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01. Introduction to 02. Aircraft Catapult
topics System

03. Aircraft Arresting 04. EMAS 05. Summary


We’re going to be discussing the topics of Aircraft

Catapult Systems, Aircraft Arresting Systems and
Engineered Materials Arresting System. Also we will
look into how each of these systems work and how are
they useful in modern times.
Aircraft Catapult and Arresting
Aircraft Catapults and Arresting

Aircraft Carrier Solution

• Large floating cities of aircrafts. • Aircraft Catapult System
• Allow take-off and landing of • Aircraft Arresting
aircraft in middle of ocean System

Problem How it works?

• Shorter runway of about • Aircraft Catapult Systen
300 feet.
Aircraft Catapults and Arresting

Aircraft Carrier Solution

• Large floating cities of aircrafts. • Aircraft Catapult System
• Allow take-off and landing of • Aircraft Arresting
aircraft in middle of ocean System

Problem How it works?

• Shorter runway of about • Aircraft Catapult System
300 feet.
• Aircraft Arresting
Engineered Materials Arresting System
• An Engineered Materials Arresting System uses a specially
installed surface which quickly stops any aircraft that moves
onto it.
• EMAS may be installed at the end of some runways to
reduce the extent, and associated risks, of any overrun off
the end of the runway compared to the equivalent soft
ground distance.

• As such it may be an alternative to a Runway End Safety Area (RESA)

where the topography precludes the full recommended length of a RESA
or it may be used in addition to a full length RESA where precipitous
terrain immediately follows the end of the RESA.
• Operationally, it may also be installed to prevent an overrun affecting
other runways and therefore increasing the capacity consequences of an
overrun as in the case of the Madrid installation.
SAS Flight 901 overrun on landing at KJFK, 28 Feb 84
• The core application of EMAS has been seen as locations
where the ground profile at the end of a runway is such that
the consequences of a landing overrun, or one following
a rejected take off initiated from high speed, are serious
damage to, or the complete destruction, of an aircraft.
• More recently, it has been promoted as an option to avoid an
overrun trajectory conflicting with the extended centerline of
another runway.

• It has also been argued that it is not only an alternative to a longer RESA,

where the criteria for the profile of the latter cannot be met, but is also an
alternative which will ensure that high speed overruns will be stopped
even where the full recommended RESA length may not be sufficient for
an aircraft to stop within it.

Aircraft Launching System Aircraft Arresting System EMAS

 Used on Aircraft Carriers  Simple hook and wire system  Installed at the end of some
 Steam Powered, takes about 1 hour runways
 Can bring an aircraft from 240
for preparation kmph to 0 in just 2 seconds  Reduces the extent, and
 EMALS, takes about 15 minutes for within 100 meters associated risks, of any overrun
 Can accelerate an aircraft from 0 to
265 kmph in just 2 seconds
Thank you

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