violence,” regarding the differences of opinions within the nation. He believes
n’s First Inaugur that the constitution bestowed upon the United States of America is there to bring unity amongst the nation by satisfying the needs of both political viewpoints.
al Address
2. Does Lincoln believe that secession is legal?
Lincoln is not in favor for secession because he believes it’s “the essence of anarchy.” The essence of Anarchy serves as a flaw in the Union that is frowned upon by

3. Who does Lincoln believe would be at fault for starting the Civil War?
Along with his belief that the south’s “dissatisfied fellow-countrymen”decision to secede started the war, he mentions how Harriet Beecher Stowe’s book played a major
impact as well.

Jefferson Davis’ 4. Does Davis want a Civil War?

Inaugural Addres Davis is not in favor for civil war as he wishes to “peaceably pursue [there] separate careers,” that benefit their own interested without the interference of the others’
s opinions. However, if the Union fails to allow their own peacekeeping by invoking war, the confederacy will “appeal with arms” and defend their just cause.

5. Does Davis believe that secession is legal?

Davis is for the idea of secession as he believes it’s a “necessity, not a choice” and that “henceforth [their] energies should be directed to the conduct of our own affairs.”

6. Who does Davis believe would be at fault for starting the Civil War?
Davis strongly believed that the Union’s oppression and view on the country is the cause of the Civil War, and he states that there was “absence of wrong on [his
country’s] part”.

7. Based on this speech, how does Lincoln plan to approach the reconstruction of the US?
Abraham Lincol
n’s Second Inaug Lincoln believes that “with charity for all [and] with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right,” that he should patch up the Unions wounds.
ural Address
Compare & Contrast
Lincoln First Lincoln Second
Inaugural Speech Inaugural Speech
- In both Second
-Lincoln’s First speeches, Inaugural
Inaugural Speech Lincoln
Speech is
is dedicated to how he did dedicated to the
mentioning the not want the
hardships that
problems the that was
war has brought
United States going to
upon both sides
faces and how before and
and how Lincoln
the after the
Lincoln chooses war started. will choose to
to solve these reunify and heal
problems. the nation.
Compare & Contrast
Lincoln First Jefferson Davis
Inaugural Speech Inaugural Speech

- Believed - Believed
secession -Both presidents secession was
brought an
were against
emphasized on
necessary for
essence of there reasoning the south to
behind their
anarchy towards points and
continue their
the union that believed a civil political and
war would bring
disagreed with unnecessary economical
the ideals bloodshed upon interests
the states
mentioned in -Believed that the without having
the constitution.
other side was to deal with the
responsible for
the war interference of
the North
Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address

Directions: Read Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address and answer the following questions. Support your answers with TEXT

Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address

1. Why was the Gettysburg Address significant?

The Gettysburg was significant as it discussed the several people who laid their lives for the different causes of the nation. It also
mentions that “the dead shall not die in vain” rather they would contribute to the rebirth of the nation.

2. What does Lincoln say the Civil War is a test of?

Lincoln believes that the Civil War is a test of whether each nation “can long endure” the grueling effects the war has brought upon

3. In your own words explain what Lincoln is saying in the last sentence of his address.
I believe that lincoln is trying to state that the contributions of the deceased soldiers will not go in vain rather they would serve in the
“new birth of freedom” bestowed in the new nation.

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