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Report by:
Mihir Patel

Oliver Hardy RRSP
Current Portfolio
Asset Classes Current Asset Mix Value

BMO US Equity Class Classic 35% $71,652

FMOQ Canadian Bond 30% $61,416
Fidelity Intl Growth Class Sr A 25% $51,180
Franklin ActiveQuant Canadian 5% $10,236
HSBC Canadian Money Market 5% $10,236
Total 100% $204,719

Oliver Hardy RRSP
Asset Allocation Review
Asset Classes Current Mix Investor Profile: Asset Allocation
Balanced Rebalance
Cash 5% 0% -5%
Fixed Income 30% 50% -20%
Canadian Equity 5% 20% +15%
US Equity 35% 20% -15%
Foreign Developed Equities 25% 10% -15%
Foreign Emerging Markets 0% 0% 0%

• Here is your current Asset mix compared with the desired investment mix
that is the result of the questionnaire you filled out.
• Now why is this important?

Oliver Hardy RRSP
Portfolio Analysis: Style Box

• Your current portfolio is heavily weighted in large cap equities with a small
percentage in mid cap, but very small in small cap.
• Given your orientation towards a more balanced oriented portfolio, in
addition to your long time horizon, some exposure to small cap, equities
would give you an opportunity to potential achieve a higher return for a
little additional risk.
• This will increase the likelihood of achieving your goal to retire at 61. 4
Oliver Hardy RRSP
Portfolio Analysis: Sector/Region Analysis
-Your portfolio leans heavily towards
cyclicals such as technology (20.86%) and
industrials (16.17%), and Sensitives such as
financial (15.60%), helthcare(12.35%), and
consumer (10.48%).
-This demonstrates a high exposure to the
industrial Market (where industry and
technology are dominant).
-When we then look at the World Regions
graphic, we can see that this is indeed the
case with a 61.72% exposure to the US, a
little in the Canada, and much in Europe
Developed and Japan.
-Going forward, to be in line with your
goals and your investor profile, we’d like to
see your Sector exposure be more
diversified across Cyclicals, Sensitives, and
Defensives in addition to global
diversification across all the world regions.

Oliver Hardy RRSP
Portfolio Analysis: Performance
-The portfolio has lagged the benchmark
portfolio by a considerable amount over
the last 3 years performing at -14.15%
while the benchmark portfolio with similar
asset allocation delivered -11.36%.
-Even over the last year, the portfolio has
been on the losing end by a sizeable
-As we can see in the graph, if you invested
$160,000 in Sept, 2017, you’d have
$200,000 as of month end. Had you
invested in the benchmarks, you’d have
just over $40,000, so a disappointing return
-Finally, If we analyze calendar year
returns, we see underperformance in each
year since 2017.

Oliver Hardy RRSP
Portfolio Analysis: 3 yr Risk/Reward Scatterplot

Oliver Hardy RRSP

Oliver Hardy RRSP

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