Biology Project 2

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• The word ‘apiculture’ comes from
the Latin word ‘apis’ meaning bee.
So, apiculture or beekeeping is the
care and management of honeybees
for the production of honey and
wax. In this method, bees are bred
commercially in apiaries, an area
where a lot of beehives can be
placed. Usually, apiaries are set up
in areas where there are sufficient
bee pastures – such as areas that
have flowering plants.
Scientific study of

• Apiology –is the scientific study of honeybees.

Honeybees are often chosen as a study group to
answer questions on the evolution of social systems.
• Huber confirmed that a hive consists of one queen
who is the mother of all the female workers and
male drones in the colony. He was also the first to
confirm that mating with drones takes place
outside of hives and that queens are inseminated by
a number of successive matings with male drones,
high in the air at a great distance from their hive.
• The main advantages of beekeeping are:
I. Provides honey, which is the most valuable nutritional food.

Importance of II. Provides bee wax which is used in many industries, including
cosmetics industries, polishing industries, pharmaceutical industries,
Beekeeping III. Plays an excellent role in pollination. Honeybees are the best
pollinating agents which help in increasing the yield of several crops.
IV. According to the recent studies, the honeybee’s venom contains a
mixture of proteins which can potentially be used as a prophylactic
to destroy HIV that causes AIDS in humans.
Working at the Beehive

• In a colony, there are 10,000 to 60,000 bees! But all of them

do not collect nectar- there is a strict division of labour. The
queen bee and female bees lay thousands of eggs. Larvae
that hatch are fed royal jelly and the duration that they are
fed will decide their role as a worker or queen. The drone
bees are male and their job is only to help in fertilizing the
eggs laid by the queen, and the worker bees do the actual
work of collecting nectar.
• Every honeybee has a job to do. Some are nurses who take
care of the brood; some are janitors who clean the hive;
others are foragers who gather nectar to make honey.
Collectively, honeybees are able to achieve an incredible
level of sophistication, especially considering their brains
are only the size of sesame seeds.

 Mariculture is an activity involving food production for human consumption. It is an activity
in which aquatic organisms both plants and animals are cultured in a confined environment in
the aquatic medium which may be completely marine or marine mixed to various degrees with
freshwater in the brackish water areas.
 Mariculture has been defined as the cultivation, management, and harvesting of marine
organisms in their natural environment (including estuarine, brackish, coastal, and offshore
waters) or in enclosures such as pens, tanks, or channels.
 Mariculture or marine farming is a specialized branch of aquaculture (which includes
freshwater aquaculture) involving the cultivation of marine organisms for food and
other animal products, in enclosed sections of the open ocean (offshore mariculture), fish
farms built on littoral waters (inshore mariculture), or in artificial
tanks, ponds or raceways which are filled with seawater (onshore mariculture). An example of
the latter is the farming of marine fish, including finfish and shellfish like prawns,
or oysters and seaweed in saltwater ponds. Non-food products produced by mariculture
include: fish meal, nutrient agar, jewellery (e.g. cultured pearls), and cosmetics.
 The range of organisms cultured
includes seaweeds, mollusks, 
crustaceans, fish and, a more recent
development, echinoderms. As with
all forms of aquaculture, operations
range from extensive to highly
 At one extreme, extensive mariculture is
simply based on the protection of the stock to
improve survival rates of wild juveniles, with
few or no nutrients supplied; at the other
extreme, intensive mariculture may take place
in an enclosed system where all nutrients
are provided by the farmer and the
environment is maintained through water
filtration, sterilization and oxygenation, and
the control of light and temperature regimes. 

Mariculture is and will increasingly become an important producer of aquatic food in coastal
areas, as well as a source of employment and income for many coastal communities. Well-
planned and -managed mariculture can also contribute positively to coastal environmental
integrity. However, mariculture’s future development will occur, in many areas, with increasing
pressure on coastal resources caused by rising populations, and increasing competition for
resources. Thus, considerable attention will be necessary to improve the environmental
management of aquaculture through environmentally sound technology and better management,
supported by effective policy and planning strategies and legislation
M A D E B Y:
B H AV YA S H A H ( 2 5 )
J I L AY S H A H ( 2 7 )
P R AT H A M S H A H ( 2 9 )
R I VA S H A H ( 3 0 )
P R I YA N S H U S O N I ( 3 3 )
D E VA M S U R T I ( 3 4 )

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